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Fail of Your Day



  • Forgot to bring my DS and knitted hand warmers to work. I was really looking forward to playing more Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time during breaks too, and now my hands will be freezing and barely able to type most of the day. Bah.
  • Thank you failblog for today's hilarious fail.
  • I think I'm officially depressed for various reasons.

    -I have discovered a bit too late that the major I've been gearing myself towards is complete and utter bullshit, which is Business. And Business is nothing but Common Sense which is padded out and only graded on technicality and minor, idiotic hypothetical. Stuff that will probably not matter as our economy is constantly evolving and changing. I'm going to switch towards something more in the field of professional a critic or a columnist. I know it will be hard, but I think it will actually be enjoyable or fulfilling.

    A great sign of this is when guest speakers came by in my Computer Information Systems class talking about what they did. It really told me how that life is gonna be...seeing how none of the speakers talked about how happy, rich and fulfilled they feel. Not to mention that the company they work for doesn't send out "material" it sends out "people."

    -Lost a business book related to the class, which probably costs 80 dollars and will paralyze me from one of my remaining classes. I don't know if I can return other books for a profit.

    -The anime/manga club of my college has NOT responded to me. They are either dead or don't care. Their website/blog has mixed messages and leaves me worried.

    -I'm always tired too to do stuff I really enjoy like write or watch television.

    -My new cell phone, the Palm Pre, is constantly having problems with applications. The biggest killer is that the area I live in gets poor quality WiFi and Sprint Service, so it kind of defeats it's purpose.

    -Turning 21 in a few days, my mom doesn't seem to care.

    -My girlfriend appears to be distracted with a new game for me to talk to her.

    ...Help Me.
  • I think I'm officially depressed for various reasons.

