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Booh yah!



  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2010
    Even though my plans to see the Back to the Future showing in NYC have failed, I'm not giving up in seeing a showing in NYC as I'm doing it twice more. This time however, I am guaranteed to get in since I ordered my tickets online. The movies that I'm going to be seeing are Carrie on Oct. 30 at the Lincoln Center/Walter Reade Theater on 165 W 65th St. and Psycho on Halloween at the Film Forum on 209 W Houston St. I also might go to a few of the showings which are part of the Stanley Donen (of Singing in the Rain fame) retrospective, if I've got the time.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • image
    A few hours later
    Awwww yeah!
  • I got the second Fist of The North Star box set today!
    It is suppose to be release next month :O
    Also, meet the jerkiest candy ever!
  • Just got an appointment for an interview for internship at IBM (Melbourne), any advice from anyone who has worked at IBM? (I know Rym has worked at IBM).
  • Just got an appointment for an interview for internship at IBM (Melbourne), any advice from anyone who has worked at IBM? (I know Rym has worked at IBM).
    Dress smartly in a suit, but try not to look like everyone else going to interviews. Wear a black tie instead of a patterned/power one.

    Just be chill and, most importantly, memorable. Relax. If they want to hire you, they'll probably get you (maybe later) to take the IPAT, a sort of internal intelligence test. Don't swear that at all: it's totally easy. I don't know if they require it for interns, but they do for co-ops.
  • Just be chill and, most importantly, memorable.
    If I were to do the things that would make me memorable, they would likely be things that would not get my hired.
  • Cheers, I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully I'll get it.
  • I'm watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 in order to sleep. I'm digging this iPod Touch.
  • edited November 2010
    Also, meet the jerkiest candy ever!
    Yorkie bars are delicious. It's jerkish to you, but they're English Chocolate bars, and it's pretty fine and normal over there. Also - Lion bars are fucking great.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2010
    they're Chocolate bars
    Every Yorkie I've had leaves behind a funky aftertaste.
    Also - Lion bars are fucking great.
    Fact. Although, my favorite chocolate bar of Albionic extraction has to be the mint-chocolate Aero. Milk chocolate filled with a soft mint foam? OH FUCK YEAH.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Although, my favorite chocolate bar of Albionic extraction has to be the mint-chocolate Aero. Milk chocolate filled with a soft mint foam? OH FUCK YEAH.
    Shit yes. You are indeed a man of taste and distinction.
    Every Yorkie I've had leaves behind a funky aftertaste.
    I think that might be something to do with the manufacturing process of the chocolate and what you're used to - I have the same problem with some American-made chocolate bars, and my girlfriend says the same about Cadbury chocolate - Yet, she has no problem with Tim-Tams(CANADIANS! You can buy those in some of your supermarkets now, do so. Right now. Stop reading this and do it. I'll wait.)

    Anyway, She really likes Tim-Tams, and is now familiar with the Tim Tam Slam.
    Also, you might be interested in Redskins(A chewy, raspberry flavored bar thing) Milkos(the same thing, but made of milk, sans raspberry), Violet Crumble and Crunchie Bars(Chocolate coated bars of honeycomb), and if you're a fan of Crackerjacks, then you'll propably enjoy the ludicrously named Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs.
  • edited November 2010
    Personal Boo-yah - I'm donating my Face to charity by participating in Mo-vember, Where pretty much you solicit donations to grow a bitchin' stash, with the cash going to prostrate cancer research. It's kinda important to me, since it runs in the family, and I'm not getting taken out by no punk-ass cancer.

    If you want to donate, sweet, Go to my "Mo-space" and feel free to do so to either me, my team, or just the movember foundation, and if not, you can just watch me grow a bitchin' 'stach there, and heckle me because I'm planning to essentially topiwary it into the most ridiculous shape I can manage.

    Bonus - Donate any amount at all to my page, and you get a vote in what ridiculous shape my facial hair will take.

