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Fail of Your Day



  • You don't even know me! I don't know you! What the fuck kind of guy does that. Fuck that guy!
    I think that was his intention.
    You don't get to know girls by randomly kissing them after meeting them withing two minutes. Ugh!
  • Fuck that guy!
    I think that was his intention.
  • You don't even know me! I don't know you! What the fuck kind of guy does that. Fuck that guy!
    I think that was his intention.
    You don't get to know girls by randomly kissing them after meeting them withing two minutes. Ugh!
    The only person it worked for was Richard Dawson who was the host of the old version of Family Feud, and was known as the "Kissing Bandit".
  • Oh God! Viga's been fuzzle dumplinged!
  • Oh God! Viga's been fuzzle dumplinged!
    Eugh. Thank goodness he wasn't a penis demon...
  • You don't get to know girls by randomly kissing them after meeting them withing two minutes. Ugh!
    Well if you asked my friends while they are drinking..... they would not say anything, being it is very hard to speak while lached on to someone by the mouth
  • I finished my long island so I danced. A guy danced with me which is cool. I dance with everyone anyway. Just because I say you can dance with me doesn't mean you could kiss me. What the fuck! You don't even know me! I don't know you! What the fuck kind of guy does that. Fuck that guy!
    You're a calmer person that me, Viga, dude put his hands on me when I didn't want him to, and I damn near broke his wrist.
  • dude put his hands on me when I didn't want him to, and I damn near broke his wrist.
    A friend of mine tried to kiss another friend of mine (different friend groups -- crossing the streams!) and she bit his tongue -- hard.
  • I finished my long island so I danced. A guy danced with me which is cool. I dance with everyone anyway. Just because I say you can dance with me doesn't mean you could kiss me. What the fuck! You don't even know me! I don't know you! What the fuck kind of guy does that. Fuck that guy!
    You're a calmer person that me, Viga, dude put his hands on me when I didn't want him to, and I damn near broke his wrist.
    To be fair, it was his lips, not his hands.
  • I finished my long island so I danced. A guy danced with me which is cool. I dance with everyone anyway. Just because I say you can dance with me doesn't mean you could kiss me. What the fuck! You don't even know me! I don't know you! What the fuck kind of guy does that. Fuck that guy!
    You're a calmer person that me, Viga, dude put his hands on me when I didn't want him to, and I damn near broke his wrist.
    I should of. The old me would of, but I just walked away quickly to the bathroom to wipe my mouth. He tasted like sweat. Eww.
  • After much hard work in an attempt to return my sleeping pattern to normal, I ended up sleeping intermittently for about eighteen hours. I am now right back where I started.
  • So, the date:

    -Quiet , awkward lunch. Eased up at the end. Set dinner plans after discovering a mutual interest in horticulture.
    -Walk down the quad, invited back to her dorm.
    -Hang in her dorm. Our musical tastes are basically identical; we start mad hitting it off.
    -Leave dorm. We repeat plans, offhand I say, "It's a date then." She goes "Uh, I have a confession...I actually have a boyfriend. I probably should have clarified that earlier." I leave like a gentleman and curse all the way home.


    She apologized for awkwardness, and is still up for said dinner plans. Should I do it? Does the following CW apply?

  • Keep hanging out with her. You don't know the details of the situation, maybe it's a long distance thing, maybe she's thinking of breaking up with him. At the very worst, you have a cool new friend. Just trust that she knows what she's doing and keep going, as long as she doesn't try and take advantage of you.
  • edited August 2009
    The "You made new friend *Zelda item jingle*." is the important thing.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I just spiĈ--/----/-/-Ĉ--//---/--/-/----- n/n//----- n//- water all over my keyboard. It feels like i"m typing on aet sponge/----/----/---Ĉ--Ĉ-Ĉ--Ĉ-. Strangely enough, it-----------------------------------------------------------------------------n/-------------------------------
  • For some reason, I don't think the symbols are intentional. Hmm...
  • Strangely enough, it-----------------------------------------------------------------------------n/-------------------------------
    It what? Works? :3
  • So...I can't afford a car right now. Work needs to get my paycheck to me. Freshman orientation starts tomorrow. My prospective apartment is in downtown Rochester. Any ideas?


    1. Tell RIT there were issues with the apartment, and ask if I can live in dorms/RIT Inn for the next month, or two, or a quarter. I don't want to live in the dorms, but I'd do it for a quarter if possible, and just save up for a car during that time.

