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Fail of Your Day



  • Forgot it was Saturday, woke up before 10am.
  • Re-installed my OS from scratch and then found a clean install / recovery USB key I had made for this very occasion a few months back.
  • A post from an area food blog about a co-owner being forced out of a business due to his sexuality had this in it's comments:
    Adirondack Patriot says:
    November 28, 2014 at 2:21 pm
    And there it is. The reason that most people don’t go into business with or hire gays or blacks or any “protected class” isn’t because they are against gays or blacks or females or anything like that. It’s because someday there may be a legitimate falling out, but the gay/black/female has the advantage of making allegations of unlawful discrimination, which may be unfounded, but ultimately costs the a fortune to defend against.
  • I diagnosed a long term old cat disease in my male cat (hyperthyroidism).

    Now both my cats are on pills for the rest of their lives.

    The upside is that I caught it before any damage to the renal system occurred which is usually the main cause for complications in this disease.
  • It is not my fail, but it is a fail. I got an email from a DriveThruRPG rep telling me they had received a complaint about Abort Retry Fail having an "incomplete file" because there was only one page. And they had downloaded the file and "confirmed" it was incomplete.

    You know, the game I had listed under their 1-Page RPG category, as a 1-page RPG, a fact I repeated in the description.

  • Daikun said:
    It's not that big of a can of worms. There is already precedent for curtailing free speech rights in specific instances of:

    1. Imminent and plausible specific threat
    2. Directed harassment (e.g., restraining orders forbidding communication with a specific person)

    This would likely, at best, codify these two a bit.

    I take an extreme stance in favor of freedom of speech, and even I am fine with exceptions for directed, specific threats and directed harassment.

  • It sounds like the legality of the case is clear. This is water we've tread before -- recently, even -- and I see no reason the Justices would rule differently.
  • Missed out on my first meeting on how to code for iOS apps.
    Hopefully it's not too different to the regular Objective C and I can pick it up on my own.
  • Office politics at new place just as bad as office politics at old place, possibly slightly worse only because now I'm the new guy instead of the elder statesman. Fun.

    Still better than the old toxic boss, though. He really tips the scale quite a lot.
  • I've never been to a workplace where office politics were 'good' as in non-existant. It was never terrible either, just petty and obtrusive. As long as the boss is better, that does seem like a good step up.
  • I just saw the saddest dog on the way to work. It was out for a walk, but its fur was all matted, tail between its legs, head down.
  • I seem to have developed an eye twitch.
  • I've had one for a few years now. It's not too bad.
  • I get one when I'm stressed or overcaffinated. Never did find an effective strategy to minimize it.
  • edited December 2014
    I usually just close my eyes for a moment. That seems to help.
    Neito said:

    I get one when I'm stressed or overcaffinated.

    Caffeine? Interesting... I know that caffeine has lots of side effects (I've experienced a few myself), but I've never heard of eye twitching.

    Thiamin (vitamin B1) helps to reverse the effects of caffeine. Wheat and grain products (bread, brown rice, breakfast cereal, etc.) are loaded with it. Have some toast or Cheerios and see if it helps.
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • Mother fucking USPS. I'm gonna preface this by saying yes I understand its the holidays. I understand there are a lot of packages going around and things are probably slow. But fuck USPS for straight up lying. They said they were going to deliver a package yesterday. Never showed up, that's fine. Figure it'd show up today.

    Instead they told Amazon they tried to deliver it. Then when you put the tracking number in on their website they said:

    1. They tried delivering at 7pm
    2. The "receptacle" was full so they couldn't leave it.
    3. Could not leave package at door
    4. Left a could-not-deliver ticket on the door

    I was home by 6pm and there was no ringing of my doorbell. There is no receptacle to put packages anywhere in my building. Deliveries just get put either in front of the correct door or they just get put somewhere near the mail boxes. Also, I checked all the external doors, my mailbox, and the door to my apartment and there was no tickets. It wasn't windy, it didn't blow off.

    I've had USPS say they have delivered packages before when they haven't and then the package shows up the next day. I wish I could just tell Amazon to never use USPS when delivering to me because goddamn they are the fucking worst.
  • edited December 2014
    They do that. They also hold your package in the carrier facility for upwards of two to three weeks sometimes.
    Post edited by ThatGent on
  • That's just really frustrating. It ended up showing up today just fine but my dad was kinda worried someone might have delivered to the wrong address or something and it's a fairly expensive package. No one would have been worried had they said what was going on instead of pretending like they tried delivering it.
  • I have three younger brothers, all adults. The youngest had moved back in with my mum after moving away and running out of money. This week the second youngest has moved back in with mum after finding himself in the same situation. And he has a history degree.

