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Booh yah!



  • Guess who met Devin Townsend today?
    Did he share indecipherable alien wisdom with you?
    I asked him about his cat tattoo and why he got it, he told me it was because he was a fucking pussy.
  • Burning Wheel Gold successfully pre-ordered!
  • My mom is happy!
  • I've found the most comfortable shirt.
  • There's a thunder storm outside and the power is flickering on and off. And I don't care cause I have all my computers and network infrastructure running on UPS power. ^_^
  • Chopped a ton of wood today. Feeling the burn but dam was it awesome.
  • After several months of therapy my therapist thinks I'm improving. Sure don't feel it.
  • edited July 2011
    Sure don't feel it.
    Gradual changes have a way of not being noticed. You've seemed better based on what I've seen you posting.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Sure don't feel it.
    Gradual changes have a way of not being noticed. You've seemed better based on what I've seen you posting.
  • Thirded. It's like growing. You don't notice you are growing taller when you are a kid until on day you realize that you can reach something you couldn't before.
  • Thirded. It's like growing. You don't notice you are growing taller when you are a kid until on day you realize that you can reach something you couldn't before.
    Or like getting terrible eyesight. I didn't realize I couldn't see until I got my glasses and all of a sudden there were letters and things.
  • Wakfu Beta get!
    I'll let you guys know how it is, since they haven't made me sign an NDA. XD
  • Wakfu Beta get!
    I'll let you guys know how it is, since they haven't made me sign an NDA. XD
    Been in it since they started the closed beta, but I haven't played in a while. Been meaning to get back in and try Ecaflip out, maybe Feca once they're released.

    In other news, the temp agency I joined up with last week has already gotten me a job offer, for a 9-month job. Prepared to transfer this to the Fail thread if I don't get it.
  • Thirded. It's like growing. You don't notice you are growing taller when you are a kid until on day you realize that you can reach something you couldn't before.
    Or like getting terrible eyesight. I didn't realize I couldn't see until I got my glasses and all of a sudden there were letters and things.
    So true. Every time I get new glasses, it's like "OMG, trees have LEAVES!"
  • I just juggled for about 80 people and it went really well. I was practicing on the quad in a place where orientation tours happened to be meeting up, so people watched me while waiting for others to arrive. One group even took pictures with me.
  • edited July 2011
    I was on a canoing/camping trip this weekend. Someone brought a tiny hatchet. I brought a pocket chain saw and Swedish FireSteel. We had very little wood the last night.

    Across the river, on the heavily eroded embankment, were some dead trees that were laying on top of each other (and thus out of the water). I managed to convince a fellow camper to take a canoe across with me; she kept the boat "docked" and stacked wood in the canoe while I trudged through smelly, sticky muck gathering some easily broken logs. Then we decided to take a 30' dead tree. It was already broken in half. The upper, skinny half (2" diameter?) was placed precariously across the canoe, while the thicker half (5" diameter?) was too heavy and too wet at one end as it was. I hacked away at it for 20-30 minutes, and with my canoe buddy, we managed to bring almost all of the 30' tree back over to our campsite.

    Many of the campers took turns using the pocket saw to cut logs down to size for the fire hole we dug in the beach. Then the chainsaw guy shows up. He does in 3 minutes what would have taken us 3 hours. He's like a performing magician, holding the log to be cut in one hand, chainsaw in the other. As payment, he wanted a beer. While doing his two handed magic, he has one of our crew hold a beer to his mouth while he chugs it and gives us more firewood. Somehow he managed to cut our wood without losing any of his body parts. (Booh Yah!) (Warning; This sort of behavior could have very easily turned fail.)

    I built a small log cabin and teepee with firewood. Some birch bark was put in the middle with kindling. It took a few strikes, but I got sparks from the FireSteel ignited a piece of bark (Booh Yah!). I kept the fire going low with hot coals for marshmellows and ambiance. After obligatory fireworks, I built and rebuilt (and rebuilt) a high teepee to get a bright, warm fire for the evening. All this fire was provided from the wood I chopped down with a tiny hand ax. I put so much into that fire, and it was quite enjoyed by our 23 other campers. (Booh Yah!)

    We rolled a huge log (6' long, 2' diameter) with dry-rot over the hot coals towards the end of the night. It smoldered, but it wouldn't keep its own flame going. However, even after the coals were put out for the night, the huge log was popping with heat. It was on burning on the inside without any further fuel. Come morning, I cut the dry-rot log down the middle of its extinguished charcoal to reveal hot embers within. I put the halves next to each other with a small space between them and cooked some hot dogs in that space. We found some kindling on the beach and started a new fire from the huge log's heat. (Booh Yah!)
    Post edited by Byron on
  • After several days of persistent trying, I've managed to reply to a whole page of Japanese.
  • image
    It sure as hell wasn't easy. I wish I could have done it without the blue ring, but I just don't have the skill. I'm proud of avoiding the red ring though.
  • In my Japanese class yesterday we had to do skits about buying stuff. Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch was the obvious choice.
  • Remember those racist white nationalist 12 year old singers, Prussian Blue? Turns out they're not so bad anymore.
  • I am employed.
  • OMG I'm at ASV and kind of intoxicated right now but I got to talk with one of the most amazing women in virology. She introduced me as Dr. Golebiewski for my 10 minute talk, and when I found her during the drink/social tonight she said my data was beautiful; I almost broke down in tears. She said to email her with any problems or comments and I'm going to ask her about a post-doc.

    Not even my own boss has said my data is beautiful. OMG I want to be in her lab now!
  • You don't notice you are growing taller
    Oh fuck yes did I notice. God damned painful growing taller.
  • OMG I'm at ASV and kind of intoxicated right now but I got to talk with one of the most amazing women in virology. She introduced me as Dr. Golebiewski for my 10 minute talk, and when I found her during the drink/social tonight she said my data was beautiful; I almost broke down in tears. She said to email her with any problems or comments and I'm going to ask her about a post-doc.

    Not even my own boss has said my data is beautiful. OMG I want to be in her lab now!
    You sure it's her lab you wanna be in? Eh? Eh? ^_~
  • she said my data was beautiful;
    Your points of data make a beautiful line.
  • Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive.
  • I want you gone Portal references!
  • Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive.
    Leaving the world of references, I honestly don't want to know about sciences that can benefit the dead. No good could ever come of them.
  • Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive.
    Leaving the world of references, I honestly don't want to know about sciences that can benefit the dead. No good could ever come of them.
    I didn't go out of my way to make safety plans for the zombiepacolypse just to have it not happen. Bring on the reanimated dead!
  • I want you gone Portal references!
    You know, I used to want the people who made random Portal references dead, because they were so annoying.

    Now I only want them to go away.
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