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Fail of Your Day



  • This isn'tmyfail, but it is certainly a story full of fail:

    In short,don't fucking drink unpasteurized milk.In particular, don't drinkblack marketunpasteurized milk.
    I did that once, then you informed me why it's such a bad idea. I didn't get sick thankfully, but never again. It still was the best milk I'd ever had, why can't they distribute milk like that anymore.

    Andy Rooney rants on the same thing.
  • This isn'tmyfail, but it is certainly a story full of fail:

    In short,don't fucking drink unpasteurized milk.In particular, don't drinkblack marketunpasteurized milk.
    I did that once, then you informed me why it's such a bad idea. I didn't get sick thankfully, but never again. It still was the best milk I'd ever had, why can't they distribute milk like that anymore.

    Andy Rooney rants on the same thing.
    There's a lot of research into alternate pasteurization techniques; in particular, the milk industry is interested in trying to apply HPP (high-pressure pasteurization) to raw milk, as HPP doesn't utilize heat and thus will not affect the flavor of the milk.
  • A holdup kept me awake past 3 last night, and I am so freaking tired right now my fingers feel numb. I wanna be (nearly) anywhere but this stupid office right now... I wanna sleep so badly.
  • You were in a holdup (robbery) or you were held up by something?
  • It seems the project I'm working on ends today. As no one told me that means I have a lot of work to do in one day. -_-
  • You were in a holdup (robbery) or you were held up by something?
    By the words of it, I think it was more like she had to work on a bunch of BS that her boss made her stay and work on.
  • A holdup kept me awake past 3 last night, and I am so freaking tired right now my fingers feel numb. I wanna be (nearly) anywhere but this stupid office right now... I wanna sleep so badly.
    Dude, was the train full of fail? I was hoping that you would get home by midnight.
  • You were in a holdup (robbery) or you were held up by something?
    By the words of it, I think it was more like she had to work on a bunch of BS that her boss made her stay and work on.
    Yeah, probably a mundane issue, but a holdup would make such a neat story.
  • It still was the best milk I'd ever had, why can't they distribute milk like that anymore.
    Ever thought about going to the source?

    My fail: I feel naked, I took off my beard. Now I can no longer thoughtfully pull my beard as the evil scientist I am, the upside, now I'm no longer eating my own moustache (I only had a few hairs, no full moustache, the few hairs were just too long).
  • Ever thought about going to the source?
    I did, that's where said awesome milk came from. But it's not safe to drink. :(
  • It still was the best milk I'd ever had, why can't they distribute milk like that anymore.
    Ever thought about going to the source?

    My fail: I feel naked, I took off my beard. Now I can no longer thoughtfully pull my beard as the evil scientist I am, the upside, now I'm no longer eating my own moustache (I only had a few hairs, no full moustache, the few hairs were just too long).
    Reminds me I have to trim mine, yesterday I ripped a few while biting a sandwich.
  • Two classes in and back to school is already thoroughly depressing.
  • I did, that's where said awesome milk came from. But it's not safe to drink. :(
    Apologies, I thought you meant that you had gotten said milk from the black market, that being the most dangerous.
  • Andy Rooney rants on the same thing.
    I actually prefer skim milk. I have had raw milk from the dairy farm I briefly worked at in high school. I couldn't swallow it. It was too think and felt like drinking a sauce. Even 1% makes me feel a bit ill.
  • Been awake for 23 hours. Walking into the new building for the 3rd class that's an hour away has given me some horrible intestinal pain.
  • Apologies, I thought you meant that you had gotten said milk from the black market, that being the most dangerous.
    No, I don't believe it's illegal to buy unpasteurized milk in my state. There's no black market for "raw milk."
    I actually prefer skim milk. I have had raw milk from the dairy farm I briefly worked at in high school. I couldn't swallow it. It was too think and felt like drinking a sauce. Even 1% makes me feel a bit ill.
    My brother too. You guys are freaks. The fat is what makes milk tasty, without it's just protein water, yuck. :P
  • edited August 2009
    A holdup kept me awake past 3 last night, and I am so freaking tired right now my fingers feel numb. I wanna be (nearly) anywhere but this stupid office right now... I wanna sleep so badly.
    Dude, was the train full of fail? I was hoping that you would get home by midnight.
    Yes, it was trainfail. If it were an actual holdup at gunpoint I'd have a little more to say than "I'm so tired". ;)

    I'll live though.
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • HPP doesn't utilize heat and thus will not affect the flavor of the milk.
    Is it really weird that I fucking love the taste of European UHP milk? I can't get enough of that stuff.
  • I forgot to bring an ethernet cable for college. The whole campus has wifi, but ethernet is faster. I went downstairs to buy a cable from Sol's (convenience store) in the tunnels. The cable got stuck in my laptop's port, and isn't even working. I paid $6 for a cable that I'll probably have to break to remove from my laptop.