    Edit - This is legit Boo-yah, I've not done anything for charity that I've not been being paid for or receive some benefit for before, but saying owt about it does make me rather feel like a whore.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I finished 2nd in my school's Haloween 5k, and I set a new personal best with a time of 18:33. I'm rather sore now.
  • I finished 2nd in my school's Haloween 5k, and I set a new personal best with a time of 18:33. I'm rather sore now.
    Congratulations :D
    Damn, you are fast :D
  • Thanks!
    I've been training for a grappling tournament, so my cardio has been getting much better. I also ran the race in my Fivefingers, so my calves are particularly angry with me today.
    As a side note, I almost beat my 1 mile record in this race as well. I ran a 5:40 the first mile which is two seconds off my best time. Oh well, there's always next race.
  • Last night, I opened a bottle of what is perhaps the best port I have ever owned a bottle of. (I can't count single glasses at restaurants).

    A week ago, I had the best Gewürztraminer I've ever had.

    I'm ordering a case of each.
  • Last night, I opened a bottle of what is perhaps the best port I have ever owned a bottle of.
    What is this port called?
  • CANADIANS! You can buy those in some of your supermarkets now, do so. Right now. Stop reading this and do it. I'll wait.
    I'll be sure to look the next time I go grocery shopping.
  • It's jerkish to you, but they're English Chocolate bars, and it's pretty fine and normal over there.
    Wait, what is? Sexism?
  • Booh Yah: I went to a seminar given by Artemy Troitsky, a rock musician (former lead guitarist of Zvuki Mu, among others), critic, and journalist. The subject? "The History of Russian Rock 'n Roll." It was, needless to say, totally fucking awesome.
  • edited November 2010

    I think they made a Pink Yorkie once.

    Yes, yes they did.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited November 2010
    Wait, what is? Sexism?
    No, To not get whiny and uppity about nothing at all. Yeah, the slogan is "It's not for girls" but Nobody gives a fuck, because they(They being the people who would normally whine about this sort of thing in the states) do things like actually trying to fix serious problems between how each gender is treated, rather than whinging about a fucking chocolate bar slogan which hurts nobody.

    To clarify it for you, A chocolate bar slogan of "It's not for girls" intended to be humorous, which has always been taken in a joking fashion by the majority of the population, male and female, that's not Sexism. However, Someone being excluded from a job on the basis of their gender, or paid less because of it, or treated differently from any other citizen because of it, that's Sexism, as is putting any particular gender on a pedestal.

    Also, I note that you've not complained at any point I remember about advertisements which are denigrating to men. I can only hope that you've not fallen into that stupid trap of "Misogyny is unacceptable in any form, but Misandry is acceptable in any form" or similar bullshit - That's just insulting to feminism - though, not the feminists like, for example, Germane Greer has been of the last ten years or so, who seem to have the definition of Misandrist and Feminist reversed.

    Further, To quote Arron, from Act IV, Scene II of Titus Andronicus, Villain, I have done thy mother.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2010
    Sorry Churba. It is sexism, just not really big sexism. A little bit sexist is still sexist.

    What if it said "Yorkie - It's not for black people!" or something? Sure, a candy bar is not a big deal, but it is still annoying when a product supports the male/female divide in marketing. Burger King ran a similar ad a while back, and I found it really...eww. I guess it's kind of like any mildly sexist humor (about men or women) - It's not super threatening or directly hurting anyone, but it indirectly adds to the societal divide between the sexes. Also, don't fall into the trap that says always go for the biggest societal problem. If there is a problem, no matter how small, we should notice it and try to fix it. I've hear people say "you shouldn't spend time helping rescue dogs, because there are children in Haiti who need help too." And then others say "No, but don't help the Haitian children, because there are children in the US who need help!" Yes, and we should try to help them all. Just because a cause is ostensibly lower priority does not mean it should not be addressed.
    Also, I note that you've not complained at any point I remember about advertisements which are denigrating to men.
    Those yogurt commercials where the ladies bitch about their boyfriends are also annoying as fuck to me.

