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Fail of Your Day



  • The plastic pushpins on stock intel heatsinks are garbage.
  • Someone who accused me of "Presumptuously" assuming that they weren't born before a particular period of time, and didn't recall said events.

    The period of time I was referring to was the Pulitzer/Hearst circulation wars, 125 years ago. The oldest American on record is 116.
  • Damn, Churba! You're old.
  • Daikun said:

    Damn, Churba! You're old.

    I can't be old, I have no beginning or end.

    Even better, within the same breath they claimed to have studied history, and therefore know a lot about how fantastic journalism used to be compared to modern journalism. Yet, somehow didn't remember that Hearst/Pulitzer fighting it out happened before the turn of the century.
  • edited November 2015
    Churba said:

    Daikun said:

    Damn, Churba! You're old.

    I can't be old, I have no beginning or end.
    Churba is the spirit of the Outback.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited November 2015
    Incoming stupidity in 3...2...1...

    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • But the Nazis were fascists. Democrats were sent to the camps. Nationalists on the other hand... I'm not gonna go there.

    People always think they know shit about WWII because they watched Saving Private Ryan or The History Channel's hour long special about Hitler's Secret War or someshit. I mean, I've never read a book solely dedicated to that war, but you'd think I'd majored with a concentration in it compared to most people.
  • Cats owners came and picked it up. Am no catless, will be in the shed.
  • Nazi is literally short for National Socialist. Wikipedia says:

    The full name of Adolf Hitler's party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party; NSDAP). The shorthand Nazi was formed from the first two syllables of the German pronunciation of the word "national".
  • Though the Nazis were not socialists in any imaginable sense of the word. Their economic policy was one part corporate cronyism, one part deregulatory mess, and one giant part actual slave labour and the outright looting of Eastern Europe. When they were founded, the two big parties were the Nationalists and the Socialists, so they just jammed those together to show they were populist. The early Nazi Party did have a socialist wing, but they didn't last long.

    Mostly, it was just extremely terribly managed as the Party thought economics was stupid soft baby bullshit and thinking about it was how you got communists. They basically handed the keys of the economy over to Hjalmar Schacht, a very clever economic minister who backed the Nazis because of their opposition to the ruinous reparation schemes, spent the first couple years of the Third Reich doing all the smart things governments ought to do with the basically infinite power he had over the economic sphere, then when Hitler asked him to start setting things up for rearming Germany and prepping for war he was like "Are you fucking kidding I just got it working again." and so he was promptly sidelined, kicked out and ended up in the German resistance.

    At that point the German economy basically imploded and ran entirely on stripping Poland of everything of value until the entire thing disintegrated in early '44 and Germany effectively ceased to have an economy.
    Greg said:

    But the Nazis were fascists. Democrats were sent to the camps. Nationalists on the other hand... I'm not gonna go there.

    People always think they know shit about WWII because they watched Saving Private Ryan or The History Channel's hour long special about Hitler's Secret War or someshit. I mean, I've never read a book solely dedicated to that war, but you'd think I'd majored with a concentration in it compared to most people.

    The most dangerous thing possible is to know just a little bit about history, because that's when Dunning–Kruger kicks in the hardest. People learn a few isolated facts about a thing and it convinces them the popular narrative (which is often wrong or ignorant of the details, but more-often-then-not correct in broad strokes) is completely wrong and the few details they learned are pivotal.
  • The most dangerous thing possible is to know just a little bit about history, because that's when Dunning–Kruger kicks in the hardest. People learn a few isolated facts about a thing and it convinces them the popular narrative (which is often wrong or ignorant of the details, but more-often-then-not correct in broad strokes) is completely wrong and the few details they learned are pivotal.

    Precisely. We need people to be aware that they're ignorant. Raise ignorance awareness!
  • MATATAT said:
    So weird seeing that happen in that spot. I shop in that center on occasion and drive by it all the time.
  • edited November 2015
    MATATAT said:
    And he was fired for being a piece of shit.

    I don't know what was worse about the Kentucky gubernatorial race: the 29% voter turnout or the choice between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dipshit, (Jack Conway and Matt Bevin respectively). Tweedle Dipshit won in a landslide.

    Yes I'm still a registered Republican. I'm still fucking pissed I had no good option for my governor.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • edited November 2015

    Nazi is literally short for National Socialist. Wikipedia says:

    The full name of Adolf Hitler's party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party; NSDAP). The shorthand Nazi was formed from the first two syllables of the German pronunciation of the word "national".

    It also has a little bit to do that the "zi" syllable also shows up in "sozialistisch".


    Anyway, the argument has been repeated before and is an easy way to spot someone that is either a complete moron or a disingenuous asshole. A modern day example would be badmouthing democracy or republics because the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea is actually a horrible dictatorship. Names are not the same as descriptions.

    Oh, that and "democratic socialism" is something completely different than "national socialism".
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Banana for scale
  • Was that supposed to symbolize the bomb? What the fuck.
  • Was that supposed to symbolize the bomb? What the fuck.

    Pretty sure they're using the quarter as a size reference for the BPS chip shown.
  • I'm not sure what the fail was. Adafruit?
  • The fail was that CNN thinks an unpopulated adafruit board is part of a bomb.
  • Pegu said:

    The fail was that CNN thinks an unpopulated adafruit board is part of a bomb.

    Were I a terrorist, that's a great way to time the explosion of a bomb in a cargo hold.

  • Rym said:

    Pegu said:

    The fail was that CNN thinks an unpopulated adafruit board is part of a bomb.

    Were I a terrorist, that's a great way to time the explosion of a bomb in a cargo hold.

    Depends on if it was stored in a pressurized cabin.
  • Yeah, a barometric pressure sensor could have been used in a bomb, it's just the fact that they showed a board with no components on it with an Adafruit logo. That could easily be a slander suit, not to mention that it's just dumb.
  • Andrew said:

    Rym said:

    Pegu said:

    The fail was that CNN thinks an unpopulated adafruit board is part of a bomb.

    Were I a terrorist, that's a great way to time the explosion of a bomb in a cargo hold.

    Depends on if it was stored in a pressurized cabin.
    Plane cabins still drop in pressure during flight, going down as far as 25% of sea-level air pressure.
  • RymRym
    edited November 2015
    I'm pretty sure all cargo holds in modern passenger planes are pressurized.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I worked with a bunch of backstabbing cunts. I say worked because I'm quitting Pizza Hut tomorrow.

    "Something startling is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Unlike every other age group, unlike every other racial and ethnic group, unlike their counterparts in other rich countries, death rates in this group have been rising, not falling."
  • Ikatono said:
    Fuck that. My best friend is a devout christian, so is most of my family.
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