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Booh yah!



  • edited December 2010
    Actually, half of the interview is about topics in synthetic biology. Part of what I want to discuss is "raft factories" that scrub CO2 out of the atmosphere and convert it into useful products in modified algal rafts, creating pools of high-concentration ethanol, esters, and glass (by way of silica oxidization and the conversion of free carbons into glucose). The gympie-gympie's genetics figure heavily into the last idea.
    Oh, Cool!

    Either way, From what I've seen, at the least, you'll ace the interview. I've no grounding on the technical aspects of it, but personality is also important, and you, young man, have the charm, intelligence and skill to blow through it like a rockstar.

    Oh shit, Rockstar Geneticist - that would be fucking awesome.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Now he just needs the Ferarri, sunglasses, and supermodel girlfriend to literally blow through the interview like a rockstar.
  • edited December 2010
    Rockstar Geneticist
    Sail! Let's form a surf-rock project and call it this. You know which word is yours.
    Now he just needs the Ferarri, sunglasses, and supermodel girlfriend to literally blow through the interview like a rockstar.
    One day. Mine is the dual-helical drill that will pierce the heavens!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Final 1, aced!
  • My post for "Armed with Science" went live! The editor really liked it and they're considering putting it up in the slider on
  • My post for "Armed with Science" went live!The editor really liked it and they're considering putting it up in the slider on
  • Getting my car taken by the insurance company today. They are issuing a reimbursement check for my towing expenses. I should receive that in a few days.

    They are sending a return envelope overnight so I can send them the title. Once they receive the title they will issue out a payout check.

    I am looking to get a small loan to help purchase a used Honda Fit, possibly.

    I'm extremely impressed with the really fast and courteous service I have received. If anyone is shopping for car insurance, Traveler's is pretty good, imo.

    I probably will go with State Farm, however, because my renter's insurance is with them as well as Jeremy's car insurance.
  • Today I bowled 123 in a normal game (33 higher than my average), 117 in a twist game (hit on the same side of the head pin as your throwin' arm), then got a backdoor strike on the 2-4 pocket as my last throw for practice. Also, I'm on varsity.

    I'm in a fucking great mood. :D
  • New computer. OMG. This thing is awesome. OMG. Nerdgasm.
  • New computer. OMG. This thing is awesome. OMG. Nerdgasm.
  • New computer. OMG. This thing is awesome. OMG. Nerdgasm.
    Details required. We're nerds too, you know.
  • Details required.
  • MacBook Pro.
  • MacBook Pro.
    -___- Eh....
  • edited December 2010
    MacBook Pro.
    -___- Eh....
    She hasn't confirmed it yet, but she said in another thread she was buying another Mac.

    Also, it always amuses me when people talk about how shitty Windows is; it's hilariously betraying of the fact that they haven't used Windows in years. I run 7 on two boxes, a laptop and a desktop, and I can't remember the last time I've had an OS-related issue. Or a virus. Or adware, or spyware, or slowdowns, or crashes or freezing.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on

  • Also, it always amuses me when people talk about how shitty Windows is; it's hilariously betraying of the fact that they haven't used Windows inyears. I run 7 on two boxes, a laptop and a desktop, and I can't remember the last time I've had an OS-related issue. Or a virus. Or adware, or spyware, or slowdowns, or crashes or freezing.
    I've used Macs for years at school and I've still had plenty of issues of devices not being recognized, or programs not responding, or slowdowns or whatever.
  • Yep. And you don't get error reports either.
  • Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day is the Complete Series of Arrested Development for $27.99. I'm jumping on that deal...
  • Actually, I have a Windows machine (a desktop), and I use Windows on campus. I'm quite familiar with Windows as an OS. It works, sure, sort of, but there are many things about it that I dislike. I have been using Mac laptops with OS X since 2002, and I'm very happy with it. Most of my software is Mac versions, so it makes much more sense for me to stick with a Mac. I also like the hardware on this thing. The keyboard is fucking fantastic. I haven't had a new computer in over 5 years, so the hardware that is standard right now is exciting to me.

