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Fail of Your Day



  • The fursecution is real D:
    But seriously, whoever did that is probably gonna wake up one day in sunny Guantanamo Bay.
  • ...and the word fursecution is the fail of my day.
  • It was a hair-orist attack...

    That's all I got.
  • Wow.
  • Awesome game! 10/10
    *repeat for 60 pages*
  • Ikatono said:
    I'm a pretty big fan of the Shantae series. I've never ever read anything that accused Wayforward of white washing the characters anywhere, so I don't know where they got that from. Regardless, most of their suggestions seem to be in the "buy this because some aspect of them irritate someone else." That's a stupid reason to pick up a game regardless of your perspective.
  • I don't necessarily agree. I think that some parallels could be drawn to book burning. There's a difference between a game doing poorly because it's a bad game, and a game being boycotted because someone got a stick in an orifice and started a holy "me, too" crusade.

    Not making that call on any specific game here, just saying that if a game IS being unjustly buried by slander-or-what-have-you, for me that may be enough reason to toss them some bucks.
  • Warner does not need more cash to make Batman games. ;) I see what you mean though.
  • It's funny to me when guys think that all women have the same mindset.

    Like some sort of hivemind.

    Sounds crazy when you say it out loud right? ... right?
  • FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU my mortgage got sold to SunTrust. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • Doesn't your Mortgage seller still manage it though? My mortgage was sold but my bank still manages the account.
  • Cremlian said:

    Doesn't your Mortgage seller still manage it though? My mortgage was sold but my bank still manages the account.

    SEFCU sold mine, but I still deal with them.
  • Cremlian said:

    Doesn't your Mortgage seller still manage it though? My mortgage was sold but my bank still manages the account.

    Not necessarily. My mortgage was sold to what is now Bank of America years ago and they took over completely when it was sold.
  • edited December 2014
    I found a typo in Windows.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I think that's technically a typo in VIA's driver.
  • Yeah you're probably right. I didn't think of that.
  • Pneumonia can DIAF. Ugh.
  • Rochelle said:

    Pneumonia can DIAF. Ugh.

    Crap, that sucks. Hope you feel better soon.
  • So I'll be replacing my heater core today or fairly soon as I just learned that aerosolized coolant is fairly toxic. It's a small leak, so it wasn't high on the list.
  • Google is shutting down its News site in Spain - the reason being that Spain passed a law saying that Google was required to pay news sites for displaying article snippets in their news results, and that said sites weren't allowed to charge zero dollars for it.

    So European countries can also be dumb pretty frequently.
  • Google is shutting down its News site in Spain - the reason being that Spain passed a law saying that Google was required to pay news sites for displaying article snippets in their news results, and that said sites weren't allowed to charge zero dollars for it.

    So European countries can also be dumb pretty frequently.

    This is another example of why I don't trust the UN or Europe with Internet administration. As messed up as the US is, the EU loves to pull this kind of crap.

  • I suppose sometimes we should be glad our congress doesn't actually do anything. :P
  • My fail of the day is my own inability to turn off my troll gene.

    My brother in law is from New Zealand. He moved here about 11 years ago. This was a post on his FB feed earlier today.

    "Oh my God. Just witnessed a cop firing at a vehicle. Cops everywhere. I'm freaking out right now."

    My reply on that and every post made subsequently?

  • A gentleman nearly knocked me off a ladder in his urgent quest to find an exit from a parking garage. He asked this from a location that was surrounded by four signs pointing to that location. It was directly in front of him.
  • Was this the guy?

  • Rym said:

    Google is shutting down its News site in Spain - the reason being that Spain passed a law saying that Google was required to pay news sites for displaying article snippets in their news results, and that said sites weren't allowed to charge zero dollars for it.

    So European countries can also be dumb pretty frequently.

    This is another example of why I don't trust the UN or Europe with Internet administration. As messed up as the US is, the EU loves to pull this kind of crap.
    Well that was fast.
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