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Booh yah!



  • Car successfully refinanced!
  • image
  • While that is awesome, the PSP-3000 is really where it's at for Megadrive on the go. The emulators are damn near flawless at this point.
  • You better be putting that Sonic 1 cart into the S&K cart.
  • You better be putting that Sonic 1 cart into the S&K; cart.
    You know it.
  • So... I'm 25 today. That's pretty awesome.
  • Happy Birthday!
  • I'm 25 today.
  • edited June 2011
    My parents are finally moving (secondary boo yah for decent housing sales despite the shitty economy!), and that means I'm tasked with cleaning out my room. At one point, I find an old Magic the Gathering card between a shelf. Although my first thought at this point would almost always be ""Hmm... might be worth something. Better save it just in case" and then I would hide it and forget all about it. But this time I said "Fuck you! I won't fall for your tricks!" and I ripped it up. The rush of freedom I felt from tearing up that piece of paper was awesome. When I find my old deck it's gonna be a bonfire!
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • My parents are finally moving (secondary boo yah for decent housing sales despite the shitty economy!), and that means I'm tasked with cleaning out my room. At one point, I find an old Magic the Gathering card between a shelf. Although my first thought at this point would almost always be ""Hmm... might be worth something. Better save it just in case" and then I would hide it and forget all about it. But this time I said "Fuck you! I won't fall for your tricks!" and I ripped it up. The rush of freedom I felt from tearing up that piece of paper was awesome. When I find my old deck it's gonna be a bonfire!
    I don't even play magic and I'm horrified by that statement :-p
  • I just found out that my local library took my suggestions from a few months ago, and started getting some more interesting comics in, and even better, followed the list I provided at their request pretty closely - Powers, The Losers, Transmet, Sandman, Hellblazer, Tezuka's Budda, and so on. Niiiiice.
  • Niiiiice.
    I was really bummed when I found out the library system by my Uni doesn't do interlibrary loans since that means I can't have Phoenix shipped from the library by my parent's house at my leisure.
  • I was really bummed when I found out the library system by my Uni doesn't do interlibrary loans since that means I can't have Phoenix shipped from the library by my parent's house at my leisure.
    I'm lucky - I have a small local library within walking distance, but I can get books from any library in the city at no additional cost - which is nice, since I don't feel like walking the 4 or 5 kilometers to the nearest large/decent library, or going up to the university and pretending to be a student.
  • What kind of shitty library doesn't do interlibrary loans?
  • image
  • What kind of shitty library doesn't do interlibrary loans?
    The Orange County (Florida) Libraries.
  • Today I saw an older woman in a Firefox 1.0 Tshirt. It made my day.
  • Just remembered Top Gear is back on the air. ^_^
  • Passed my defense! I HAVE A PHD!
  • Passed my defense! I HAVE A PHD!
    Oh shit! This calls for some celebrating!
  • Oh shit! This calls for some celebrating!
  • Passed my defense! I HAVE A PHD!
    Oh shit! This calls for some celebrating!
    Congo rats! Party down Dr. Zcoot!
  • Passed my defense! I HAVE A PHD!
  • Passed my defense! I HAVE A PHD!
  • Passed my defense! I HAVE A PHD!
  • I wonder if they'll send me my stuff...
  • Normally when I whip out Jungle Speed I get a mildly confused, but hopeful look. Today, however, was a bit different. We've got a bunch of French students here for our intensive English program and when I brought it out tonight there was a collective look of recognition, horror, and excitement. Horror because we were a bit drunk and feared injuries. We were right. People had finger nails. People bled. Fun was had.
  • Normally when I whip out Jungle Speed I get a mildly confused, but hopeful look. Today, however, was a bit different. We've got a bunch of French students here for our intensive English program and when I brought it out tonight there was a collective look of recognition, horror, and excitement. Horror because we were a bit drunk and feared injuries. We were right. People had finger nails. People bled. Fun was had.
    The last two times I played jungle speed, I broke a finger(we were a wee spot drunk, and Dan tried to get the totem, and ended up punching me full strength in the hand just as I grabbed it) and the other time, I got a minor fracture of one of the bones in my hand(I turned up a custom totem on the lathe out of steel, and drunk again, I made a slap catch of the thing and full speed and strength.)

    I still fuckin' love jungle speed though. And spoons, which is kinda like jungle speed, but with regular cards. And spoons. I'm a fearsome motherfucker at spoons.
  • edited July 2011
    So I played my first four games of Settlers of Catan today. In a tournament. I made it through all four rounds and placed fourth out of 16. Everyone else that had played before.


    Copied from the AX2011 thread:

    Here were my scores:
    Round 1: 9 points (second place) - I got the two free roads card early and used it to get the Longest road
    Round 2: 3 points (last place) - Oh man what a terrible setup, but it taught me to really carefully analyze the board and strategize properly now that I understood the rules.
    Round 3: 6 points (Third place) - Good game. I was set for second, but then one of the guys revealed that he has two Victory point cards face down and jumped to 7 points.
    Round 4: 9 Points (Tied for second) - Oh man this was one epic game. I used everything I learned from all the previous rounds and it was a knock down drag it out battle among the four of us.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Normally when I whip out Jungle Speed I get a mildly confused, but hopeful look. Today, however, was a bit different. We've got a bunch of French students here for our intensive English program and when I brought it out tonight there was a collective look of recognition, horror, and excitement. Horror because we were a bit drunk and feared injuries. We were right. People had finger nails. People bled. Fun was had.
    The last two times I played jungle speed, I broke a finger(we were a wee spot drunk, and Dan tried to get the totem, and ended up punching me full strength in the hand just as I grabbed it) and the other time, I got a minor fracture of one of the bones in my hand(I turned up a custom totem on the lathe out of steel, and drunk again, I made a slap catch of the thing and full speed and strength.)

    I still fuckin' love jungle speed though. And spoons, which is kinda like jungle speed, but with regular cards. And spoons. I'm a fearsome motherfucker at spoons.
    As cool as a custom steel totem or the regular wooden ones sound in theory, I think I much prefer our squishy plastic one. They'd never played the expansion though and kept getting caught on the bullshit cards it adds. Birthday boy Damien wasn't any good though, he didn't win a single game, but we might be at fault for that.
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