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Fail of Your Day



  • Failure on my Roommates Part:

    -RoomMate 1 has wrecked his car by backing into a rock. (Probably was high)
    -RoomMate 2 might have Swine Flu and is sick like a dog. (And I played card games with him for about an hour)
    -RoomMate 3 has to study for classes religiously.

    Probably the worst week ever for living at are apartment complex. And our internet has been going off and on me only a few forms of entertainment. This sucks considering all my homework is done through computers. (Thank god we have a 24-Hour Computer Lab)
  • I almost set the kitchen on fire.

  • I almost set the kitchen on fire.

    Let's be friends.
  • What's with people failing at the kitchen?
  • What's with people failing at the kitchen?
    I prefer to see them as winning at Firefighting 101.
  • I prefer to see them as winning at Firefighting 101.
    But isn't the first lesson be careful around flammable things as fires suck.

    Speaking of Firefighting though, it occurs to me that I have no fire extinguisher. FAIL.
  • What's with people failing at the kitchen?
    I cannot cook to save my life. I'm lucky I have a boyfriend who's hobby is cooking. He's great at it.
  • -RoomMate 3 has to study for classes religiously.
    That is a non-fail. He is a good student.
  • -RoomMate 3 has to study for classes religiously.
    That is a non-fail. He is a good student.
    Especially if he were studying theology.
  • Fail of the last several months: My Dad thinks 9-11pm is the right time to have dinner. I'm thinking of adding an extra meal to my day just to break up the gap 7-11 hour gap. It also makes trying to sleep at normal times a pain.
    Also, due to my father's picky eating habits, we haven't had any new dishes for at least six months.
    Make your own dinner and don't eat with him?
  • edited September 2009
    Fail of the last several months: My Dad thinks 9-11pm is the right time to have dinner. I'm thinking of adding an extra meal to my day just to break up the gap 7-11 hour gap. It also makes trying to sleep at normal times a pain.
    Also, due to my father's picky eating habits, we haven't had any new dishes for at least six months.
    Make your own dinner and don't eat with him?
    Tried suggesting this, didn't go down too well.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Ommnutia, how old are you?
  • edited September 2009
    20, and don't worry. If business keeps picking up, I'll be out of here by the spring.
    It may seem a bit old but, there's a not so great story behind it if you'd like to know.

    Edit: Looking back on things, I've kinda turned my life around over the last few years. College drop-out to roughly breaking even business owner.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • 20 is a perfectly fine age to still live with your folks. People of any age could live with their folks for any number of reasons that are not at all "shameful".
    I was only asking because it seems weird that your Dad wouldn't be okay with you making your own food, particularly if you can purchase your own groceries. That just seems like an odd power trip.
  • edited September 2009
    The problem would mostly arise from having me make food for most of the family and then someone else would have to make my dad something else.
    My dad's attitude towards others is somewhat Nineless/Scott Rubenesque.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The problem would mostly arise from having me make food for most of the family and then someone else would have to make my dad something else.
    My dad's attitude towards others is somewhat Nineless/Scott Rubenesque.
    Yeah, Omnutia's dad could out curmudgeon both Scott and John Dvorak, working in tandem.
  • edited September 2009
    My dad's attitude towards others is somewhat Nineless/Scott Rubenesque.
    Wait, did you seriously just compare me to Scott? I'll let you look back on that and realize how utterly stupid it is. Scott and I are polar opposites, no matter what your glasses make you see. I don't take kindly to being compared to someone who is empathetically retarded. Seriously, this due to you complaining about your dad eating at strange hours. SO FUCKING WHAT? You are not your father, eat when you get hungry you moron and stop crying like a little bitch.

    Christ, I suspect you just let your father emotionally blackmail you to not eat at times that are normal for you. You're not a fucking pussy, don't act like one.
    The result I was expecting.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The problem would mostly arise from having me make food for most of the family and then someone else would have to make my dad something else.
    My dad's attitude towards others is somewhat Nineless/Scott Rubenesque.
    Yeah, Omnutia's dad could out curmudgeon both Scott and John Dvorak, working in tandem.
    That is quite a bit of curmudgeoning.
  • edited September 2009
    I don't take kindly to being compared to someone who is empathetically retarded
    This post is somewhat empathetically retarded.

    Also, Omnu, did you just quote a whisper? Where did Nine's post go?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited September 2009
    He whispered it but, it's undoubtedly Nineless.
    I don't take kindly to being compared to someone who is empathetically retarded
    This post is somewhat empathetically retarded.
    Delicious irony.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • ......
    edited September 2009
    This post is somewhat empathetically retarded.
    The blunt quotation is, not the post. I whispered it for a reason, and I don't need to whisper a thing if I want to kick Omnutia for being stupid while telling him to stop being stupid. What was said all hush-hush-like again that one GeekChat, oh wait, there was also a promise.
    Delicious irony.
    Now with as much taste and nutritional value as Omnutia's brain cavityplain air!
    Post edited by ... on
  • Nineless, this is a hole. Once you can't climb out, stop digging.
  • Nineless, this is a hole. Once you can't climb out, stop digging.
    But he might reach China. China is cool.
  • Nineless, this is a hole. Once you can't climb out, stop digging.
    But he might reach China. China is cool.
    It is a universal truth understood and agreed upon by all rational beings: all holes dug through the earth, no matter where they start, will end up in China.
  • Is this a hoax? It seems plausible but 42 minutes makes me think it's some kind of April fools joke.
  • edited September 2009
    Is this a hoax?It seems plausible but 42 minutes makes me think it's some kind of April fools joke.
    No, this is legit. History channel just likes to do dramatic representations of the concepts they're discussing. Not all coincidences point to hoax.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ah, ok, it's not that it's extremely short, it's just that scientists pulling a prank involving the earth and the number 42 seems kinda obvious.
  • edited September 2009
    Is this a hoax?It seems plausible but 42 minutes makes me think it's some kind of April fools joke.
    No, this is legit. History channel just likes to do dramatic representations of the concepts they're discussing.
    History Channel also puts horns on the helmets of the vikings they depict, so I am always wary of believing them.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Is this a hoax?It seems plausible but 42 minutes makes me think it's some kind of April fools joke.
    No, this is legit. History channel just likes to do dramatic representations of the concepts they're discussing.
    History Channel also puts horns on the helmets of the vikings they depict, so I am always wary of believing them.
    Learning the truth about the helmet felt like learning there's no Santa.

    Anyway, my fail was defeat at the hands of a treadmill.
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