    -I have discovered a bit too late that the major I've been gearing myself towards is complete and utter bullshit, which is Business. And Business is nothing but Common Sense which is padded out and only graded on technicality and minor, idiotic hypothetical. Stuff that will probably not matter as our economy is constantly evolving and changing. I'm going to switch towards something more in the field of professional a critic or a columnist. I know it will be hard, but I think it will actually be enjoyable or fulfilling.
    While I have seen many people with rich, fulfilled lives who chose the path of business, I can identify with simply being unhappy with what you do because it is not what you want to do. If you genuinely feel like a career in business could never make you happy, it really is time to switch majors.
    -Lost a business book related to the class, which probably costs 80 dollars and will paralyze me from one of my remaining classes. I don't know if I can return other books for a profit.
    What they charge students for textbooks is simply inhuman. It's as if they're unaware of the difficulty that tuition alone imposes on us.
    -The anime/manga club of my college has NOT responded to me. They are either dead or don't care. Their website/blog has mixed messages and leaves me worried.
    Have you tried just showing up to a meeting? That's how I found mine, just walked in. A lot of clubs post where and when they meet publically. Or you could ask student resources where you could find them? Or maybe find out who the president is, and stop by his/her dorm to ask about the club.
    -I'm always tired too to do stuff I really enjoy like write or watch television.
    This is something that you must actively fight against. Don't feel like sitting down and writing? Do it anyway. Too lethargic to get up and get some fresh air? Kick your ass out the door anyway. Getting yourself started is the hardest part. Unless of course, you are actually losing sleep and unable to function during the day. In that case, try harder to get your 8 hours at night.
    -Turning 21 in a few days, my mom doesn't seem to care.
    When is your b-day again? I know it's this month, but I forgot the exact date. If there's no one else, just find a buddy to go get a legal drink with or something. Or see a movie.
    -My girlfriend appears to be distracted with a new game for me to talk to her.
    Dumb kids and their video games, letting life pass 'em by...
  • ...Help Me.
    If your college has a counseling office (usually attached to the school clinic), make an appointment to see a counselor. It's usually free if the school has the service. Seriously dude, if you think you're depressed then this is not shit to play around with. If the first counselor you talk to doesn't seem to get it, then request another one. I went through 3 before I found one that I felt understood the problems I was having when I almost dropped out of college. The counseling office working with me is the only thing that kept me in school. As great as the internet is, some things are best handled by people who are trained to know what they are talking about (and more importantly, what YOU are talking about).
  • I took business management as my joint honors minor at university. I learned a few bits here and there, but 99% was pure common sense. Thanks goodness it was only my minor.
  • edited September 2009
    ...Help Me.
    Stop whining, for starters.
    I think I'm officially depressed for various reasons.
    I'm sorry. Being honestly depressed is no fun. If it gets really bad, like Nuri said, talk to someone. It helps.
    -I have discovered a bit too late that the major I've been gearing myself towards is complete and utter bullshit, which is Business. And Business is nothing but Common Sense which is padded out and only graded on technicality and minor, idiotic hypothetical. Stuff that will probably not matter as our economy is constantly evolving and changing. I'm going to switch towards something more in the field of professional a critic or a columnist. I know it will be hard, but I think it will actually be enjoyable or fulfilling.
    Have you ever actually written for a living? How do you feel about...freelancing? You know, working the harsh deadlines to write little pieces in a blog for a pittance? Often freelance writers have to supplement their income with other skills and jobs. However, if it's what you really want to do, fight and try hard!
    A great sign of this is when guest speakers came by in my Computer Information Systems class talking about what they did. It really told me how that life is gonna be...seeing how none of the speakers talked about how happy, rich and fulfilled they feel. Not to mention that the company they work for doesn't send out "material" it sends out "people."
    Well, I don't know about you, but I know plenty of healthy, wealthy, happy IT guys. Business majors can be happy or not so happy, depending. My friend the marketing guy seems to prefer doing creative stuff over spinning ads, and he's moving in that direction. Definitely don't go into a field if you don't FEEL it, though. You've got to be into it or else it will wear you out.
    -Lost a business book related to the class, which probably costs 80 dollars and will paralyze me from one of my remaining classes. I don't know if I can return other books for a profit
    You can never return books for a profit. They give you 15 bucks at most.
    -The anime/manga club of my college has NOT responded to me. They are either dead or don't care. Their website/blog has mixed messages and leaves me worried.
    So go start your own. Make an anime meet up group or something. It doesn't have to be an official club right away.
    -I'm always tired too to do stuff I really enjoy like write or watch television.
    Well, it's probably because you are stressed/depressed. Actually, if you take 20 minutes of exercise, like jumping jacks, weight lifting, DDR etc. and work up a sweat in the evening or morning before you shower, I've found that the endorphins really wake you up and make your mood better. Try running around before you sit down to write. I'm sure that you will be much more focused and awake. It's really easy to find the time to do this stuff, especially on a college student's schedule.
    -My new cell phone, the Palm Pre, is constantly having problems with applications. The biggest killer is that the area I live in gets poor quality WiFi and Sprint Service, so it kind of defeats it's purpose.
    Aww that sucks. You didn't check the network range before you signed the contract? Blah. Even in Beacon there were some issues with iphone until recently.
    -Turning 21 in a few days, my mom doesn't seem to care.
    -My girlfriend appears to be distracted with a new game for me to talk to her.
    Be louder about it? Maybe she forgot. Maybe your girlfriend is not aware that you are being SULKY MCSULKSULK about her attention because she is gaming all the time. You need to tell her and pull her away from her game once in a while. If she doesn't go out because of it, it's a problem.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • ...Help Me.
    Stop whining, for starters.
    Well thanks for your advice guys. I did kind of reach for straws with some of my complaints but I does really feel like I have become depressed this week. I can definitely live without the anime club and my gf playing her new game. I'm thinking I'll be better in a few days, I just really needed to analyze and vent. I didn't mean to draw tons of attention but this is the first time I've felt seriously down. It's a lot of major AND minor stuff that has just piled up.
    Well, I don't know about you, but I know plenty of healthy, wealthy, happy IT guys. Business majors can be happy or not so happy, depending. My friend the marketing guy seems to prefer doing creative stuff over spinning ads, and he's moving in that direction. Definitely don't go into a field if you don't FEEL it, though. You've got to be into it or else it will wear you out.
    Yeah, it's just straight NOT fulfilling and it feels like BS whenever I go. I wasn't aiming on being an IT person it was more of a Management Major, but even in the classes all business majors have to take, I just didn't feel comfortable or like I belonged. And the job possibilities I had ahead didn't look like they were worth it.
    -Lost a business book related to the class, which probably costs 80 dollars and will paralyze me from one of my remaining classes. I don't know if I can return other books for a profit
    You can never return books for a profit. They give you 15 bucks at most.
    I'm hoping that I'll get some kind of payback for this or that the book will turn up somewhere. It just sucked because losing the book really de-motivated me from going to class. And my advisor (who had an appointment arranged in an unexplained time or date) has chewed me about about not meeting her. Seriously, I felt like I should of picked up on not joining business sooner.

