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Fail of Your Day



  • The baby bird is being tossed out of the nest to finally die alone.
  • Yeah, I mean, Windows Mail and Calendar is so much better anyways.
  • So Uber, with their previous attempt having failed miserably (and putting them on the reciving end of an investigation for handing out sub-prime loans - not joking) Have now launched a program where for a cool $840 bucks a month plus expenses, you can work for them.

    Oh, sorry, I wasn't specific - You're the one paying the $840 a month. You pay them, and they loan you a car with a strict rental agreement, and inadequate insurance. Oh, and that's plus a $500 Deposit with strict terms, a $40 sign-up fee, and if you drive more than 90 miles a day - as uber drivers commonly do - you get a 25c per mile surcharge.

    I'm told by a mate in Colorado - but haven't verified yet - that they don't pay you, either. What you make comes off what you owe, until you cross the weekly payment, at which point they pay you the regular uber rate. Minus the mileage charges of course.

    And finally - because Uber literally cannot even order lunch without behaving like mustache-twirling cartoon villains - they're trying to sell it as a progressive effort to help the poor, and are apparently trying to target low-income people with this new service.

    They're literally charging you to work for them, and doing it in such a way that if it's a slow week, or you don't hit your minimums, you can end up owing hundreds of dollars a month. And then targeting the whole thing at the poor.
  • Told my boss I've been having what appear to be simple partial seizures this week because even though I was trying to ignore them I've had 5 since Monday and one while I was driving my 6 year old home from her grandma's.

    She insisted on driving me home and told me to call my doctor and work from home until further notice, which was very accommodating and understanding of her but I'm sure I'm on the cusp of losing my job over this now.
  • Churba said:

    So Uber, with their previous attempt having failed miserably (and putting them on the reciving end of an investigation for handing out sub-prime loans - not joking) Have now launched a program where for a cool $840 bucks a month plus expenses, you can work for them.

    Oh, sorry, I wasn't specific - You're the one paying the $840 a month. You pay them, and they loan you a car with a strict rental agreement, and inadequate insurance. Oh, and that's plus a $500 Deposit with strict terms, a $40 sign-up fee, and if you drive more than 90 miles a day - as uber drivers commonly do - you get a 25c per mile surcharge.

    I'm told by a mate in Colorado - but haven't verified yet - that they don't pay you, either. What you make comes off what you owe, until you cross the weekly payment, at which point they pay you the regular uber rate. Minus the mileage charges of course.

    And finally - because Uber literally cannot even order lunch without behaving like mustache-twirling cartoon villains - they're trying to sell it as a progressive effort to help the poor, and are apparently trying to target low-income people with this new service.

    They're literally charging you to work for them, and doing it in such a way that if it's a slow week, or you don't hit your minimums, you can end up owing hundreds of dollars a month. And then targeting the whole thing at the poor.

    This sounds like the new, more evil version of "Order our packet of information about federal postal exams. Federal employment is awesome so pay us a hundred dollars so that we can send you public information and put you on our list for future scams!"
  • muppet said:

    Told my boss I've been having what appear to be simple partial seizures this week because even though I was trying to ignore them I've had 5 since Monday and one while I was driving my 6 year old home from her grandma's.

    She insisted on driving me home and told me to call my doctor and work from home until further notice, which was very accommodating and understanding of her but I'm sure I'm on the cusp of losing my job over this now.

    Pretty sure it's very very illegal to fire you over that.
  • edited December 2015

    muppet said:

    Told my boss I've been having what appear to be simple partial seizures this week because even though I was trying to ignore them I've had 5 since Monday and one while I was driving my 6 year old home from her grandma's.

    She insisted on driving me home and told me to call my doctor and work from home until further notice, which was very accommodating and understanding of her but I'm sure I'm on the cusp of losing my job over this now.

    Pretty sure it's very very illegal to fire you over that.
    I think they might be able to do it if they can "prove" that I need to be on site for a significant portion of my job and I end up with a driving restriction, which is likely. Public transportation in this state may as well not exist.

