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Booh yah!



  • edited July 2011
    It's not random! She's a virologist with beautiful data! It is relevant meme quoting.


    edit: Oooh, I see. Have not played Portal 2 yet, so it took me a minute.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • It's not random! She's a virologist with beautiful data! It is relevant meme quoting.

    Read what I actually said, not what what I said means.
  • edited July 2011
    Kicked ass at Agricola, ate ice cream, joined Google+ and found it to be awesome, and am now going to watch some Cowboy Bebop, now that uTorrent has decided to stop fucking up. It's looking to be a beautiful night.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited July 2011
    My mom found a Christmas gift she forgot to give me! It's a really nice glass teapot from Bodum! Specifically, an Assam tea press!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It's not random! She's a virologist with beautiful data! It is relevant meme quoting.
    Read what I actually said, not what what I said means.
    I saw what you did there.
  • It's not random! She's a virologist with beautiful data!
    and malevolent intentions!
  • and malevolent intentions!
    We just all must stay on her good side so she gives us the vaccine.
  • We just all must stay on her good side so she gives us the vaccine.
    Which you will, in turn, give to me, right? Just in case I am forced to be on her bad side.
  • It's not random! She's a virologist with beautiful data!
    and malevolent intentions!
    We just all must stay on her good side so she gives us the vaccine.
    Which you will, in turn, give to me, right? Just in case I am forced to be on her bad side.
    Where the hell has this conversation gone to?
  • It's not random! She's a virologist with beautiful data!
    and malevolent intentions!
    We just all must stay on her good side so she gives us the vaccine.
    Which you will, in turn, give to me, right? Just in case I am forced to be on her bad side.
    Where the hell has this conversation gone to?
    To the pyramid!
  • My first time dual monitoring and I'm playing EVE and watching Star Trek.

  • My first time dual monitoring and I'm playing EVE and watching Star Trek.

    That is full of so much win, although one must ask: which Star Trek?
  • My first time dual monitoring and I'm playing EVE and watching Star Trek.

    That is full of so much win, although one must ask: which Star Trek?
    Careful: There IS a wrong answer.
  • Careful: There IS a wrong answer.
    Yes, we all know that Enterprise is the superior Star Trek.
  • Careful: There IS a wrong answer.
    Yes, we all know that Enterprise is the superior Star Trek.
  • It's not quite there yet, but we've got it 3/4s of the way in the bag now - The State Governments have agreed on an R18+ rating.
  • Yes, we all know that Enterprise is the superior Star Trek.
    Funny, we had an argument about this last night when we were recording ATW9K with Dave, Joel, & Graz. Among the three along with Kevin say DS9 is the superior one. I have yet to see it, but I'm biased towards TNG.

  • DS9 is the superior one
  • I'm biased towards TNG.

  • DS9 is the superior one
    BSG > B5
  • BSG > B5
    Comparing BSG to either B5 or Star Trek is really doing a disservice to them all. BSG is a way different kind of show.
  • I'm sorry, I could not get past the first season of B5.
  • Comparing BSG to either B5 or Star Trek is really doing a disservice to them all. BSG is a way different kind of show.
    I was only mentioning it because it was a B. At first I thought he was referencing some sort of chess move or Battleship move.
  • edited July 2011
    At first I thought he was referencing some sort of chess move or Battleship move.
    I did a google search for "b5 space"; then simultaneously facepalmed and said "oh right"

    Seriously though, I think TNG is the best of all listed so far. I have not seen original BSG. New BSG made me want to physically assault the cameraman until he was in a full body cast so that he couldn't keep shaking the fucking camera for nothing but dialogue. That was as grating as a laugh track.

    OMG BSG edited with laugh track would be hilarious.

    EDIT: and yet I thought shaky cam was perfectly executed in Cloverfield.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I'm sorry, I could not get past the first season of B5.
    It's painful, I know. But trust me, seasons 2 - 4 are good.

    I'd say skip the first season, but it sets a lot of things up. Just suffer through it like I did and you'll be rewarded.

    Season 5 is an abortion.
  • I'm sorry, I could not get past the first season of B5.
    It's painful, I know. But trust me, seasons 2 - 4 are good.

    I'd say skip the first season, but it sets a lot of things up. Just suffer through it like I did and you'll be rewarded.

    Season 5 is an abortion.
    Yeah it pays to pay attention to S1 during B5. even though it seems like it's being episodic it's really sneaky about planting seeds that sprout a season or three later.

    A little of me dies inside whenever I think about Season 5. If Fox didn't announce the cancellation of S5 5 eps before S4 then JMS wouldn't have needed to cram every single revelation that would have been in S5 into the last 4 eps of S4. Which makes the last couple eps of S4 freaking amazing, it did kill S5.
  • I've been performing my 50-55 minute show on cruise ships for over four years. As a juggler, I try not to make any mistakes, but with juggling mistakes are inevitable. It's not a question of if you'll drop, but when you'll drop next.

    Last night I performed my entire show with zero mistakes. No drops that aren't choreographed for comedic or dramatic purposes. Awesome. And I got a standing ovation at the end of the show, which was a really great way to end the evening.

    I hope it isn't four years until my next perfect show!
  • TNG, of course. I got through quite a bit of season 4, too. I'm so happy that, even with S1 and 2, I've only had one really uninteresting episode to me. That's pretty good for any show, in my opinion.

    Also, two things I left out. I saw a ship that looked like a Federation starship. I couldn't tell you which one, but it looks like the Enterprise D but rounder. My spaceship also looks hilarious.
  • 50-55 minute show
    Holy crap, how big are your arms? I once went for endurance and could barely break 15 minutes of just doing a three ball cascade before my arms hurt to much to keep going.

    Also, skipped work, drove to girlfriend's house, had fun alone for several hours, her family gets home, we pretend I just got there and that we were just watching some Doctor Who, invite friend over for a movie, end up having an impromptu sleepover at his house, his mom puts me and my girlfriend in the same room not realizing we are together.
  • My mother is now officially retired.
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