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Fail of Your Day



  • I told someone that it's ok to downvote a comment because you disagree with it and got this reply (note I made no mention of ideology and didn't take a position on the topic at hand)
    .The difference between you and me is that I don't throw up my arms in outrage everyone someone has an acceptable, albeit different, opinion than mine. I welcome opposition, you would prefer to see it squashed. How progressive...
  • It seems to me that most Redditors sit atop Mt Stupid or fall prey to burning scarecrows. Last time I engaged in discourse on Reddit was a legal curiosity about the Planned Parenthood scandal. I got a lot of replies about whether the practice was right or wrong, but nobody seemed to know what the law was. Nowadays I only use it as a music finding service, occasionally checking the seemingly uncorruptable /r/AskHistorians.
  • Its just bizarre, people there fly of the handle over the slightest thing that doesn't agree with them. Coupled with writing that would make a 1st year philosophy student weep it makes it impossible to talk to half the people. That being said there are some cool subreddits that stand out from the shit, r/askhistorians is a good one for sure so is Japanese game shows. Its just the user base can make it a nightmare to do any thing, more and more I treat the comments on posts the same I do on youtube.
  • The old saw still holds true - unsubscribe from the default subs, and subscribe to special-interest ones.

    Nobody is an asshole over at r/charcuterie.
  • Nobody is an asshole over at r/charcuterie.

    They just might smoke and/or eat one.

  • Rym said:

    Nobody is an asshole over at r/charcuterie.

    They just might smoke and/or eat one.

  • It's plastered everywhere on Reddit that downvote/upvotes are not disagree/agree buttons, but it sure as hell feels like they are.

    In other news, I don't know what it was today, but I didn't want to get out of bed until 1:45, missing two classes.
  • My ear has been in pain all day. Does anyone have suggestions on how to ease it?
  • I have to wear insoles for all shoes now after having my foot operation. Had to give up some literally new sneakers and oxfords which don't have removable insoles to my brother.

    Buying shoes online is now way harder unless there's a way of checking if an insole is removable or not (that I've missed).
  • edited November 2015
    I accidentally hit F5 on my craptastic government training instead of the forum AND LOST HALF MY PROGRESS!!!! >_<
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • The Lazarus browser extension is your new best friend.
  • Totally fucked up painting my wheels. I have to sand tomorrow and try again. :(
  • Totally fucked up painting my wheels. I have to sand tomorrow and try again. :(

    Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that! I learned a lot painting the truck... I've got a few areas I will sand and repaint when the warmer dry weather comes. For now it's fine, but the perfectionist in me wants it right!
  • This whole day at work like I had so much shit to do and I was so overwhelmed by that and how busy it was I was about an inch from breaking down the entire time. I mostly got done the extra stuff that I was supposed to do as my priority today but I only got like half of my normal work done. And I couldn't stay over to get it done because they're really cracking down on that now so any extra time I go over gets taken from my next shift. I just couldn't handle it today like the entire time I was just like "what if I just quit right now. What if I just went home?" I could barely keep myself together just getting a taxi to go home. I have no fucking clue what I'll do tomorrow. Even if I don't get fired or something I don't know if I can handle another long shift like this.
  • I've heard the term "Bad Mental Health Day" before, and I kind of feel like this has been a bad mental health month. But today is just... I'm so depressed I feel it, physically, like a pain behind my forehead and the pit of my stomach. I haven't felt this bad since high school.

    I was supposed to go to the doctor this week and finally see about getting something done about my stupid brain but I lost my health card with my wallet and getting a new one feels like such a fucking ordeal the way I am right now.

  • Yeah so voat no longer has any redeeming value. Nothing but an asylum for racists and other angry reactionary people afraid the world is leaving them behind. They've been there for a year but you could enjoy a wide open discussion platform around them. Now, they're actively brigading and taking over all of the communities. Atko either doesn't care or is fine with this use of his platform. Maybe it's a graduate project.

    Thinking about building my own Reddit killer in my spare time. Lots of ideas and lots of spare time at work for now. There needs to be a happy medium between agendas someplace.
  • What I find immensely funny is that they complain about "censorship" elsewhere, and how the Internet is full of hugboxes and groupthink. And then when you actually disagree to provoke discussion, they downvoat you and reinforce the groupthink.

