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Fail of Your Day



  • Regardless of circumstance taking over a Federal building by force is not the answer. With that said, I think a lot of rhetoric around this is needlessly extreme. Nobody's gotten hurt yet. I get that it comes from a feeling of constant terror given recent trends, but this was a fairly painless act of rebellion.
    Not every kickstarter can reach the bar that LORE set, but some try.
  • Expecting a Disney takedown in 3...2...
  • I am currently working on getting the ground work for a project and looking for websites/content/topics to include. An offshoot of this would be the "Funny" show Dr. Demento does, not only that it is online and can be listed to as a podcast.

    So I do a search on my rss reader and did not get his show (few other shows came up none of them his) so I go on his website. There is no RSS feed, you need to download an MP3 to a player, kinda bullshit but can work around it.

    Here is the kicker in order to listen to ANY of his shows you need to be a member,which is $14.95 a month to listen to three shows in the archieve per month and anything current. If you do not want to do that you can listen to certain indiviual shows...for a price between $2.00 - $6.00 depending on the bitrate you want to listen to them in.

    The amount of fail in this is so much I can not even.
  • Isn't there, y'know, like, a test, or something? Something so that we know people who become judges actually understand how the judicial system works BEFORE we let them become judges?
  • Isn't there, y'know, like, a test, or something? Something so that we know people who become judges actually understand how the judicial system works BEFORE we let them become judges?

    Yes. It's called "Getting a Master's in law school."
  • Daikun said:

    Isn't there, y'know, like, a test, or something? Something so that we know people who become judges actually understand how the judicial system works BEFORE we let them become judges?

    Yes. It's called "Getting a Master's in law school."
    Clearly this is an insufficient litmus test of knowing the fucking law.

    Like.... At all.
  • The methods used for filling Judicial positions vary by State, and sometimes even county. It's not uncommon for a judgeship to be an elected position, or appointment by state legislature. A law degree isn't universally necessary.
  • That is the dumbest thing ever.
  • Eh. Having no prerequisites is pretty awful, but degree isn't the only way to prove that an individual is prepared for the position. A former representative, on either the Federal or State level, might not have a law degree but can be expected to know enough law to enforce it. Someone in an indirectly related field like history might be able to pass the bar exam, which is a better test of legal knowledge than some law schools.
  • I mean, do they at least require that elected legal positions like judges and DAs be bar members in their states?
  • Greg said:

    A former representative, on either the Federal or State level, might not have a law degree but can be expected to know enough law to enforce it.

    Considering how dumb a lot of Federal and most State reps are, I doubt they'd know enough to be good judges.

  • It varies state to state, county to county. I'm not well enough read on the subject to say what happens where or why.
  • Sounds kind of like how you become a Sheriff in a western. " You seem to have a vague idea how the job works, and you're not completely evil. You're hired"
  • Well the Labour party in the UK is having a grand old hissy fit as people try to out working class each other.
  • Amp said:

    Well the Labour party in the UK is having a grand old hissy fit as people try to out working class each other.

    "I didn't go to Eaton!" "Oh yeah? I didn't even go to public school!"
  • We are nearly in this state.

  • Went to a specialist today. It turns out I have a fungal ear infection, and it's itching like crazy.

    I'm resisting every urge in my body not to touch it, especially since I just put in medication. Agh, it's driving me nuts!
  • ThatGent said:
    Not every kickstarter can reach the bar that LORE set, but some try.

    Daikun said:

    Expecting a Disney takedown in 3...2...

    Well, it didn't happen, but he canned it, anyway.
  • The fail of my day is that my best friend's dad is now deeply involved in this, specifically the branch taught by this guy.

    TL;DR, it's like if Gendo Ikari's plan to transcend humanity was then edited by Timecube guy while he was on acid, and is being taught by a pedophile and a rapist.
  • I went to a party the other night where a guy refused to call transgender people anything other than 'it'. classified white, black and Asian people as 'breeds' and felt that people had to conform to societal norms. By that I mean because Im 6'2 and have a beard I am more of a man than he is. The jackass justified it by saying it was his opinion and he was allowed to express himself.

    It was fucking mad. This guy would not see any rational or logic behind his bigotry nor would he accpet that he was literally making the same arguments as Hitler. It was crazy. The shitty cherry on the cake is that he has transgender friends, was at an art student party with crazy liberal people. It blew my mind how this guy could wantonly not want to educate himself.

    Also it was a vegetable themed harry potter party.
  • How intoxicated?
  • One beer. They were mostly people Nay sort of knew, but from what I can gather this guy is a tool anyway but no one in his group of friend calls him on it. Oh I also missed out the good one where he declared that because his girlfriend is Indian he can't be racist...
  • edited January 2016
    Amp said:

    I went to a party the other night where a guy refused to call transgender people anything other than 'it'. classified white, black and Asian people as 'breeds' and felt that people had to conform to societal norms. By that I mean because Im 6'2 and have a beard I am more of a man than he is. The jackass justified it by saying it was his opinion and he was allowed to express himself.

    It was fucking mad. This guy would not see any rational or logic behind his bigotry nor would he accpet that he was literally making the same arguments as Hitler. It was crazy. The shitty cherry on the cake is that he has transgender friends, was at an art student party with crazy liberal people. It blew my mind how this guy could wantonly not want to educate himself.

    Also it was a vegetable themed harry potter party.

    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • Daikun said:
    Didn't even notice, I Chromecast most things and then if I don't I have a VPN on the HTPC from which I run the Windows 10 Netflix app which does 1080p.
  • image

    Ever been at work when some clumsy coworker accidentally shatters the vial of concentrated evil powering your devices?
  • What the fuck is that? It looks like it's about to eat your chief of security.
  • The construction team left all the rubber seals on top of the rack, which nobody noticed until the machines were running hot enough to have them melt down the pores.
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