    I think you have a wee issue with feminism, possibly because you've bumped into feminists who want to reverse the patriarchy rather than crush it. I think there's nothing wrong with any underclass recognizing ways they are being shafted and working toward equality with the other elements of their society.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Those yogurt commercials where the ladies bitch about their boyfriends are also annoying as fuck to me.
    I thought about this for a bit, and the more I think about it, the more I realize that more than anything, those types of commercials and stereotypes are proof that Baby Boomers just don't want to give up their death grip on popular culture.
  • edited November 2010
    Sorry Churba, it is sexism, just not really big sexism. A little bit sexist is still sexist.
    No sorry needed, it's my fault for not being clear - When Pointing that out, I'm following the definition of the word, rather than the...hrm...spirit, I suppose is the best way to put it. The definition is clear that sexism is Discrimination or devaluation of a person based on their sex, or attitudes and behaviours based on the traditional gender roles - Essentially, I'm using it as the neutral form of Misandry and Misogyny, and was excluding this on the basis that it's clearly intended as a joke and a marketing gimmick, rather than any actual serious attempt at sexism. You are correct, though - one could easily argue that it is indeed sexism, if not any particularly vile, oppressive or dangerous form of it.
    What if it said "Yorkie - It's not for black people!" or something?
    Again, I'd ask if it's a joke and a gimmick, or a serious attempt to stop black people getting at it's delicious chocolaty goodness. Were it exactly equivalent to this campaign - clearly a joke, and not actually any statement on who should eat the thing - I would find that campaign distasteful and tactless, but relatively harmless. It is a tricky question though - could you make such an equivalent campaign, considering that the Yorkie bar slogan plays on the cultural perception that women - young women in particular, thanks to the "Girls" - are softer, gentler, and generally not as tough or aggressive as men - Is there an equivalent sort of thing for black people?

    I think the reason that it's taken a lot more strongly in the states than here or England is simply a cultural thing - in England(and here, were they sold here), it's seen of as more as a dry satire of men having to be all macho and testosterone and muscle and such, than a sexist joke about women being weak.

    However, I might note that I've a far more casual attitude to matters of race such as that(as with matters of sexisim at that level), I think it's a cultural thing - However, an advertisment about adoption featuring a black couple, whose slogan is "Sometimes, we need help raising our childeren. Speak to your local government adoption agency for help" - Well, That would propably set me off a lot more than "It's not for girls" or a bunch of cricket fans sitting around eating fried chicken.

    An example of a campaign that relied on the lack of these cultural perceptions, and was thus taken incorrectly overseas - There was a KFC ad here, that showed rowdy West Indian/Caribbean cricket fans and white Australian cricket fans making peace and all chilling out together, because the white australian fans offer around a big bucket of KFC Fried chicken. It's pretty obvious why Americans found it racist - Which is another rant by itself - But it was generally well received here, with pretty much zero controversy, and then went away when the cricket was finished, being generally, to us, lacking in any memorable quality.
    Why? Because we have no cultural perception that African-Americans love fried chicken, let alone ALL black people. Sure, we might know it intellectually, some of us, but it's not really an issue here, so thus, we didn't find the ad racist at all, just a bunch of cricket fans chilling out over fried chicken.
    Also, don't fall into the trap that says always go for the biggest societal problem.
    This is true, however, you must also have priorities and perspective - as things go, a chocolate bar slogan is a relatively small thing, and not worth one's time at this point, especially when you consider the culture that this slogan is used within - where it's not really a problem. It is absolutely a lower priority, but I think part of the problem is, and here it comes again, that it's cultural problem.
    Those yogurt commercials where the ladies bitch about their boyfriends are also annoying as fuck to me.
    And the commercials here about women being useless at things like carpentry, welding, driving, and knowing anything about sport or computers make me want to strangle people. Specifically, advertising people who think this sort of thing makes their product appealing - since most of the time, it's not really a self-depreciating joke, in the manner of the "Not for girls" slogan, but more of a "Here's a humorously exasperated take on what men/women are really like", if they even bother going that far - there is a long-running campaign about a Thrush treatment down here, which shows with only the barest hint at humorous attempt, that men are disgusted and confused by things like love, commitment, and anything more to do with the vagina than putting their dick in it.

    However, I will point out that this was aimed directly at Balderdash, rather than a general comment.
    I think you have a wee issue with feminism, possibly because you've bumped into feminists who want to reverse the patriarchy rather than crush it.
    Close, I'd say. More of an issue with those particular feminists - I tend to react more strongly than is entirely justifiable when encountering something I perceive to be a product of those attitudes. I react just as strongly to Militant LGBT activists or people who are Militant about political correctness - essentially, anyone who is an irrational fanatic or zealot about a cause I feel something about, no matter which side they're on. To put it simply, I'm the sort of person who is equally angered by the bombing of a church as I am by the bombing of an abortion clinic.