    Suggestions before I break shit?
  • Stuck in your laptop's port? What did you do?
  • edited September 2009
    Does it have a plastic sheath over the connector? Looks like this:
    If that's what's stopping you disconnecting it, you may be able to jam a flat-head screwdriver down the gap from above and disconnect it.
    Edit: You may just be able to pull the sheath back if it's just glued on.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Job interview today, General manager and Veterinarian were super psyched about me coming to join.
    Really good staff setup.
    Fail is they couldn't give me a remuneration package to consider, seriously WTF, why did I drive 45 minutes to see you?
    Fail 2 - is located in the boonies
    Fail 3 - really crap surgery and consult set up
    Upside however, in the long term the whole hospital will be built from ground up (but this is up in the sky and I don't think it will work due to its geographical position).
    Upside 2 - I will be the most business savvy Vet on the team, they currently have no idea on how to make money.

    Seriously they will have to double my previous salary for me to consider working with them unless I just work to get enough experience in orthopaedic surgery, then do the dick move and leave for a super high quality position anywhere in the world with insane money making potential (for a Veterinarian without owning one or more practices).

    Decision time - do the dick move and look out for my self in the mid and long term or wait for another job...?

    Need some thinking time after my next interview.
  • Warning, job rant:

    I hate my job. It’s not what I want to do with my life, and that is my primary reason for hating it. I started it two years ago and thanked God that I finally had a way to afford living, and I’m still thankful for that now. But these two years have just ground me down. This job is mindless typing, answering obnoxious phone calls, and interrupting that mindless work to do things like schedule an “all day shoot out” fundraiser for my boss to “save the shooting range from the evil liberal politicians”, which has nothing to do with our business but I get to do it anyway.

    I want out, but the steps I have to take are long and difficult, and while I plan on taking them, I’m trapped here until then. The monotony of it has worn down any pretty luster that it used to have, and I am beyond disenchanted. I was educated for higher work than this. I want to do that for a living so badly. I feel unduly resentful of everything I have to do here. One of the only good things was the lax internet policy and the occasional freedom to check my websites and stuff. Well, lately my boss has decided to exercise his big stick and I found several sites blocked. Not only that, but the whole office keeps getting lectures on taking too much free time and not concentrating on work. Keep in mind that I ALWAYS get my shit done, I keep track of things, in fact I’m pretty close to having my day’s work done and it’s only 12:30. BUT, I lost one letter I was typing earlier this week; it fell under my desk when I was given a more important report to type earlier. There was a scare, but I found it. I still got a lecture about how “I don’t wanna see anyone using the internet” and even a “No more doodling” stuck in there. I am pissed and just hating this job and hating the fact that I’m losing the things that keep me from hating it even more. I don’t wanna sound stupid or ungrateful, I just need to vent. I wish I could afford to just quit and spend every day working towards the job I’ve always wanted. All I know is the sooner I am back on the right career path, the better.
  • The drummer from my band quit today. I had a feeling he might, but it still stinks. Anyone know a hand-drummer in tha Albany, NY area?
  • Anyone know a hand-drummer
    As opposed to a foot-drummer or a head-drummer?
  • edited September 2009
    Anyone know a hand-drummer
    As opposed to a foot-drummer or a head-drummer?
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Mrs. MacRoss is looking for someone who plays bongos, congas, djembe, or some other type of folkish drum adapted for modern use, as opposed to a sticks-n-skins drum set.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2009
    Anyone know a hand-drummer
    As opposed to a foot-drummer or a head-drummer?
    Putz. ^_^
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Mrs. MacRoss is looking for someone who plays bongos, congas, djembe, or some other type of folkish drum adapted for modern use, as opposed to a sticks-n-skins drum set.
    You are not wrong. I am looking for an hand drummer.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Putz. ^_^
    I swear it was half joke, half I really had no idea what you meant. :P
  • The cable got stuck in my laptop's port, and isn't even working.
    This should be obvious, but just to check...are you sure you actually plugged it into the ethernet port? [Doesn't fit properly] + [not performing intended function] often means you stuck it in the wrong hole.
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