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Booh yah!



  • Sounds interesting. What're you using a DMZ for?
    Well I put an Ubuntu server on it. Really though it was just for the fun of setting it up. I want to setup a FTP server there to send files back and forth to my brother. I was running a FTP server on my desktop, but I wasn't super comfortable with that.
  • edited May 2011
    Today I spent the afternoon on the porch of my favorite coffee shop wearing a bathrobe and rose-colored aviators, drinking my own looseleaf tea, blowing fireballs, making puppets out of styrofoam cups, and teaching everyone how to make prison shanks out of cigarette filters. Being eccentric is fun.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Today I spent the afternoon on the porch of my favorite coffee shop wearing a bathrobe and rose-colored aviators, drinking tea, blowing fireballs, making puppets out of styrofoam cups, and teaching everyone how to make prison shanks out of cigarette filters. Being eccentric is fun.
    I feel like you live in a book.
  • That is a very good way of putting it.
  • I actually really want to learn to blow fireballs. That's a pretty good busking skill.
  • I can blow small ones with a lighter, though I imagine I could make much larger ones in the same way if I didn't fear for my eyebrows. You just draw the fuel into your mouth, being very careful not to inhale, and the push it out towards the flame by simultaneously closing your mouth and pushing your tongue forward. Exhaling can also work but it gets more air mixed in, and usually it just ends up putting the flame out.
  • edited May 2011
    So, a woman I met a month ago at my mother's business anniversary party was really interested in starting an online newslater, and she talked to my brother and I specifically because how much we enjoyed cooking. So proposed the idea that we do a cooking blog. On Wednesday, I sent my final draft of the article with nice pictures, a good balance of recipe/personal information, and a delightful recipe for gluten-free, butter-free Peanut Butter Cookies. an e-mail back from her saying she loved the article AND the cookies themselves. So, future side job, SUCCESS!
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • edited May 2011
    I can blow small ones with a lighter, though I imagine I could make much larger ones in the same way if I didn't fear for my eyebrows. You just draw the fuel into your mouth, being very careful not to inhale, and the push it out towards the flame by simultaneously closing your mouth and pushing your tongue forward. Exhaling can also work but it gets more air mixed in, and usually it just ends up putting the flame out.
    To get any sort of decent once, you need liquid fuel, though.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I wrote a really fun song today. I keep noticing I write songs, not about what is happening in my life right now, but about my life about six months to a year ago. The song I wrote was about how annoying it must be to go on a date with someone and all they do is talk about their ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend. So, ho ho ho, this is a song about me from both sides.
  • To get any sort of decent once, you need liquid fuel, though.
    Which isn't really something to do on the porch of a coffee shop if I want to avoid getting banned.
  • edited May 2011
    Which isn't really something to do on the porch of a coffee shop if I want to avoid getting banned.
    I have no such concerns. And a hip-flask of Kerosene.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2011
    Which isn't really something to do on the porch of a coffee shop if I want to avoid getting banned.
    I have no such concerns. And a hip-flask of Kerosene.
    Use soybean oil, avoid aromatic hydrocarbon toxicity.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Use soybean oil, avoid aromatic hydrocarbon toxicity.
    Two important concerns - does it share the same desirable properties that make Kero excellent for firebreathing, and is it cheaper? I've had Ultrapure unscented lamp oil recommended, but fuck if I know how good that'd be for you, And it's expensive. Every experience I've had with Vegetable based oils show they don't burn well enough or consistently enough to be particularly good for the job.
  • Name the desirable properties, and I'll tell you.
  • edited May 2011
    Name the desirable properties, and I'll tell you.
    Relatively stable, Thin enough to "Blow" easily, Low flash point and relatively high flash point, relatively low temperature flame, produces an good flame when burned, and unlike alcohol based fuels, it doesn't get you drunk. Of course, the downsides are possible poisoning, oily mouthfeel, Produces a strong smell, tastes worse than it smells, lingering taste and smell(According to one lass, from Blackall of all places, it's not great for anyone else either - her exact words were "It's like kissing a petrol pump"), can't be used indoors, and unless you're smart and prepared, makes everything taste like shit for hours(Protip - Always bring a toothbrush and some toothpaste - the detergent in toothpaste breaks it down some, and really cuts the time that it lingers) and it soaks into anything you're wearing really easy - Spill it on your pants, they're now pretty flammable for a surprisingly long time.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Name the desirable properties, and I'll tell you.
    Relatively stable, Thin enough to "Blow" easily, Low flash point and relatively high flash point, relatively low temperature flame, produces an good flame when burned, and unlike alcohol based fuels, it doesn't get you drunk. Of course, the downsides are possible poisoning, oily mouthfeel, Produces a strong smell, tastes worse than it smells, lingering taste and smell(According to one lass, from Blackall of all places, it's not great for anyone else either - her exact words were "It's like kissing a petrol pump"), can't be used indoors, and unless you're smart and prepared, makes everything taste like shit for hours(Protip - Always bring a toothbrush and some toothpaste - the detergent in toothpaste breaks it down some, and really cuts the time that it lingers) and it soaks into anything you're wearing really easy - Spill it on your pants, they're now pretty flammable for a surprisingly long time.
    Try safflower oil. In order to lower the viscosity, preheat a Thermos to the temperature you typically drink your coffee at, and then store fuel in it.
  • I probably should have posted this a few weeks ago, but I was very busy at the time. I am now a college graduate! Now all I have to do is find work, pay off my loans, and get the hell out of dodge. Might take a few years. At least now there's something for me to look forward to.
  • @Diagoras -- Congratulations!

