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Fail of Your Day



  • Argument over which side, go!
  • AmpAmp
    edited December 2015
    Also watching a C-Span debate on planned parent hood, fuck me are the Republicans a bunch of cunts. I mean its balls to the wall twunntyness that requires will full ignorance or a lobotomy to do.

    Edit; Rep Paul Goasr is a prick.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • The largest ISP out here had an outage spanning the entirety of Vancouver Island for about an hour.
  • edited December 2015
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • Not the stupidest fake court I've seen today, which would be a bunch of dipshits suing Monsanto in "International court" for "crimes against humanity."

    Aside from the fact that there's absolutely no evidence they've done any such thing, they're not taking it to an actual court where they might lose, it's just a bunch of anti-science idiots with zero clue on how laws work, getting together and shouting at an empty chair before smugly deciding the matter settled.
  • Didn't they withhold information on the effects of agent orange from the Pentagon during Vietnam? I realize that was fifty years ago but you know I hold grudges.
  • Greg said:

    Didn't they withhold information on the effects of agent orange from the Pentagon during Vietnam? I realize that was fifty years ago but you know I hold grudges.

    No, for two reasons. First, because they had no idea of them. They never tested Agent Orange - that was the US government, long before Vietnam. Monsanto Chemical was given the details for making Agent Orange(and other less famous Rainbow Herbicides), but didn't test them(and in fact, were not allowed to do so), and certainly didn't invent them.

    Holding them responsible for Agent orange, is like holding Mitsubishi responsible for Pearl Harbor, because they manufactured the Zero.

    Second - They can't be held responsible for crimes against humanity when they didn't actually do anything. They manufactured a defoliant, from the US government's recipe, in accordance with the government's demands, and handed the product over to the client. It wasn't Monsanto C-123s spraying it, on Monsanto's orders, in a war Monsanto was waging - It's the US government who are responsible for all that.
  • My cat died. Hasn't been seen since Saturday (outdoor cat) and her bowls have not been touched. RIP Kanga 1999 - 2015.
  • Hey man don't give up hope yet. One of my cats would go missing for sometimes weeks at a time but eventually come back. The last time was close to a month but my mom is pretty sure the neighbor had taken her because they acted shady when she was calling for her and since she showed up the next day.
  • Slept through my alarm and missed the narrow window of Bruce Springsteen ticket availability. Springsteen tickets are nearing PAX levels of inaccessibility, especially General Admission, which is a must have for me, since this is the first time I'll be seeing him live. I'd set aside $200 for these tickets and was going to save $50 if I'd gotten them from Ticketmaster, but instead I'm paying $500 altogether. Fortunately my parents are loaning me money that I can pay back over time so that I'm not bankrupt till February.

    I'm reminded of the point in STP, Robert Greenfield's account of the Rolling Stones' 1972 American tour, when Bill Graham finds out that The Roxy ticketer was charging seven dollars instead of the six fifty the Stones had dictated and trying desperately to get that fifty cents back to the people who bought those tickets (I know inflation warps that comparison, but $6.50 in 1972 is not even close to $150 in 2015, let alone $500). I'm reminded of the point in Peter Aimes Carlin's biography of The Boss when he goes to East Berlin and plays the largest show of his career for free, permitted by and coordinated with the Soviet government because his working class ballads voiced the concerns of the proletariat that Communism aimed to address. I'm reminded of my friend Andrea who got to see Bruce in 1978 for fifteen dollars and was lucky enough to get up on stage and kiss him during Prove It All Night. I'm not certain what conclusion those comparisons add up to, but they definitely make for a very sad Greg.
  • At least he's alive and you can actually see him. I was born a bit to late for a lot of my early music obsessions.
  • Muppet, you are literally pathetic. You have my pity. Sorry to see you take it out on so many people who just want the best for you.

    Luke, there is no one's opinion I care less about than yours. Hold onto that pity even though you seem to have quite an inventory of it. :)

    Moving on:

    Fail of my day today: I have two back to back conference calls and need to finish my Chewbacca in time for an appearance at the local children's library TOMORROW. I'll make it with a few hours to spare, but I'm still stressing.

    Chewie will be judging a roar contest and posing for photos with the kids. :D
  • Nukerjsr said:

    My cat died. Hasn't been seen since Saturday (outdoor cat) and her bowls have not been touched. RIP Kanga 1999 - 2015.

    Sorry to hear. :(

  • Ridiculous bomb threats emailed to school boards in New York and LA.

    New York: "It's obviously a hoax."

  • In New York, Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said at a news conference that there was nothing to suggest that the threat was credible, and plenty to suggest that it was not.

    “It was so generic, so outlandish, and posed to numerous school systems simultaneously,” Mr. de Blasio said. “Kids should be in school today. We will be vigilant. But we are absolutely convinced our schools are safe.”

    Mr. Bratton, a former Los Angeles police chief, said that threats were often made against New York City schools, and that they were assessed on a case-by-case basis. The threat made Tuesday, he said, resembled a story line from the television show “Homeland.” He suggested that Los Angeles schools officials had overreacted, and that they had made the decision without consulting law enforcement.
  • To be fair, if it was local light rail instead of schools, those reactions would be reversed.
  • Someone did basically the same thing with a gun threat to my college a few years ago. They made a generic threat on 4chan, and apparently did it to a bunch of other schools in the country around the same time but we still were on lockdown for the day.
  • So, Congress wants to give NASA an actually decent budget. Why is this a fail? They're slipping CISA in as a rider

    Fire up you typewriters and warm up your feather pens, we need to rip Congress a new asshole for this dirty trick.
  • I was going to record a song with my grandparents today on their better recording equipment to promote a thing I'll be launching later today, but I can't because my grandfather just got taken to the ER for intense abdominal pain. This is extra difficult because this time last year my other grandmother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer before dying of respiratory failure in February

    As an aside, she spent her whole life kicking cancer's ass. She got breast cancer in the 80s and beat the shit out of it. In 2010 she had lung cancer. When my dad told me this, I said "I feel sorry for the cancer" and she beat it. When she was diagnosed with fatal ovarian cancer, her system essentially told it "You can't fire me, I quit!"
  • I hope your grand dad is okay!
  • I hope your grand dad is okay!

  • He is back home and well. Apparently it was an anxiety related phenomenon, which really should be expected from anyone related to me by now.
  • Glad to hear your grandpa is already on the mend.

    We're starting to think my recent seizure activity is an anxiety thing, too.
  • Private School kids voice dissatisfaction with garbage food by calling it racist... and pretend to care about the cafeteria workers:
  • edited December 2015

    Private School kids voice dissatisfaction with garbage food by calling it racist... and pretend to care about the cafeteria workers:

    You left out the part where they said the cafeteria wasn't representing African American cuisine because they don't always serve fried chicken on Sundays.

    To add to that, this document is making the rounds. It's allegedly from the Oberlin Black Students Union, but that group has yet to issue a statement regarding the validity of that claim. It's impressively racist against the black students they fight in the name of, and borders on segregationist. My favorite part was when they demanded that the jazz instructors be black, because apparently that's progressive.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • So to protect black people from racism we should re-institute segregation so they don't ever have to interact with us racist white people?
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