    I suppose, as a longtime fan of comedy, and an aspiring comic myself, I'm also kinda protective of things which are clearly - to me at least - jokes. To get uber-personal, for a time after I got out of a severely abusive relationship, my set was damn near half domestic abuse jokes, because it was how I talked about it, and dealt with it, and made others aware of it - thus, I suppose I have a hard time seeing jokes as harmful, at the least, jokes which are extremely clearly not intended to be.

    Edit - Oh look, over the period of a single post, you can watch me lapse from open discussion to pointless introspection. Fun fun fun in the sun sun sun.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • There was a KFC ad here, that showed rowdy West Indian/Caribbean cricket fans and white Australian cricket fans making peace and all chilling out together, because the white australian fans offer around a big bucket of KFC Fried chicken.
    Actually, I think one of the things that set up red flags for many was not the chicken, but the fact that it openly separated racial groups. In the US, any time we see black people and white people separated in media, we get concerned that said media is racist. Not saying that is always rational, but I think that is how the mindset often is.
    I suppose, as a longtime fan of comedy, and an aspiring comic myself, I'm also kinda protective of things which are clearly - to me at least - jokes.
    I'm sure you are well intentioned in this regard, but many times people couch thinly veiled discrimination and stereotype in humor, and then retreat behind the "oh, it's just a JOKE, don't get so uptight!"
    considering that the Yorkie bar slogan plays on the cultural perception that women - young women in particular, thanks to the "Girls" - are softer, gentler, and generally not as tough or aggressive as men
    So in England they accept more humor from stereotypes. It is basically saying "you are not strong enough for this." Whether it is a candy bar or, say, school sports before the title 9 legislation, that kind of condescending thinking is what keeps stereotypes and holds back progress.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm sure you are well intentioned in this regard, but many times people couch thinly veiled discrimination and stereotype in humor, and then retreat behind the "oh, it's just a JOKE, don't get so uptight!"
    Now that Aggravates me, when I see that - because it's a bullshit excuse, and it only puts undeserved scorn on people who are genuinely just making jokes.
    So in England they accept more humor from stereotypes.
    Yep. But We Didn't make The Boondocks. However, New Zealand did make Bro Town(Every stereotype you can think of from Asian to Maori) and We made Fat Pizza(Again, every stereotype you can think of from Asian to Lebanese to Zulus - but Mostly Lebanese, greek, kiwi and Asian) and the English had Monty Python, Blackadder, Black Books(Main character, a Drunk, surly Irishman), The Buses, the Carry on Series, and of course, Are you being Served?.
    It is basically saying "you are not strong enough for this."
    Nope. As I said - It's a joke with different connotations because of the culture. It's more of a joke that pokes fun at men, in this case, rather than women, particularly the prevailing attitude of needing to be super-macho and manly.
    Actually, I think one of the things that set up red flags for many was not the chicken, but the fact that it openly separated racial groups. In the US, any time we see black people and white people separated in media, we get concerned that said media is racist. Not saying that is always rational, but I think that is how the mindset often is.
    I should point out - they're not really separated by race. They're seperated by the cricket team they support - at the time the ad aired, there was a cricket test series going on, and the West Indian team was a massive competitor. The majority of the West Indian supporters are black, and the majority of Australia supporters are white - that's simply what is the case. However, it was my failure to make that clear that gave you the impression it was a separation of race, rather than team support. I simply noted that the Australian fans were white, as that was part of the reason that the advertisement was declared racist by some Americans who saw it.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • It is basically saying "you are not strong enough for this."
    It really isn't saying that at all. It is a joke based way more on perceived masculinity than on actual female strength.
  • edited November 2010
    Alright, this is going on what I can gather from the last couple of posts:

    While parody of a sensetive issue is important as a method of bringing issues people wouldn't otherwise think about and discuss as well as making people more comfotable with them, it also brings with it some degree of trivialisation of the issue being discussed. So care is needed in creating parody, sp that the important issue is not lost.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I am now legally authorized to collect New York State sales tax, and I have the documentation to this effect.
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