    Yes, it's a MacBook Pro. You guys don't care about the details because the things you're looking for in a computer are not the things I'm looking for in a computer. Hence the lack thereof. Why would I ask you to spoil my fun with stupid comments about how nonsuperior Macs are when I don't give a damn?
  • Why would I ask you to spoil my fun with stupid comments about how nonsuperior Macs are when I don't give a damn?
  • Yes, it's a MacBook Pro. You guys don't care about the details because the things you're looking for in a computer are not the things I'm looking for in a computer. Hence the lack thereof. Why would I ask you to spoil my fun with stupid comments about how nonsuperior Macs are when I don't give a damn?
    I was making a general statement based on another comment you made that lots of other people without your justifications for buying a Mac make. It wasn't personal or anything, and MacBook Pros are sexy, sexy machines. I'd buy one in a heartbeat if the battery life and weight of a ThinkPad wasn't preferable.

    Tl;dr: The comment wasn't about you, your new computer is awesome!
  • Indeed, and really, there are no details to give other than "It's a Macbook Pro". I'm happy that you are happy with your new machine.
  • Okay, okay, maybe I overreacted a little. ;)

    I hear people abuse Macs all the time, and it's weird to me. Macs and Windows machines don't have to fight. They are both good at different things. For my purposes, the Macs tend to be more useful, but I keep a Windows desktop around just in case. And to run DOSBox. Can't we all just get along?

    (I just got the basic MBP... 13" screen, 250G HD, etc etc... I have absolutely no reason to need anything more, and I wanted the cheapest version. My student discount put me at about $1400 for the comp and the AppleCare plan together. Still expensive, but when you look at how much it would cost me to buy Windows versions of my software, it's still cheaper than buying a good Windows laptop.)
  • The 13" MBP is the only one I'd consider, and I'd just do all the applicable upgrades (RAM, SSD) myself and save some cash. It's so svelte and good-looking.
  • I run windows 7 on my MacBook Pro. No need to fight!
  • The 13" MBP is the only one I'd consider, and I'd just do all the applicable upgrades (RAM, SSD) myself and save some cash. It's so svelte and good-looking.
    The keyboard is sweet. I cannot emphasize how incredibly awesome it is to have discrete keys. The backlit keyboard with discrete keys is probably my favorite feature of this thing. I keep forgetting it has a webcam built in. I had my first ever Skype video chat last night. It was neat. I has a learning!

    (This is how far behind my tech was. I am giddy about the most basic of modern things.)
  • edited December 2010
    The 13" MBP is the only one I'd consider, and I'd just do all the applicable upgrades (RAM, SSD) myself and save some cash. It's so svelte and good-looking.
    That's what I'm doing for my Pro Tools rig.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited December 2010
    I don't consider myself an Apple fanboy/girl, but I love using macs. I love my new macbook pro that I got as a gift from the best boyfriend in the world.

    I don't really play games on it, except for a little L4D2 on Steam and of course the Sims. I just do design and web development stuff. I feel like personally for me, the OS is easier to use and more intuitive. Everyone is different of course.

    What I really can't stand is people buying it just because everyone else is and its popular, when they don't really need it. Its just too darn expensive to buy if you don't need it. This is of course a problem with just about any popular commodity in the US, but this is the one that has been bothering me the most lately.

    I had a friend recently buy a macbook pro, and I was like "WTF did you do that for??" She used all the money she had to get it, so basically something like that was definitely not in her budget. She had already had a laptop that was good enough for what she does. All she does is use ms office, check her mail, and surf facebook/myspace/whatever, stuff like that. And the best justification I could get out of her was "What if someone visits me and they want to use a nice computer?" She could have at least gotten a used low end macbook, but no. Sigh.
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • The 13" MBP is the only one I'd consider, and I'd just do all the applicable upgrades (RAM, SSD) myself and save some cash. It's so svelte and good-looking.
    That's what I'm doing for my Pro Tools rig.
    Yeah, that's how Pogo DJ's live shows. He claims his whole rig (Audio interface, Lemur, iPad, iPhone, External HD, and MBP) fits in one bag. If I ever DJ, that's how I'm going to do it.

    Also, Apple's refurbished program supposedly has some awesome deals.
  • Bought a 4 gig micro-SD card for my new DS flash cart. Got ten of them for $8.
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