    My boo-yah is that I'm finally seriously starting work on my webcomic. It's still in the very early stages, but it's something. I got sick of waiting for the "when I have the time" that'll probably never come.
  • I finally got my "City pace" back after having lost it for a few years.
  • Kind of feel like it's a cop out to use band practice as a boo-yah two weeks in a row, but GOT DAMN, it's so awesome finally playing with my friends and making really cool shit. This will pretty much be my most-looking-forward-to-thing every single week for the foreseeable future. It certainly helps that the other guys I'm playing with are much better musicians than I am. You know they always say that the drummer is the most disposable member of the band :P
  • Booyah: Using a transistor and a rectifier, having no previous knowledge of these things, I have somehow managed to create a circuit that lets me activate my airsoft gun with my arduino! My turret is almost complete! Now all I need is for the pan/tilt servo kit to arrive and for me to prototype and fab the chassis!
  • Shoulder injuries have kept me out of karate classes for a month now, and it's really taken a toll on me. So today I decided to go for a run barefoot. After a couple blocks I remembered that the sidewalks are covered in broken glass (MOTHERFUCKERS). So I went to the park (empty on a school night) and practiced karate. Hardcore. I did a bunch of rolls and did all sorts of attacks on a tree (roundhouse kicks, toe kicks, forearm conditioning, etc.). I'm exhausted and my arms are cut up from tree bark, but I feel awesome! I really need to make this a habit.
  • What did the poor tree do to deserve that? (j/k)
    If you like barefoot running but broken glass is a problem, look into Vibram shoes. Rym wears his running everywhere, and his calves are like stone because of it. Barefoot running really tones your muscles, but you have to be careful of shin-splints.
  • @ikatono
    Did you meditate under a waterfall afterwards? Or did you fight a bear?
  • Got my first paper accepted at an IEEE conference. In Hawaii no less!
  • Congrats Andrew!

    Unrelated, but awesome: HTC will no longer attempt to lock out their bootloaders. HTC has always been the best for Android hacks, and now they seem to be formally embracing it. ^_^
  • edited May 2011
    Got my first paper accepted at an IEEE conference. In Hawaii no less!
    That's awesome! What was your topic? I had an IEEE paper accepted out in Hawaii as a undergrad but of course, no way to get there : P Are you going to make it out to present? After graduating I did get a paper accepted again and work sent me to Salt Lake City which was an awesome trip.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • That's awesome! What was your topic?
    Autonomous Underwater Navigation with a High Frequency Imaging Sonar.
    Are you going to make it out to present?
    Hopefully, I'm pretty sure my job will pay for the trip.
  • Autonomous Underwater Navigation with a High Frequency Imaging Sonar.
    I first read that as Underwear and not Underwater.

    Grats. Hope both you and Lyddi get to go. Hawaii is fun.
  • Autonomous Underwater Navigation with a High Frequency Imaging Sonar.
    I first read that as Underwear and not Underwater.

    Grats. Hope both you and Lyddi get to go. Hawaii is fun.
    I would love to go! I doubt they'll pay for me though, unless he can integrate me into the robot somehow... *dreams of being the Major one day* :-P
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