    During orientation, just about every JMU official said that the college of business had a "Unique" way of doing things while they cringed.
    This is something that you must actively fight against. Don't feel like sitting down and writing? Do it anyway. Too lethargic to get up and get some fresh air? Kick your ass out the door anyway. Getting yourself started is the hardest part. Unless of course, you are actually losing sleep and unable to function during the day. In that case, try harder to get your 8 hours at night.
    It's a combination of both. My schedule is completely off as I'm awake during the night and having trouble staying awake through the day. But I should probably do stuff that'll get me more energized. Might just be because this apartment is cramped that I hadn't thought of doing anything huge. Gonna try to move around extensively from now on if I wanna get my blood pumping. Perhaps because my bed is now right across my computer that I've felt even more lazy than ever.
    -My new cell phone, the Palm Pre, is constantly having problems with applications. The biggest killer is that the area I live in gets poor quality WiFi and Sprint Service, so it kind of defeats it's purpose.
    Aww that sucks. You didn't check the network range before you signed the contract? Blah. Even in Beacon there were some issues with iphone until recently.
    My old phone was having the same connectivity issues. But having the Palm Pre isn't a waste because it has youtube, radio, Instant messages, and even GPS. The only issue I've been using it for those issues than as an actual phone, which somewhat defeats the purpose. And even while I'm at my apartment, I can barely use my Palm Pre for any Wi-Fi using activities like Radio or Youtube. It's just a pain.
    -Turning 21 in a few days, my mom doesn't seem to care.
    When is your b-day again? I know it's this month, but I forgot the exact date. If there's no one else, just find a buddy to go get a legal drink with or something. Or see a movie.
    I was planning on seeing some movies during and after my birthday with my friends for celebration because a lot of great movies are coming out now. (Gonna see Invention of Lying and Zombieland) My Birthday is October 4th (Sunday). It wasn't that I'm striving for attention or a present, it was more like my brother pointed out a flaw in my mom that I hadn't discovered till Tuesday.

    And it's that she doesn't seem to carry all that much about her immediate family, because she believes we are perfectly fine on our own. So she obsesses more with her clients and some of our more obscure family members. In fact, I was trying to get her opinion on what kind of restaurant we should eat on my Birthday and she was more interested in me doing busy-work.

    I don't feel like I'm 100% bad, it's just that because of how I'm tired and my sleep schedule is messed up, that I should address these issues.
  • I just got a personal invite to apply to appear on Britains Got Talent. Invite to apply? What the hell?
  • So, to fix your sleep schedule back to night time you need to stay up for over 24 hours. Don't fall asleep in the morning! Sure, stay up all night, but then stay out of the house until 8:00pm the next day. Pick the time you want to go to sleep and then fall asleep then. This is how I fix my jet lag when I come back home from overseas. Also, don't do computer work right before bed. Staring at screens keeps you up. Do reading for class or read comic books right before you sleep. Also, avoid rich foods. That sometimes causes lethargy. (Bread and vegetables for the win.) Also, like I said, you need to run around. Excercise about 3 or so hours before you want to go to sleep, take a shower, eat a light dinner, and then settle down for the night.
  • It's a combination of both. My schedule is completely off as I'm awake during the night and having trouble staying awake through the day. But I should probably do stuff that'll get me more energized. Might just be because this apartment is cramped that I hadn't thought of doing anything huge. Gonna try to move around extensively from now on if I wanna get my blood pumping. Perhaps because my bed is now right across my computer that I've felt even more lazy than ever.
    I've known a few people, myself included, who actively keep themselves in depression by living dull, stationary lifestyles. I know from first hand experience how difficult it is to force yourself away from the computer or out of bed, or even to put a happy song on when you REALLY feel like listening to sad music. But all of those things will help you to feel better. Your apartment complex has a little gym, right? Use it! Like Emily said, you'll get a burst of endorphins that'll give you a happy and energized feeling for the rest of the day. It is very worth it. And believe me, there'll come a day where you wish you -had- free access to a gym.

    You've also gotta force your sleep schedule back to normal. Don't let yourself sleep during the day and get to bed at a normal time. Keep it up and eventually your body will do the rest of the adjusting for you.

