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Booh yah!



  • I do already own an apron, Snood(never used), Sleeves, boot covers, helmet, so on.
    I only know of one Snood, and it is incredibly well used:
  • edited October 2010
    welding in shorts, boots, and without a shirt, while smoking.
    Did I ever mention that you're kinda my hero? Because you are.
    But I can teach you how to do stuff like weld, or tear down an engine, or pick a lock. Ride a few hundred kilos of pissed off livestock? How to smoke a pipe? Something, or rather, many things. It's all good. But I'm not anybody's hero, really, I'm just a dude. I'm hardly all that and a bag of chips, I just work hard, keep my ear to the ground, and learn what I can.
    Half of my reasons for considering study in Australia are the classes I can take at the University of Churba when I'm not learning about biology.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • welding in shorts, boots, and without a shirt, while smoking.
    Did I ever mention that you're kinda my hero? Because you are.
    But I can teach you how to do stuff like weld, or tear down an engine, or pick a lock. Ride a few hundred kilos of pissed off livestock? How to smoke a pipe? Something, or rather, many things. It's all good. But I'm not anybody's hero, really, I'm just a dude. I'm hardly all that and a bag of chips, I just work hard, keep my ear to the ground, and learn what I can.
    Half of my reasons for considering study in Australia are the classes I can take at the University of Churba when I'm not learning about biology.
    He can probably also teach you that. ;D Applied Biology 101.
  • edited October 2010
    He can probably also teach you that. ;D Applied Biology 101.
    He might need to. I'd like to isolate the enzymatic pathway that produces glass in the gympie gympie. That is a valuable treasure. But like Indiana Jones taught us, the best stuff is often guarded by seriously dangerous shit.

    Well, you could also do it with diatoms, but that's just not as fun.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited October 2010
    I only know of one Snood, and it is incredibly well used:
    Mine isn't nearly so pretty, it's just a leather head-cover that clips to my sleeves with press-studs, and puts me one step closer to looking like a mole-man.
    He might need to. I'd like to isolate the enzymatic pathway that produces glass in the gympie gympie.
    Speaking of biology I'm not keen to apply to my biology.
    But like Indiana Jones taught us, the best stuff is often guarded by seriously dangerous shit.
    I'll get my hat.

    Random - You'd have a hard time growing Gympie Gympie in Gympie. However, there is an awesome truck stop in Gympie - Steak, egg and chips with chicken salt for breakfast, and two pots of milky coffee, fuck yeah.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • However, there is an awesome truck stop in Gympie - Steak, egg and chips with chicken salt for breakfast, and two pots of milky coffee, fuck yeah.
    You guys have better truck stops than America. That's fucking awesome. Also, what's chicken salt?
  • Yeah, I just realised chicken salt was unique to Australia myself. Ehehehehe.
  • Also, what's chicken salt?
    Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, after a fashion - It's salt for chips and such, but it's been flavoured with chicken and spices. It's truly a miracle of modern science.

    You guys have better truck stops than America. That's fucking awesome.
    It gets better - one half of it is an older petrol station sort of building, but the other half is made out half-split logs, and has various old logging and farming implements on the walls, along with photos. A few pet Peacocks wander around outside pretty much all the time hoping to steal dropped or unattended chips, along with the odd roo that will cautiously investigate.
  • edited October 2010
    Chicken salt is like bullion powder I would imagine.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited October 2010
    Chicken salt is like Powdered deliciousness I would imagine.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • My boss wasn't going to hire me back this year. I sent him an email telling him why he should. I met with him this morning. I changed his mind, I have my job :D
  • My boss wasn't going to hire me back this year. I sent him an email telling him why he should. I met with him this morning. I changed his mind, I have my job :D
    Dude, weren't you all depressed about losing that job in some other thread? High five!
  • Indeed. ^5!
  • That is great to hear, Sail. You seemed really bummed when you originally thought you couldn't get it.

    I guess he couldn't deny your awesome skills of persuasion.
  • I guess he couldn't deny your awesome.
  • I have bought the following

    JUNGLE....ADVENTURE!!! (which comes with DEATH....WORLD!!!)

    I am happily the proud owner of all of the games programmed with the Parsely Engine
  • I have bought the following

    JUNGLE....ADVENTURE!!! (which comes with DEATH....WORLD!!!)

    I am happily the proud owner of all of the games programmed with the Parsely Engine
    Don't be afraid to whip one of those out at a family gathering. Non-nerds almost enjoy them more once they figure out what's going on. ;^)
  • My mighty Greek armies have crushed Nobunaga, while Scott Johnson's own have crushed Montezuma. Alex's empire is consolidating after taking Scott's, and the world is coming toward epic conclusion.
  • Go ScoJo!
  • I have bought the following

    JUNGLE....ADVENTURE!!! (which comes with DEATH....WORLD!!!)

    I am happily the proud owner of all of the games programmed with the Parsely Engine
    Don't be afraid to whip one of those out at a family gathering. Non-nerds almost enjoy them more once they figure out what's going on. ;^)
    That plan is the main reason I bought all of these, but I'll still play with geeks and nerds.
  • We should play some Parsely on Skype sometime. Real talk.
  • We should play some Parsely on Skype sometime. Real talk.
    You've got the books as well?
  • I can get them.
  • I ran Action Castle and Jungle Adventure at camp. It went pretty well once I got the hang of how to organize everything. At one point, I had Action Castle memorized (which makes the game a lot smoother); I may have forgotten some of it by now.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2010
    What other scenarios do you think might come in the future? Personally I'd like to see PIRATE...VOYAGE or PRISON ...RAPE RIOT as #7 in the Parsely series.
    Post edited by Geo on

    A James Bond-style espionage adventure.

  • After having seen Heinz's baked beans mentioned in British show for years I just found out the Publix by school carries them. They are delicious and the can is so retro chic.
  • Well I just found out that Back to the Future is having a 25th anniversary, big screen event at the AMC Theaters in NYC at 7:00 PM tonight only. I'm going to be down there as soon as I get out of class. If anyone wants to meet up with me; drop me a line via email (on my profile) and maybe something will happen.
  • Well I just found out that Back to the Future is having a 25th anniversary, big screen event at the AMC Theaters in NYC at 7:00 PM tonight only. I'm going to be down there as soon as I get out of class. If anyone wants to meet up with me; drop me a line via email (on my profile) and maybe something will happen.
    Oooh. I may actually be interested and able.
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