    2. Find some rideshare between RIT and downtown, until I can afford a car (2 weeks or so, when work pays me).

    3. Find somewhere to stay at RIT, until I can afford a car.

    Shit sucks.
  • edited August 2009
    Keep hanging out with her. You don't know the details of the situation, maybe it's a long distance thing, maybe she's thinking of breaking up with him. At the very worst, you have a cool new friend. Just trust that she knows what she's doing and keep going, as long as she doesn't try and take advantage of you.
    I would be very wary in following this course of action. If she's in an expressly polyamorous situation, you could be comfortable proceeding.

    If, however, she has a boyfriend, realizes that you want this to be a date situation, and has no intention of breaking up with the boyfriend, there is a 99.9999999% chance that she's leading you on, and that will lead to bad places.

    If she and the boyfriend are on the rocks or there's distance, she needs to break it off with him, or she needs to otherwise make herself available for dating.

    If you just want to be friends with her, then you can proceed just fine. Just don't get into the situation where you hang around expecting her to change her mind or expecting the situation to change. Odds are it won't.

    Don't be a pussy and just take what you can get, either. If you want to be friends with this girl, be friends with her. If you want to be more than just friends, make it clear to her what she needs to do, and if she's unwilling, don't get close. Stay acquaintances, but don't invest yourself too deeply. Believe me, I've been there. It's not worth it.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • If you just want to be friends with her, then you can proceed just fine. Just don't get into the situation where you hang around expecting her to change her mind or expecting the situation to change. Odds are it won't.
    Preaching to the choir, friend. I'm not playing that game again.
  • If you just want to be friends with her, then you can proceed just fine. Just don't get into the situation where you hang around expecting her to change her mind or expecting the situation to change. Odds are it won't.
    Preaching to the choir, friend. I'm not playing that game again.
    OK, good. Just wanted to make sure. It's always good to hear these sorts of things reinforced.
  • Even if you're not going to try to date here, a person who says:
    "Uh, I have a confession...I actually have a boyfriend. I probably should have clarified that earlier."
    knows exactly what she's doing, and should probably be avoided in general.
  • Even if you're not going to try to date here, a person who says:
    "Uh, I have a confession...I actually have a boyfriend. I probably should have clarified that earlier."
    knows exactly what she's doing, and should probably be avoided in general.
    Yeah. Anyone who is in a relationship knows what would generally be considered a date, and would be able to tell that when you asked them. If they knew then, they would've mentioned their relationship at that point...Unless they wanted to purposefully keep things ambiguous. I'm not going to assume that she's messing around, but be wary. There's no way this was just a misunderstanding.
  • Even if you're not going to try to date here, a person who says:
    "Uh, I have a confession...I actually have a boyfriend. I probably should have clarified that earlier."
    knows exactly what she's doing, and should probably be avoided in general.
    Motherfucker. Which means I pretty much am just getting strung along. Well, after this coming dinner, she gets filed as an acquaintance, I suppose.

    ...I knew there had to be a catch when it's a beautiful girl who listens to the Butthole Surfers. I should have been on my guard right away.
  • Yup. Your description sounded like a girl who has a problem saying "no." Best to avoid altogether.
  • Yup. Your description sounded like a girl who has a problem saying "no." Best to avoid altogether.
    My interpretation was "girl who 'forgets' to tell him about her boyfriend, so she can revel in his attention for a few hours, then drop the bomb." But who knows, could be anything. Except good.
  • It could lead to some awesome forbidden sex. Never cheat, only cuckold.
  • Never cheat, only cuckold.
    OK, I lol'd. ^_~
  • I got into an argument on another forum and one of the counter arguments was.
    Well, the "control" was the wear.

    Just where are YOUR hands on findings on this subject, from taking engiens apart and seeing the wear/damage done, NOT someone else's, YOURS?

    Or, do you just blindly believe what you read, like most unthinking, unknowing people that misguidedly believe Obama's health care plan is good and will work?

    I know better, I have seen the findings in person, up close and in person. I'd much rather see for myself inside engines, than believe some "controlled oil company study" where the engines weren't run in real world conditions.
    I am deeply disturbed. -_-

    By the way the argument was about synthetic oil, and he is arguing that synthetic oil is worse than regular. I've heard my far share of, "synthetic is no better than conventional refined oil," but worse is pretty outlandish.
  • This isn't my fail, but it is certainly a story full of fail:

    In short, don't fucking drink unpasteurized milk. In particular, don't drink black market unpasteurized milk.
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