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Booh yah!



  • RymRym
    edited June 2011
    Talk about a comic that went out on a high note
    I'm always amazed at how many people I run into at conventions or on the Internet who both read and remember PLIF. Like The Far Side, it wouldn't have held up super well today (what with all of the similar competition), but back in its golden days it stood out.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Good job, but...
    Linguistics: B+
    I would have gotten an A had I done my "Internet Memes" presentation on my own instead of in a group. I know this because I got an individual grade of 96 and a group grade of 81. Stupid group projects.
  • edited June 2011
    Good job, but...
    Stupid group projects.
    I understand what group projects where supposed to teach me in school, but all they ever did was ruin my trust in the human race.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I understand what group projects where supposed to teach me in school, but all they ever did was ruin my trust in the human race.
    They taught me that covering one's ass is one of the most important skills a professional can ever learn. They also taught me to never work in a group on anything important unless I trust said group wholly.
  • I understand what group projects where supposed to teach me in school, but all they ever did was ruin my trust in the human race.
    They taught me that covering one's ass is one of the most important skills a professional can ever learn. They also taught me to never work in a group on anything important unless I trust said group wholly.
    I learned that a while ago, but I maintained hope that I might find a competent group.

    I lost that hope this semester. From here on out, unless the project is impossible to do on my own, I'll be requesting teachers to let me go it solo.
  • I got picked up from my half-day at school yesterday afternoon by my friends at around 1:20, went to their house and played Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 and GTA 4, watched the Devils's Rejects and Summer Heights High, all while drinking iced coffee that I made from them.

    Good start to the summer? Good start to the summer.

    Oh, and I got three animal puppets for my birthday. Pictures will come later.
  • I got picked up from my half-day at school yesterday afternoon by my friends at around 1:20, went to their house and played Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 and GTA 4, watched the Devils's Rejects and Summer Heights High, all while drinking iced coffee that I made from them.

    Good start to the summer? Good start to the summer.

    Oh, and I got three animal puppets for my birthday. Pictures will come later.
    So wait, you made iced coffee out of your friends? or out of the games?
  • I got picked up from my half-day at school yesterday afternoon by my friends at around 1:20, went to their house and played Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 and GTA 4, watched the Devils's Rejects and Summer Heights High, all while drinking iced coffee that I made for them.

    Good start to the summer? Good start to the summer.

    Oh, and I got three animal puppets for my birthday. Pictures will come later.
    So wait, you made iced coffee out of your friends? or out of the games?
    I can't edit it right now. I'm helping my mom clean out her classroom, so I'm at the school she works at, on their network, and whenever I click to edit that post I get "restricted website: games." Anyways, I red-texted it.
  • edited June 2011
    I understand what group projects where supposed to teach me in school, but all they ever did was ruin my trust in the human race.
    They taught me that covering one's ass is one of the most important skills a professional can ever learn. They also taught me to never work in a group on anything important unless I trust said group wholly.
    I was smart about group projects and documented everything. That way if anyone didn't do their bit, then it was documented. I would always create and submit a list of "credits" like credits to a movie, so if people had to do someone's work or a member did some crappy work, each person would be able to be graded individually.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Throughout high school I routinuely just avoided making a group, then submitted a project at the end anyway. I would always end up doing the whole project by myself in a group anyway, eventually I decided to cut out the middleman and just avoid the whole group wrangling thing in general. Teachers would get annoyed, but would always accept the project, and whatever hit I took to my marks for avoiding group work would be made up for considerably by the higher quality of the finished project.
  • I hate group projects where everyone is given a role, everyone works on and presents their work individually, everyone is given a grade for their specific part, but then the teacher averages them together. If I weren't really good (relatively, the class had a pretty low standard) at web design, our group would have sucked at every project because I was pulling most of the team along.
  • edited June 2011
    Malt wholesalers are awesome.

    I just bought:

    55 lbs Maris Otter pale ale malt
    55 lbs CMC wheat malt
    55 lbs CMC pilsen malt
    5 lbs unmalted wheat

    170 pounds of grain.

    With shipping, the total invoice was $169.76. That's 170 pounds of grain delivered to my door for $1/pound. And Maris Otter is a premium grain, too. You pay $2.00/pound for that stuff at the retail level.

    My goal is to get together a palette order - 40 sacks at 55 lbs each. I was quoted palette shipping prices yesterday: $102 to ship one palette to a commercial address. At that point, you're basically paying the cost of a sack of grain. And a palette order lets you get Level I commercial pricing. That sack of CMC pilsen malt is $33.40 at homebrew prices and $27.15 at Level I commercial prices.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • My first thought is "the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in the beer supply business?"
  • My first thought is "the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in the beer supply business?"
    I was IN THE MIDDLE of grabbing a picture of them to photoshop onto a sack of malt. IN THE MIDDLE.
  • My first thought is "the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in the beer supply business?"
    It's really loud grain.
  • Pete, you should build some small grain silos once you have a house. 8ft tall, 2ft diameter.
  • Who's body are you planning to hide in there?
  • My little brother has taken up candy making and gardening, and he's very good at both. My life just got even more delicious.
  • My little brother has taken up candy making and gardening, and he's very good at both. My life just got even more delicious.
    I've been gardening a bit this summer. I'm working on finding fiddlehead ferns to plant in the yard, for delicious fiddlehead salads and sautees.

    Fiddleheads are the greatest green in existence. Manna from heaven.
  • Yay, I'm 21 now!
  • Fiddleheads are the greatest green in existence. Manna from heaven.
    Rym bought some last month and they are very good. There's something to be said for seasonal foods. You really appreciate them more, I think. They are like a treat, when you realize that That One Food is back at the Market. Even apple season, I get a little bit excited, even though you can get apples year round.
  • Yay, I'm 21 now!
    Happy Birthday!
  • Going to see Tim Minchin in Boston tonight for our 4th wedding anniversary and 9th anniversary of being together. ^_^
  • Awesome! I've seen him live twice now, and he's been great both times. I don't have "fan moments" very often, but I did when sitting in during one of his sound checks.
  • Boston tonight
    What part?
  • edited June 2011
    Boston tonight
    What part?
    Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02116.

    I don't know Boston well.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Boston tonight
    What part?
    Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02116.

    I don't know Boston well.
    That's in the theater district. Depending on when it is, you might be able to check out the Boston Common Garden, too. It should be right near there.
  • I won a t-shirt in Google Code Jam 2011.
  • Boston tonight
    What part?
    Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02116.

    I don't know Boston well.
    That's in the theater district. Depending on when it is, you might be able to check out the Boston Common Garden, too. It should be right near there.
    The boston gardens are really nice this time of year, if memory serves.
  • I have to say that the Tim Minchin show was one of the best experiences I have ever had in a theatre. He is amazing and he even had a starring role in my dream last night (the ultimate third encore). Squeeeeee!
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