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Booh yah!



  • The fact that I know the correct terminology for people into that stuff worries me.
  • edited June 2011
    The fact that I know the correct terminology for people into that stuff worries me.
    Wh- er, I hope this wasn't directed at me because the website isn't because it's something I'm into, it's as a joke. ( I like normal things. ;_; I am normal.
    The reason I started it up is so that I would have a regular creative outlet that would force me to come up with some kind of story to tell twice a week. This is me trying really hard to not seem like some weird-o. ;__;
    Post edited by P_TOG on

  • This should clear things up.
  • I like normal things. ;_; I am normal.
    They all say that in the beginning.
  • They all say that in the beginning.
    Oh god I'm losing control of my life.
  • Email I just received.
    Dear Sir,
    I would like to thank you for your kind assistance after I was knocked off my bike today, I am sorry that I was unable to express my gratitude after the accident, but I would like you to know just how grateful I am by your kind gesture, it's realy nice to know that gentlemen like you still exist.
    See, certified true gentleman.
  • So, what, you helped someone after they were knocked off their bike, then you gave them your e-mail address?
  • So, what, you helped someone after they were knocked off their bike, then you gave them your e-mail address?
    I was wondering about that too.

    @Omnutia Did you hit him with your car? I remember someone posting something about hitting someone on a bike a while back, but I don't remember the details.
  • See, certified true gentleman.
    See her again, dude. Do it. Take the leap. New friends are always nice, after all, you never know what can happen when you just send a message to some dude you know from online saying "Yo, I'm in the area for a while, let's hang out."
    @Omnutia Did you hit him with your car? I remember someone posting something about hitting someone on a bike a while back, but I don't remember the details.
    Omnom doesn't have a car, he was just nearby and rocked up to help out.
  • edited June 2011
    Isn't it normal to give someone your buisness card after such an incident? I suppose I'm just being Japanese again.
    I gave it to her so she could email me for the pictures of the incident I took. It didn't happen too far away (At least within biking distance.) so I'm going to stick in a word or two about maybe going biking some time.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I gave it to her so she could email me for the pictures of the incident I took. It didn't happen too far away (At least within biking distance.) so I'm going to stick in a word or two about maybe going biking some time.
    Do it, man. I'm not saying it for the purpose of hooking up with her or any of that, aiming for that sort of thing isn't my style and I doubt it's yours either, but someone who sends such an e-mail is worth spending a little time on, and seeing if they might be worth being friends with.
  • edited June 2011
    Isn't it normal to give someone your buisness card after such an incident? I suppose I'm just being Japanese again.
    I really need to get some personal cards. Thats it. This months arduino budget is going towards getting some nice cards.
    EDIT: I should look up those card designs you guys made.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Isn't it normal to give someone your buisness card after such an incident? I suppose I'm just being Japanese again.
    I really need to get some personal cards. Thats it. This months arduino budget is going towards getting some nice cards.
    EDIT: I should look up those card designs you guys made.
    I want a transparent business card that just has my last name across the center in black Helvetica, and then my full name, phone number, email address, Twitter, and Facebook shortcut immediately underneath it in finer print.
  • I have some free business cards I got from that I hand out in any situation. I also have some free Google Voice ones that I use for people who actually need my phone number, but who I don't want to give my direct line too.
  • edited June 2011
    Will about me allow you to put QR codes on your cards?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Will about me allow you to put QR codes on your cards?
    They do it for you. :3
  • Will about me allow you to put QR codes on your cards?
    They do it for you. :3
  • edited June 2011
    Omnom doesn't have a car, he was just nearby and rocked rocketed up to help out.
    I imagine an Astro Boy type scenario here. He sees the woman going down. Om jumps into the air goes into the prone position mid air and then his rocket feet activate! ZOOOOOM!!! He catches her before she hits the ground! Her eyes go all big and she exclaims, "MY HERO!!"

    Mr. Omnom replies, "All in a day's work ma'am." He sets her on her feet, pulls a business card from one of his roboleg compartments and hands it to her. Then he rockets off into sky; disappearing into the glare of sun to do more good deeds.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Will about me allow you to put QR codes on your cards?
    They do it for you. :3
    I just ordered my cards using a wonderful array of creative commons images from flickr. They should arrive thursday after next. Just in time for Anime Expo. Boo Yah.

    Anyway, I think my page came out pretty nicely. What do you think?
  • Anyway, I think my page came out pretty nicely. What do you think?
    Two thumbs up!

    Anyways, had my last final today (Chemistry). I was mostly pretty easy [booyah 1] but I wasn't sure how to do one of the free- response. So I guessed and got it right [booyah 2]. I got out of school before noon [booyah 3] and went home, then immediately went to the playground to practice parkour, in the middle of the day, with the playground empty because everyone else is still in school [booyah 4-6]. Ands, I'm done for school until next year (I think I'm one of the first high schools in the state to get dismissed) [booyah 7].
    All in all, awesome day.
  • As told last week in the WTF of your Day thread, I bought the new Flogging Molly Album "Speed of Darkness", only to end up with a faulty CD which had some entirely unrelated music pressed on it. After contacting the band, their german representative promised to send me a replacement CD and a couple of goodies for my troubles. Today I received the package, and it was quite generous. Beside the correct CD, I got a T-shirt, a whole litter of stickers from the label, a download code for the album, a rather elaborate photo-set, and five coasters (yes, coasters, after all this is a celtic punk band) with the band logo on one side and the album cover on the other.
  • No more community college!

  • That is a happy man.

    Also, 'grats!
  • I made caps lock useful!
  • No more community college!
    Congratulations, dude!

    Any idea where you're heading next?
  • Cal Poly Pomona.
  • Cal Poly Pomona.
    Hey, that's where my girlfriend went! Are you going to be moving out that way, or commuting?
  • edited June 2011
    Cal Poly Pomona.
    Hey, that's where my girlfriend went! Are you going to be moving out that way, or commuting?
    Oh, cool! I'm hoping she has generally good things to say about it? I'm gonna be living on campus, yeah.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Oh, cool! I'm hoping she has generally good things to say about it? I'm gonna be living on campus, yeah.
    I don't remember her saying anything specifically bad about it. I can ask her when she gets home. :) I also have a couple other friends who went there, including one who lived on campus, but I never really asked her about the situation.
  • I just got writing credits in the most popular daily comic strip in Finland!
    Pane 1: Is this 911?
    Yes, give me your name and tell me what happened.
    Pane 2: Elias got fucked by a bear.
    Pane 3: OK, and your name is?
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