    The reality is that I can do essentially my entire job remotely but my employer has an unwritten policy of always refusing to allow it. If they insist that it's critical that I be on site I will have the option of truly untenable travel times over multiple bus transfers (and a couple miles of walking), or resignation.

    Otherwise, yes. :(
    Post edited by muppet on
  • I mean, they can claim it was something else entirely as well. Most places can fire you for whatever, just not the things that are out of your control until it meets extenuating circumstances.

    Not to freak you out or anything, but just stating it :).
  • No, I know. I live in an "at will" state so they can technically just fire me for anything. And I can technically sue them and try to make the case that it was due to my disability, but without a job it's hard to hire a lawyer, and so on.
  • I'll take your case pro bono considering I read a lot of /r/legaladvice
  • I think there are various groups that specifically do pro bono representation for cases like that.
  • edited December 2015

    I think there are various groups that specifically do pro bono representation for cases like that.

    That and lawyers generally tend to have pro bono requirements with their state bar.

    If nothing else, should the worst happen, the ACLU would be worth talking to.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • muppet said:

    Told my boss I've been having what appear to be simple partial seizures this week because even though I was trying to ignore them I've had 5 since Monday and one while I was driving my 6 year old home from her grandma's.

    She insisted on driving me home and told me to call my doctor and work from home until further notice, which was very accommodating and understanding of her but I'm sure I'm on the cusp of losing my job over this now.

    I wouldn't read more into it than has been actually said. They may genuinely just want you to rest a little and get better.
  • Someone on reddit replied to a comment I posted with this:
    No. The separation of Church and state is a Catholic invention, and as a Catholic creation, it only exists for the salvation of souls.

    The separation of Church and state simply means that clergymen can't occupy state jobs and statesmen can't occupy Church jobs. What the separation of Church and state does NOT mean is that they should not have the same goal, that is, the salvation of souls.
    For context my comment was:
    It doesn't but it should. Separation of Church and state should be universal.
  • I'm laughing at the thought of how mad Roger Williams would be from anyone calling his policies as Catholic.
  • muppet said:

    This sounds like the new, more evil version of "Order our packet of information about federal postal exams. Federal employment is awesome so pay us a hundred dollars so that we can send you public information and put you on our list for future scams!"

    They're striking out in a brave new direction - instead of libertarian tech-bros discovering why regulations exist, it's libertarian tech bros providing examples of why regulations exist.

  • Can't wait for the next round of jackasses to come out defending this.
  • The clipboard in Windows 10 got stuck today.

    As in, it had something in it, and there was no way to cut/copy something different into it. I could paste out, but never copy.

    Reboot fixed it.
  • Well, this next semester is gonna be mostly boosting my GPA because I could only get into one class that I need for my degree. Remind me to register for classes the DAY they open for Fall 2016.
  • edited December 2015
    Mark Zuckerberg: Douche of the week.

    He claims to donate a large chunk of his fortune to charity. Here's the problem: He owns the charity. So now he's abusing a tax loophole.
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • Someone tell me when the election thread is no longer the muppet fail thread.
  • Yeah it sucks when somebody doesn't participate in a clique properly. Man how aggravating.

    Don't worry, I've got work to do so it's all yours.
  • My fail is that I'm too lazy to make a popcorn gif of myself.
  • Hey, I just saw that Zuckerberg fail post. Didn't Bill Gates donate a naive chunk of his own money to his own foundation, help eradicate diseases and stuff, then win a Nobel peace prize? I've not read up it, but isn't this just how mega-philanthropy works? Tax dodges all the way down?
  • Muppet, you are literally pathetic. You have my pity. Sorry to see you take it out on so many people who just want the best for you.
  • Muppet, you are literally pathetic. You have my pity. Sorry to see you take it out on so many people who just want the best for you.

    I remember Rym and Scott spending years billing this forum as an "ivory tower" of civil discourse. I'm glad to see that we've decided not to live up to that.
  • Greg said:

    Muppet, you are literally pathetic. You have my pity. Sorry to see you take it out on so many people who just want the best for you.

    I remember Rym and Scott spending years billing this forum as an "ivory tower" of civil discourse. I'm glad to see that we've decided not to live up to that.
    Haha the ivory tower has shit stains all down one side.
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