    I was planning on seeing some movies during and after my birthday with my friends for celebration because a lot of great movies are coming out now. (Gonna see Invention of Lying and Zombieland) My Birthday is October 4th (Sunday). It wasn't that I'm striving for attention or a present, it was more like my brother pointed out a flaw in my mom that I hadn't discovered till Tuesday.

    And it's that she doesn't seem to carry all that much about her immediate family, because she believes we are perfectly fine on our own. So she obsesses more with her clients and some of our more obscure family members. In fact, I was trying to get her opinion on what kind of restaurant we should eat on my Birthday and she was more interested in me doing busy-work.
    You need to communicate with her openly and verbally. Be entirely straightforward. Tell her flat out that you're feeling a little hurt because she hasn't really been responsive or attentive to your attempts to talk/be close with her, and that it would mean a lot to you if she could just sit down and talk about your upcoming birthday plans with you.

    It's good that you realize that you need to take action instead of just complaining. It can seem like hard stuff, but it'll make your quality of life much higher in the end.
  • I just got a personal invite to apply to appear on Britains Got Talent. Invite to apply? What the hell?
    Do it! You'll be the best that show has ever seen (assuming it's as bad as the American version).
  • Do it! You'll be the best that show has ever seen (assuming it's as bad as the American version).
    Actually, the UK version has had some pretty damned good contestants.
  • Do it! You'll be the best that show has ever seen (assuming it's as bad as the American version).
    Actually, the UK version has had some pretty damned good contestants.
    That they do.

    Still, I bet Luke's multimedia juggling routine would be a strong contender.
  • Strong contender for most awesome, not necessarily most popular.
  • Do it! You'll be the best that show has ever seen (assuming it's as bad as the American version).
    Actually, the UK version has had some pretty damned good contestants.
    Oh yeah, the UK version is impressive. And How America's Got Talent was this year...that was some epic fail.

    In news, I don't think I'm depressed. It might of just been a really bad day. Today, I'm feeling much better, awake, and inspired. And depressing stuff happened today too, but I'm still feeling rather good. I think I just needed to admit some things.
  • edited October 2009
    Oh, so you're manic depressive.

    In seriousness, if you notice yourself unable to move or missing major appointments due to it, you get help right away, understand? Depression is tits if you let it get on top of you.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Oh, so you're manic depressive.

    In seriousness, if you notice yourself unable to move or missing major appointments due to it, you get help right away, understand? Depression is tits if you let it get on top of you.
    Man...don't say that. I'm feeling good today...I just think that jumping to that conclusion is a bit hasty.
  • It was a joke..
  • Strong contender for most awesome, not necessarily most popular.
    I told them I'd do it for €1800, plus expenses, but they turned me down. Apparently, as it's an open competition, they don't pay expenses. The failest thing is that the contact just ignored the stated fee, as though the expenses was the only bit I cared about. What the hell? Maybe I can do it by video or similar so I don't have to worry about traveling.
  • Oh, so you're manic depressive.

    In seriousness, if you notice yourself unable to move or missing major appointments due to it, you get help right away, understand? Depression is tits if you let it get on top of you.
    Man...don't say that. I'm feeling good today...I just think that jumping to that conclusion is a bit hasty.
    I doubt you were truly clinically depressed in the first place. True clinical depression is more of a chronic condition; having "up" and "down" days is, well, normal.
  • vi refused to recognize my esc key
  • My laptop battery tells me nothing but lies. As such, my Ubuntu partition is fried just in time to put the Karmic Koala beta on it!
    I've still got the Windows partition and my desktop so I may as well try it.
  • You corrupted you hard drive into unusable-ness with an improper shutdown?
  • No, power fail while updating = busted kernel.
  • No, power fail while updating = busted kernel.
    oh...yeah that would do it.
  • On my last credit card statement I paid off the entire thing, $212.

    My new statement for this month is $240.

    >_< I need to stop using that damm thing.
  • What's with Piratebay?
  • edited October 2009
    So there's been a lot of talk about Roman Pokanski lately, what with this new HBO documentary, and him finally being arrested, and maybe soon extradited. I never really knew the story about what went down -- I always just thought that he had sex with a teenage girl. Certainly illegal, and not the classiest thing in the world, but also not the worst crime against humanity. Here's the Grand Jury testimony of his victim. Dude straight up raped a 13-year old girl. Fuck that guy.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Second Friday in a row with no plans. Fuck my (lack of a) social life.
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