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Booh yah!



  • Yay! I won the Muse Games signed CreaVures poster contest! :3
  • Good on you!
  • If you like barefoot running but broken glass is a problem, look into Vibram shoes.
    Or the cheaper option, go live somewhere without fuckers throwing glass everywhere.
    Autonomous Underwater Navigation with a High Frequency Imaging Sonar.
    Some government on this globe probably has already been doing this for years. Good luck presenting your existing-technology-stuck-together work.
    Yay! I won the Muse Games signed CreaVures poster contest! :3
    How the heck. Did you do that to the person selecting the winner?
  • Some government on this globe probably has already been doing this for years. Good luck presenting your existing-technology-stuck-together work.
    I never said it was a seminal paper. Sometimes science is just reproducing results or making small improvements on previous work.
  • Two years of DDR;s coldness and awesome roommate, tomorrow I'm moving to a new apartment. More space, even some room for a sofa and a table that hopefully shall be used for gaming.
  • Hopefully, I'm pretty sure my job will pay for the trip.
    Check if there is a student travel grant you can apply for to help pay for it. Most academic meetings will have something like that for grad students or post-docs.
  • What did the poor tree do to deserve that? (j/k)
    If you like barefoot running but broken glass is a problem, look into Vibram shoes. Rym wears his running everywhere, and his calves are like stone because of it. Barefoot running really tones your muscles, but you have to be careful of shin-splints.
    Yeah, I've been thinking about getting a pair of Vibrams, but $75 is a bit more than I can shell out at the moment. If I can get a summer job I'll probably save up for a pair.
  • If Vibrams are a bit too expensive for you, but you still want the advantages of running barefoot, look into a pair of huaraches. If you have ever heard of the book "Born to Run", they are the running sandals that the Taruhumara wear, and they are the best marathon runners in the world. Invisible Shoes sells a kit so you can make your own for $20-25 US, and they will make you your own custom pair for $50. They may not look as cool as a pair of vibrams, but they are more durable, will fit an oddly shaped or wide foot better because you cut them to shape your feet when they get the kit, and you don't have to worry about them getting dirty or developing the funk that vibrams are so well known for.
  • Shoulder injuries have kept me out of karate classes for a month now, and it's really taken a toll on me. So today I decided to go for a run barefoot. After a couple blocks I remembered that the sidewalks are covered in broken glass (MOTHERFUCKERS). So I went to the park (empty on a school night) and practiced karate. Hardcore. I did a bunch of rolls and did all sorts of attacks on a tree (roundhouse kicks, toe kicks, forearm conditioning, etc.). I'm exhausted and my arms are cut up from tree bark, but I feel awesome! I really need to make this a habit.
    ... and my mom just noticed the bruises over dinner. She was slightly less than enthusiastic about my new training method. Ah well.
  • Use wraps, dude. It'll keep you from bruising and cutting up your hands and arms so badly and help avoid boxer's fracture, which you will get if you punch trees.
  • Use wraps, dude. It'll keep you from bruising and cutting up your hands and arms so badly and help avoid boxer's fracture, which you will get if you punch trees.
    It wasn't so much the bruises (although she is concerned that someone will suspect I'm abused), she's afraid that someone will call the cops because some crazy kid is beating up trees in the park, then I'll get taken in for drug testing. Though I do plan to start using wraps.
  • edited May 2011
    she's afraid that someone will call the cops because some crazy kid is beating up trees in the park, then I'll get taken in for drug testing
    It's easy to reassure her. Tell your mom that if someone would be silly enough to call the cops, and they show up, just start singing "I Know Karate" from Electric Six.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • It wasn't so much the bruises (although she is concerned that someone will suspect I'm abused), she's afraid that someone will call the cops because some crazy kid is beating up trees in the park, then I'll get taken in for drug testing. Though I do plan to start using wraps.
    Don't be punching anything hard without real gloves. Wraps aren't enough. And by that, I mean "punching hard" not "punching hard things". Don't punch hard things period.
  • Although I haven't done much running with out shoes I would really avoid it. Speaking as a dude at 21 who has already got knee problems you need to look after those things.

    Also Finished my first year of uni yesterday and celebrated by playing a couple of hours of lazier tag. Not bad considering I wasn't predicted to get beyond my SATS, they are exams for 9 year old's in the UK.
  • Speaking as a dude at 21 who has already got knee problems you need to look after those things.
    Regardless of the debate on other supposed benefits, I believe there is evidence that running barefoot (without heel plants) is less impactful on the knees than running in shoes (with heel plants). Of course, YMMV.
  • Although I haven't done much running with out shoes I would really avoid it. Speaking as a dude at 21 who has already got knee problems you need to look after those things.

    Also Finished my first year of uni yesterday and celebrated by playing a couple of hours of lazier tag. Not bad considering I wasn't predicted to get beyond my SATS, they are exams for 9 year old's in the UK.
    When running barefoot, you take smaller steps so your feet are almost behind you and you land on the front of your foot, so there are no hard impacts.
  • I'm sure you guys have found ways I was just throwing that out there I used to do a shit ton of sports and the big thing that was stressed is looking after your body. From what i have heard it would really help you to look at some of the running videos of the Ethiopian running team. How you described your running sounds a lot like their style it might help you.
  • woot. Got a bunch of cheap crap at garage sales this weekend. $5 DSLR, Unopened Settlers of Catan 3rd edition for 25 cents, a original xbox for $10, a $3 butterfly knife (kinda shitty and it needs some work, but I've been wanting one), and an old Timex Sinclair 1000 (US version of the ZX81) for $3. Probably going to ebay Catan since I already have an opened newer edition that I haven't played yet. If anyone's interested in it let me know, because I'd rather sell it to someone on here than some random punk on ebay.
  • $5 DSLR
  • $5 DSLR
    Well its older. Its a Minolta Dimage 7. Its only 5.something megapixels but its got lots of fancy features and good image quality. The guy I bought it from is a professional photographer and its just his old camera.
  • I had a Dimage X5, loved that camera. Even if it's a 5MP, the glass on the front has to be worth a fair bit.
  • Yeah it looks like the whole thing is worth like $100 one ebay but I'm not selling it. It doesn't have the lens cap or the hood thing but it works find. I can't seem to get the viewfinder to work but the screen works so its not a huge deal.
  • Three day cosplay party starting tomorrow. I'll be a penguin and the wife will wear a funny hat and a sword.
  • The heater for the pool in my apartment building has finally been fixed after a year or so of being broken. This weekend, it's time for a POOL PARTY!
  • My girlfriend is sewing me an awesome goddamn tunic. <3
  • Tunics are pretty goddamn awesome.
  • So I went on my first bike ride since my surgery last summer. Oh my god it felt good. I did about 8 miles. But now I am a tired tired panda!
  • Grades :
    Argumentation: A
    Argumentation Lab: A
    Creative Writing: A
    Journalism: A-
    Linguistics: B+

    I have made a claim that I have a boo yah and supported it with evidence. Bitches.
  • RymRym
    edited June 2011
    Argumentation: A
    Argumentation Lab: A
    Creative Writing: A
    Journalism: A-
    Good job, but...
    Linguistics: B+
    Post edited by Rym on
  • image
    Talk about a comic that went out on a high note, life got a little bit less scary when The parking lot is full stopped updating.
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