    I now gawk at voat in the same way I used to gawk at 4chan.
  • They've built their own hugbox and they're trying to expand it to the whole site. Sadly with a fair amount of success.
  • 12 hours...... of driving and a broken iphone... yay...
  • I've heard the term "Bad Mental Health Day" before, and I kind of feel like this has been a bad mental health month. But today is just... I'm so depressed I feel it, physically, like a pain behind my forehead and the pit of my stomach. I haven't felt this bad since high school.

    I was supposed to go to the doctor this week and finally see about getting something done about my stupid brain but I lost my health card with my wallet and getting a new one feels like such a fucking ordeal the way I am right now.


    Wanna feel better? Remember that in less than 48 hours, we'll be embarking on a month long journey of Terminator.
  • I've heard the term "Bad Mental Health Day" before, and I kind of feel like this has been a bad mental health month. But today is just... I'm so depressed I feel it, physically, like a pain behind my forehead and the pit of my stomach. I haven't felt this bad since high school.

    I was supposed to go to the doctor this week and finally see about getting something done about my stupid brain but I lost my health card with my wallet and getting a new one feels like such a fucking ordeal the way I am right now.


    Wanna feel better? Remember that in less than 48 hours, we'll be embarking on a month long journey of Terminator.
    Yeeees I was just about to contact you about that.

    That does make me feel better.

    (So did the exercise, tea and sobbing.)
  • I've heard the term "Bad Mental Health Day" before, and I kind of feel like this has been a bad mental health month. But today is just... I'm so depressed I feel it, physically, like a pain behind my forehead and the pit of my stomach. I haven't felt this bad since high school.

    I was supposed to go to the doctor this week and finally see about getting something done about my stupid brain but I lost my health card with my wallet and getting a new one feels like such a fucking ordeal the way I am right now.


    Wanna feel better? Remember that in less than 48 hours, we'll be embarking on a month long journey of Terminator.
    Yeeees I was just about to contact you about that.

    That does make me feel better.

    (So did the exercise, tea and sobbing.)
    I'm composing the theme song for the audio bits as we speak.
  • Cruz, Fiorina, and Huckabee all doubled down on their anti-abortion rhetoric. Can anyone see why I'm fucking tired of the Republican party?

    Can we metaphorically nuke the party and start over?
  • Can we metaphorically nuke the party and start over?

    They continue in this pernicious fashion because they share a mythological narrative where they are the true government expressing the true will of the people, but somehow that was robbed from them with Obama's unfair/illegitimate/fluke election. They now believe that the nation realizes its drastic "mistake" and will correct it in 2016 with a Republican. That deeply held and deeply misguided narrative is what breathes life into that corpse of a coalition.

    If they win the presidency in 2016, as I said in another thread, a breath of air into dying embers.

    If they lose in 2016, they will flip the fuck out, dive ever-deeper right, marginalize themselves, and we can resume governing. There will likely be an uptick in domestic terrorism and insane rhetoric. There will likely be several GOP-majority states that go further down roads to nowhere with state legislation destined for SCOTUS's sword. 2020 they'll explode. By 2024, no significant portion could continue to hold that narrative true.
  • edited December 2015
    I think that if you really believe that the absurd wave of racism and xenophobia that Trump is figureheading will evaporate with a Dem presidential victory, you're delirious. Those people believe that shit to their bones, and they will still be there under Clinton OR Bernie. Marginalized politically? Maybe (I doubt it very much in Congress), but not a small enough population to be dismissible at all.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • muppet said:

    I think that if you really believe that the absurd wave of racism and xenophobia that Trump is figureheading will evaporate with a Dem presidential victory

    On the national political stage? Money will have to tamp it down, and a enough true believers will quietly stop being involved in primaries.

    The population is still full of morons. But fewer of the dangerous morons will continue to be a viable political force within the GOP primary system.

  • The population is full of morons largely because of moneyed interests maintaining that population of morons for their own purposes. It's not like it's a new thing to exploit those people politically when expedient.
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