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Booh yah!



  • considering that the Yorkie bar slogan plays on the cultural perception that women - young women in particular, thanks to the "Girls" - are softer, gentler, and generally not as tough or aggressive as men
    I find that eating enough Yorkie bars will make anyone softer and less aggressive.
  • I find that eating enough Yorkie bars will make anyone softer and less aggressive.
    Though mostly just constipated.
  • Also, I note that you've not complained at any point I remember about advertisements which are denigrating to men. I can only hope that you've not fallen into that stupid trap of "Misogyny is unacceptable in any form, but Misandry is acceptable in any form" or similar bullshit - That's just insulting to feminism - though, not the feminists like, for example, Germane Greer has been of the last ten years or so, who seem to have the definition of Misandrist and Feminist reversed.
    Man, I asked a simple question and you are reading way too much into it. I'm not complaining about misandry because that's not what we were talking about.
    Further, To quote Arron, from Act IV, Scene II ofTitus Andronicus, Villain, I have done thy mother.
    It's Aaron, and I much prefer "I have done a thousand dreadful things As willingly as one would kill a fly, And nothing grieves me heartily indeed But that I cannot do ten thousand more."
  • Passed Max 300 on Maniac finally. Fuck you world.
  • Today I got official confirmation that I have an MA.
  • edited November 2010
    I voted for the first time today. I also got my first paycheck. Pretty good day.
    Post edited by WaterInThere on
  • I figured juuuuust the right amount of spin I need for my bowling "technique."
  • edited November 2010
    Man, I asked a simple question and you are reading way too much into it. I'm not complaining about misandry because that's not what we were talking about.
    S'alright, I'm just being an asshole. I miss Nine.
    It's Aaron, and I much prefer "I have done a thousand dreadful things As willingly as one would kill a fly, And nothing grieves me heartily indeed But that I cannot do ten thousand more."
    Eh, My memory isn't perfect. Good catch.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I am now legally authorized to collect New York State sales tax, and I have the documentation to this effect.
  • edited November 2010
    Looking forward to buying stuff in the store.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Last friday I wrote a math exam, which is one of the toughest exams I have to pass to get my Bachelor's degree. This is quite obvious from the fact that the average grade for everyone in the entire course is a D. Saw my grade today: Got a C. Man, am I glad I'm over and done with that shit.
  • Today is a very special and happy day for me. I'm going to be reuniting with a good majority of my High School Drama Club family because the club is putting on a play version of Harvey, and both present and past drama club members will be there. I'm so excited that I want to find a way to make time go faster so I won't have to wait long.
  • I'm so excited that I want to find a way to make time go faster so I won't have to wait long.
  • My best friends are having a baby.
  • Just beat Free Bird on Rock Band 3 Expert Guitar. Now my left hand hurts.
  • edited November 2010
    because the club is putting on a play version of Harvey
    “Doctor, I wrestled with reality for forty years, and I am happy to state that I finally won out over it.” I love that play.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • I got my phone back!
  • Last night the cute girl who live across the hall from me came over last night and pretty much as soon as she came in was like "holy shit you have a sega?!" and proceeded to play sonic with me for a couple hours before we had a drink. Yay college!

    Also, I just bought a metric assload of cheap energy drinks for like $10. Yay caffeine induced Heart attacks!
  • edited November 2010
    the cute girl who live across the hall from me
    was like "holy shit you have a sega?!" and proceeded to play sonic with me for a couple hours
    Does not compute.
    Pics or it didn't happen :P
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Last night the cute girl who live across the hall from me came over last night and pretty much as soon as she came in was like "holy shit you have a sega?!" and proceeded to play sonic with me for a couple hours before we had a drink. Yay college!
    Holy hell, amazing. I kinda wish I lived in a dorm. It not having bandwidth limits would make the wish a lot stronger.

    Also, I just bought a metric assload of cheap energy drinks for like $10. Yay caffeine induced Heart attacks!
    Holy hell, not so amazing. :c
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
    You sir have won the day.
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
    You sir have won the day.
    And all it took was a three-point turn and the ability to back up in a straight line. Now maintaining my sanity in the middle of fucking nowhere is going to be a matter of gas money instead of living by other people's schedules and hardly leaving the house for weeks.
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
    Did you have to parallel park?
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
    Did you have to parallel park?
    No. I had to drive at 55 MPH for about a mile in light traffic, then do a three-point turn and back up in a straight line, then drive back and park normally.
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
    Did you have to parallel park?
    No. I had to drive at 55 MPH for about a mile in light traffic, then do a three-point turn and back up in a straight line, then drive back and park normally.
    I wish everyone had to do what the Finnish people have to do to get their licenses.
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
    Did you have to parallel park?
    No. I had to drive at 55 MPH for about a mile in light traffic, then do a three-point turn and back up in a straight line, then drive back and park normally.
    I wish everyone had to do what the Finnish people have to do to get their licenses.
    I'm in favor of the German method. $4000 of classes and fees, and mandatory all-weather and road safety training.
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
    Did you have to parallel park?
    No. I had to drive at 55 MPH for about a mile in light traffic, then do a three-point turn and back up in a straight line, then drive back and park normally.
    I wish everyone had to do what the Finnish people have to do to get their licenses.
    I'm in favor of the German method. $4000 of classes and fees, and mandatory all-weather and road safety training.
    If you want to drive in German, you better know damn well how to. Autobahn's some serious jizz.
  • I now have a driver's license. :D
    Did you have to parallel park?
    No. I had to drive at 55 MPH for about a mile in light traffic, then do a three-point turn and back up in a straight line, then drive back and park normally.
    I wish everyone had to do what the Finnish people have to do to get their licenses.
    I'm in favor of the German method. $4000 of classes and fees, and mandatory all-weather and road safety training.
    If you want to drive in German, you better know damn well how to. Autobahn's some serious jizz.
    We don't have mandatory road safety training though. But pretty much everything else, including driving lessons at night and on the Autobahn. Fun fact: I have had my licence for six or seven years, and I've never driven a car with an automatic transmission.
  • I'd really like to learn some of Dat Finish driving:
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