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Booh yah!



  • I'm sure this will be mentioned on the podcast soon enough, but last weekend Bruce, Rym, Emily, Laura and I went to Wildwood and did our annual "How did the boardwalk change walk" as usual the number of arcades dwindled a bit but actually the amount of actual arcade machines may have increased slightly. However, the trip was made awesome by the discovery of a retro pinball arcade in the basement of the Boardwalk Mall (which you may remember talked about as having the "Fist of the North star arcade machine). Sadly that arcade had slowly died over the years and when I walked down it looked like it was completely gone, only to turn to my right after going down the stairs and see over 100 vintage pinball machines from the 50s, 60s and 70s. For 5 dollars a half hour you could play to your hearts content. It made me excited about the Wildwood Boardwalk again and I don't even like Pinball.

    So you might want to check this place out if you are ever in Wildwood NJ. It's pretty damn cool. Unfortunately no website on this...

    Remember When Retro Arcade Pinball Palace inside the Boardwalk
    Mall, 3800 Boardwalk, Wildwood, NJ 08260"
  • only to turn to my right after going down the stairs and see over 100 vintage pinball machines from the 50s, 60s and 70s. For 5 dollars a half hour you could play to your hearts content.
  • Seriously it sounds like these pinball arcades are springing up everywhere. The one by me in Asbury Park has got over 200 machines though. It's bad ass, and I need to get back there.

    Here's my boo-yah: On day 6 of no coffee and the physical withdrawl symptoms are finally starting to go away. I was one irritable bastard over the weekend, but I'm pretty much back to normal now. Added bonus, now I'll be able to back to using caffeine like the drug I need it to be! Just not looking forward to this time next year where I will probably reset the clock again.
  • One minute: Sunny.
    Next minute: HAILPOCALYPSE!
    Then: Sunny like nothing ever happened. Hail has melted.

    My day is now officially exciting.
  • One minute: Sunny.
    Next minute: HAILPOCALYPSE!
    Then: Sunny like nothing ever happened. Hail has melted.

    My day is now officially exciting.
    My day:

    12:40am: Sitting on porch, enjoying the cool air, listening to Nujabes, and writing some more fiction. Notice that a drop has fallen on my laptop's screen. Panic, run inside with laptop, but feel happy that it's starting to rain. I love me some rain.

    1:00am: Getting ready for bed. Enjoying the soft pitter-patter of rain as I drift off.

    6:00am: Wake up to feed the cats. Notice the ground outside is throughly soaked and that the rain is still coming. Happy that the world has blessed me with glorious rain, I go back to sleep.

    8:00am: wake up to get ready for work, Rain is light, but still coming. Sky still covered with clouds. I put on my trenchcoat and leave for work.

    10:00am: at work, but rain has stopped. Still hopeful.

    1:00am: leave work. Rain has stopped, sun is shining, birds are singing, and the world weather has trolled me for the fifth time this week.
  • edited June 2011
    What's there left to do after writing the dissertation besides defending it? Also, GRATS!
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • All that's left is my defense in two weeks and any re-writes or last minute experiments my committee can think of.
  • I'm posting this from my new Samsung Galaxy Tab. :)
  • In about 10 months I will be posting a picture from my yearbook in this thread. It will have a picture of myself, and underneath it will say "Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair." And everyone will look upon my works and see the irony.
  • GoGo Lisa!
  • edited June 2011
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Oh no, the punk kids are out for the summer!
  • I am currently sitting in the beautiful Balboa Park in sunny San Diego. Ahhhhhhhhhh.
  • Oh no, the punk kids are out for the summer!
    Been out for over a week. The chaos just hasn't reached you yet.
  • As far as I can tell, I'm going to be getting paid to do a lot of drinking in July.
  • Oh no, the punk kids are out for the summer!
    Judging by the quality of people on my multiplayer FPS servers, they've been out for about a month now.
  • Oh no, the punk kids are out for the summer!
    Judging by the quality of people on my multiplayer FPS servers, they've been out for about a month now.
    Oh snap!
  • The Walking Dead Volume 14 showed up quite unexpectedly this morning! I usually don't pre-order stuff since my life is one giant backlog of glorious media to consume, but I did, and forgot when it was coming out.
  • I got a new bike today! It's just what I was looking for in price and features, and besides that it's PINK with a cute little basket on the front. Finally, I have a bike that's the correct size for me and isn't painful to try to ride.

    A side note to this new-bike adventure: I tried to pawn my old bike, and even the Trade-It (sketchy pawn shop) didn't want it and said it was a piece of crap/death trap. We ended up just leaving it by the Trade-It so we wouldn't have to put the poor hunk of junk back in the car.
  • Due to tomorrow being a public holiday, and me taking a vacation day on friday, I got a 4-day weekend. This is following a 3 day weekend because monday last week was a holiday too, and a four day weekend following the same pattern as this one earlier this month.
  • Refinancing my auto loan, Saving myself $2000 over the next 5 years and paying it off 5 months sooner. ^_^
  • I'm washing the cars today. It's really cathartic. Good way to spend a nice, warm afternoon. Feels good, man.
  • There is an Asian restaurant, Pacific Spice, that opened up about six months ago. I've made a habit of going at least 1-2 times a month to eat there. Today, even with my sinuses clogged due to the weather and allergies, I wanted some Pad Thai. After I made my order, the owner of the restaurant brought a bowl of hot miso soup and told me it was on the house and hope I got to feeling better.
  • There is an Asian restaurant, Pacific Spice, that opened up about six months ago. I've made a habit of going at least 1-2 times a month to eat there. Today, even with my sinuses clogged due to the weather and allergies, I wanted some Pad Thai. After I made my order, the owner of the restaurant brought a bowl of hot miso soup and told me it was on the house and hope I got to feeling better.
    That there's a classy establishment.
  • Universal Booh yah!
    New Futurama tonight! :P
  • Universal Booh yah!
    New Futurama tonight! :P
  • Universal Booh yah!
    New Futurama tonight! :P
  • Found out that ultra-fine Sharpies are the perfect thickness for the facial features and will write on the non-photo blue pencil marks. Also, my friends are taking quite a liking to my first real attempt at digital coloring, and so am I.
  • Coworker that shares the same office room as myself is on vacation for the next three weeks. I will have the room all alone to myself to blast my music, podcasts, and never be bothered.

    My boss is also gone for the next two weeks. I may have to have a pants free work-day with the door locked. Probably not, but the idea sounds tempting.
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