    I realise that a lot of people must be in similar situations but it's not much fun living with my mum. I may have to critique their CVs over Christmas.
  • Have basically been told by the senior incumbent on my team "You were hired to preserve the position and we have basically no work for you."

    He then went on to suggest I may have misrepresented my SQL skills (more or less, he called me incompetent in a roundabout way) because in two weeks on the job I've yet to totally reverse engineer and repair a vendor-delivered stored procedure of insane complexity on a system I've just begun learning and for which they have no test environment. The procedure doesn't work for them. It times out. Probably because they've done almost zero maintenance on their data for over 8 years and there's a few thousand user accounts that need to be deleted (which in their system also entails deleting all of those users' content and updating essentially every table in the system with a foreign key to users, which is almost all of them, using a set of conditional rules applied based on the context/use/reason-for-being of each table. This thing calls 10 child procedures, each of which call between 1 and 5 additional procedures, applying conditional rules and updating tables row-by-row via cursors because each row potentially has to be handled differently. There is no way anyone could possibly reverse engineer this thing in two weeks which started with "Hello! Here's a system you've never worked on before and have no experience in! Good luck!"

    Oh yeah and I only have access to the database, no application code.

    Left an 11 year job for this one. Feeling pretty fucking bait-and-switched at the moment.
  • Teacher orders third-grader to unclog toilet with bare hands. Teacher is "reprimanded". And it wasn't even Florida.
  • I've spent the last the days deep in thought, mentally outlining and refining points and arguments for a treatise I was going to write on what I now know is called (by Marxists at least) state capitalism, only to find out by accident that Engels had already said 95% of what I had thought of. I thought I was finally on to something original! Oh well, more reading and thinking to do.
  • edited December 2014
    I should check a little before opening my mouth sometimes.
    Friend posts this article.

    Another friend of his goes "Urgh, you must be posting this to get my rage going :P I just wrote a thesis debunking this bullshit, deciding if I should unleash it or not..."

    I pipe up saying that it would be interesting, since I couldn't think of a relevant degree that would allow you to do it, at least, if you wanted to pass.

    A few minutes later, got curious, clicked over to her profile to check what degree she was going for...oh. A degree in Woo from a Woo-school. No wonder she can get away with a thesis that's half "Nuh uh, everything we know about medical science is wrong."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Lesson #1 in academia: "Just because you wrote something doesn't make it true."

  • Call her out and force her to post it, then rip it apart.
  • I've asked her to post it, but benefit of the doubt, until she shows something I can't really say for sure if she's at least somewhat barking up the right tree. I'm not going to rip it apart, though, unless it's particularly bad - like "Homeopathy will detox all the things!"

    There are two interesting things she's said so far, though which may give an indication:

    "Do you talk about antioxidant capacity vs free radical damage (the "toxins" that apparently don't exist) or the detoxification pathways of the liver and the nutritional biochemistry behind that? Plenty of great research on nutrition and herbs that improve and tonify the detoxification pathways that they discussed in the article."

    "I do agree with one point the article makes in that there is a lot of bogus rubbish out there. That's why you should never buy anything health related from a supermarket, or anything "natural" from a pharmacy. That stuff is all false claims and it annoys me because it gives the rest of us (who actually studied hard scientific evidence for years and know what a therapeutic dosage range actually is) a bad name."
  • Churba said:

    "Do you talk about antioxidant capacity vs free radical damage (the "toxins" that apparently don't exist) or the detoxification pathways of the liver and the nutritional biochemistry behind that? Plenty of great research on nutrition and herbs that improve and tonify the detoxification pathways that they discussed in the article."

    A lot of the first paragraph is questionable. The liver and kidneys (actually most organs become resistant to repetitive attacks). e.g. see people get drunk for the first time versus those who have been drinking responsibly for a longer time or muscles growing when put under strain regularly. This also occurs when patients become tolerant to certain doses of medication. Their body isn't tolerant as such, it has basically become efficient at getting rid of the medication (a toxin).

    That 'great research' on nutrition and herbs are usually based on statistics which prove obvious facts however are aimed specifically at promoting detoxification products.

    An example of what might be considered as 'detox' is a high fibre diet combined with very high hydration and sugars. This would be something like having too much fresh juice on a regular basis for a week. It will work like colonic irrigation and flush out stuff that has been stuck in areas for too long when on a poor diet.

    Just having fresh juice regularly is more of a 'detox' than any of the products at the natural food stores.

    Detox - eat the required good of a nutritionally appropriate diet, don't eat trash.
  • sK0pe said:

    Detox - eat the required good of a nutritionally appropriate diet, don't eat trash.

    Addendum: Have a liver.

  • Bonus points if your race is, "Dwarf."
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