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Fail of Your Day



  • Ikatono said:
    Fuck that. My best friend is a devout christian, so is most of my family.
    Seconded. I would lose around half of my family.
  • edited November 2015
    Yeah, living in the Midwest, I'm the only atheist I know. Everyone else is either agnostic/whatever or some flavor of Christian/Jew/Muslim.
    Post edited by Ilmarinen on
  • Ikatono said:
    Fuck that. My best friend is a devout christian, so is most of my family.
    Yeah I can't believe that guy got so much support. Someone got called a fedora owner for disagreeing. I don't think these people understand how that works.
  • edited November 2015
    Played paintball today, had a great time, got hit in the dick from point-blank range. As in, I was going through a door, someone was hiding behind the door.

    One of the other shots that he fired broke a plastic pod.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • SWATrous said:

    Played paintball today, had a great time, got hit in the dick from point-blank range.

    The place I use to go to strongly recommended using jockstraps or some sort of shielding there.
  • edited November 2015
    sK0pe said:

    The place I use to go to strongly recommended using jockstraps or some sort of shielding there.

    I'm used to playing with people who play a lot and are generally pretty good with self control and not shooting you 5 times from less than a meter.

    But Saturday was not that day.

    I've considered that if I'm playing on a field where you can literally turn the corner and be nose to nose with someone who might panic and light you up because they are new, a bit of strategic padding is a good idea.

    I've been suggested getting Murderface's diamond encrusted titanium codpiece as a good shot-blocker. I was thinking something like Master Chief's mega techno-diaper.

    Also kinda diggin some kind of funky fannypack dangler that doubles as a dump pouch or something. At least it'd be functional for other reasons.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • Yeah I've always thought if I was going to actually get into paintball I'd want some kind of basic "armor" besides a face mask.
  • My roommates Steam controller didn't come with the wireless dongle.
  • I'm taking two fails today.

    I got a message from my younger sister today about one of her friends, let's call her Jen. Jen has been openly lesbian for about a year and apparently one of the christian girls at school saw fit to invite Jen to an anti-homosexuality sermon at her church. Jen, obviously, said no. So at that point Jen receives an audio recording of the thing, which understandably upsets her.

    I understand that words can't hurt you, but this is just sick. This thing is the most brain-washing, intolerant, bigoted thing I have ever heard and deserves to live in infamy.
  • Why did Jen listen to the recording?
  • Pegu said:

    Why did Jen listen to the recording?

    Quite honestly, I'm not sure, possibly just to get the girl to stop bothering her.
  • My AAAI paper was rejected. Narrowly, from the looks of things, but rejected nevertheless.
  • That said, it's not a total loss by any means. I simply need to do a bit more work and submit it again, albeit to a different conference because it's too late for this one.
  • I'm taking two fails today.

    I got a message from my younger sister today about one of her friends, let's call her Jen. Jen has been openly lesbian for about a year and apparently one of the christian girls at school saw fit to invite Jen to an anti-homosexuality sermon at her church. Jen, obviously, said no. So at that point Jen receives an audio recording of the thing, which understandably upsets her.

    I understand that words can't hurt you, but this is just sick. This thing is the most brain-washing, intolerant, bigoted thing I have ever heard and deserves to live in infamy.

    I'd make it crystal clear to the girl never to contact Jen again. Jen skills also be made aware that if said horrible bigot doesn't leave her alone, she can take escelate legally.

    If legal threats don't work, there always the old standby of a bat with nails in it.
  • That said, it's not a total loss by any means. I simply need to do a bit more work and submit it again, albeit to a different conference because it's too late for this one.

    Unlucky dude, was it that one peer reviewer that got it rejected?
  • edited November 2015
    Probably; it's that reviewer's criticisms that seemed to be the deciding factor in the end. Honestly, those criticisms were things I had anticipated earlier, but there wasn't time to put them in the original submission and I had foolishly thought I'd be given the chance to update with new benchmarks if that proved to be an issue.

    I think it's already worthy of publication as it is, but it seems that to convince peer reviewers of this I will probably need a better benchmark. As such, I'm going to generate some more results and submit to ICAPS 2016.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • So my old (and future, when I can manage to go back) college has rules where if a student is struggling with things like thoughts of suicide or self harm and talks to another student to try to get help, they can be potentially kicked out. And the same can happen if a faculty reports that they suspect a student is self harming and its found to be true.
    Here's a petition with more detail. Not asking for signatures, it just has more information.

    From a facebook friend
    "When I attended NMU a few years ago I was going through some heavy stuff with my depression. I was told not to tell any students cus it could interfere with their education. I even had to sign a disciplinary contract stating I would not say anything, or else I would get kicked out."

    And a comment on that:
    "They told me I couldn't even talk about it with my family who went and worked there."

    Basically "sign this shit and shut up about it." Yes there is counseling on campus but only a few hours a day and good luck with that when you're having a breakdown in the middle of the night. And I know there's hotlines but a lot of people don't want to just talk to a stranger. This shit just puts them more at risk. Like "hey I know you feel terrible and are questioning whether you want to exist anymore but if you tell anyone and reach out for help we'll just make your life worse!"
  • So my old (and future, when I can manage to go back) college has rules where if a student is struggling with things like thoughts of suicide or self harm and talks to another student to try to get help, they can be potentially kicked out.

    Why would you go back there? They don't deserve your money if they're gonna pull shit like that.
  • Well I kind of need to finish my degree, and its why I live in the city I do. Plus I can't really afford most other schools in the state, let alone get accepted, see what credits transfer, etc.
  • That's seriously fucked up.
  • That's actually true of most schools, and it's a liability thing. I had a long argument with a lawyer about it and I'm still pretty sure its a dick move.
  • Just this whole day. First my hard drive appears to have taken a shit. Windows boots fine but I get a bunch if I/O errors when I try to boot into Mint, and it had been working fine until I rebooted. Hopefully I can fix it in the meantime since my new drive doesn't get here for a week. And today work was just a shitshow. It was just busy and hard to get into some of the dressing rooms to clean them and I knocked over the mop bucket twice cleaning the bathroom and just a bunch of shit. I went over by an hour officially and clocked out and finished things up just so I wouldn't get in trouble for going over so log. I swear 3 hours is not enough time to get all this shit done. And then it took like an hour for the taxi to get there to take me home.
  • Finding out that my cousin is the liberal version of a Birther conspiracy nut when it comes to Daesh and the "ownership class".

    Because apparently the two are connected, somehow.
  • ISIS wasn't born in Hawaii?
  • Brother continues to be shit-heel. He just ranted over dinner that refugees were responsible for the terrorists attacks in France and suggests that "Countries are only taking in more refugees because they don't want to be considered racist." Meanwhile, he praises Trump for being a master of social media and Twitter.

    Going to vomit up black sludge now. And that's fitting, because the flu hit me hard over the weekend from Friday-Sunday, making me miss a friend's birthday and month-long beer release.
  • I realized that I forgot to write down what conventions I performed lectures at and now scrambling my memory and the Internet to fill in the blanks.
  • I made the mistake of commenting on a post on Reddit. Ah its great to have a reasonable discourse with people.
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