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Booh yah!



  • My friend is in charge of a maid cafe and had already asked me to work there, and is now asking if I want to be the DJ... which is very exciting but slightly daunting as I don't have any real experience with it.
    And then I remembered. My cousin is a professional DJ.
    Get Virtual DJ. Trust me.
    Yeah, I was talking to my music major roommate about being asked to DJ the Maid Cafe and he suggested Virtual DJ. it has a free version, so I have no reason NOT to try it. Any suggestions on using it effectively, or is it pretty self explanatory?
  • edited August 2011
    My friend is in charge of a maid cafe and had already asked me to work there, and is now asking if I want to be the DJ... which is very exciting but slightly daunting as I don't have any real experience with it.
    And then I remembered. My cousin is a professional DJ.
    Get Virtual DJ. Trust me.
    Yeah, I was talking to my music major roommate about being asked to DJ the Maid Cafe and he suggested Virtual DJ. it has a free version, so I have no reason NOT to try it. Any suggestions on using it effectively, or is it pretty self explanatory?
    Sometimes, especially on songs with 3/4ths time, it has trouble figuring out the downbeat, so plan your set list and study it well.

    Also, kinda assumed, but make a set list. In fact, make several. When you're making them, try to find songs that pair well together from a mixing/fading stand point. For example: Basshunter's remix of "In Da Club" by 50 Cent mixes well with the DJ Liquid's "Tetris (Rave Mix)"
    In addition, when selecting songs, pay attention to the key they're in. You want to mix songs that are the same key or, if you can't, exactly one key apart.
    For example: A with A or C, C# with C# or E#

    Take advantage of the EQ knobs (hi, mid, low). Sometimes turning off a channel on one song will make it mix better with another one.
    For example, if two songs have hit hats that clash with each other, but their bass beats work very well, turn off the Highs on one or both of them for a few seconds before mixing, then turn it back up on the one you're fading to.

    Don't forget about the looping function. This kinda goes hand in hand with knowing your songs, but many techno songs have a long segment up front where it's just the beat (i.e. no vocals or complex melodies). You can set this to loop while the fader is on the other song, giving you a little leeway when it comes to how you want to mix the two songs.

    Lastly, don't be afraid to let a song run out. As long as you plan out your next song and time it right, you can actually use the silence to build up anticipation to the next song.

    DISCLAIMER: I mix pretty much exclusively dance/house/techno, but this advice should still apply with other genres.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Woah! That's more advice than I was expecting! That's good, though! Thanks!
    Thankfully I have until November to learn the programs and make out several set lists. I think my friend just expects me to keep music playing, but I'd rather go ahead and try to know what I'm doing.
  • edited August 2011
    I think my friend just expects me to keep music playing,
    Yeah, I was gonna say--It doesn't sound like Virtual DJ would be necessary, or even very useful, for what you're doing. Just make a playlist and crossfade between tracks. Easy.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I think my friend just expects me to keep music playing,
    Yeah, I was gonna say--It doesn't sound like Virtual DJ would be necessary, or even very useful, for what you're doing. Just make a playlist and crossfade between tracks. Easy.
    Eh, either way, I'm up for learning about it and seeing what I can do with it. It gives me something good to talk to my cousin about, if nothing else. I'm a huge nerd and he's kind of a bro, but we used to be really close. Having something to geek out about that we're both interested in other than really technical stage stuff would be nice.
    Also. DJing a Maid Cafe. So much nerd cred, I want to do it WELL.
  • There aren't enough women dj's...

    Anyway, if you just need to crossfade, here. Even still, the beat matchin functionality of Virtual DJ will make your fades much smoother.
  • Now we need to mashup The Fame and The Fame Monster with all memes ever, and call it the Internet Fame Monster
  • Inter-dimensional Booh yah!: Hobo with a Shotgun is on Netflix instant streaming! :D
  • Inter-dimensional Booh yah!: Hobo with a Shotgun is on Netflix instant streaming! :D
    Watched this twice over the last week. It's pretty fantastic.
  • After several months of requests and a physician's note I finally got a Herman Miller chair for work. It's so comfy.
  • Excuse the double post, but Jeremy made this for me! Was so not expecting this. I don't know if I want to paint it. I kind of like the silhouette thing going on.

  • Maybe paint it just black or polish it?
  • edited August 2011
    All green would work as well. I think I may just do that.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Made out with a hot girl, nuff said.
  • Today I fit in and bought a really nice shirt. Size? Extra small. HECK YEAH.
  • Got a free Steam copy of Psychonauts just by trading all my old TF2 items that I don't care about. Thanks, TF2 kiddies!
  • House party at my place. Very drunk. Great night!
  • Applying to be on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire again. Didn't make it last time but it's free, and my odds are a hell of a lot better than buying a lottery ticket.
  • Nabbed one of those $99 HP tablets from the alternative business HP site. Awwwww yeaaahh
  • Had an awesome day skating and finally started to land some good tricks. The only downer is my knee is starting to give.
  • I just went to a club for the first time ever. I also drank some alcoholic beverages of my own accord. And I danced a lot.

    Had a blast!
  • The SFBRP is ranking high on iTunes podcast searches. 1st for "science fiction", 3rd for "book review", 66th for "book". Pretty cool.
  • Had a lot of fun at an open mic night tonight, both in the audience and up on stage. I got a video of a good version of a new song, but there's too much background noise from people chatting at the far end of the bar. Next time I'll tell them to shut the fuck up. I want to post a movie of I Love You So Much (I'd Go Back In Time (And Kill Hitler) For You), but the quality just isn't up to scratch for my liking.
  • Over 5,250 downloads for the last episode of SFBRP. I think numbers are taking an upswing again. Not sure why.
  • Just powerwalked a full mile as part of an ongoing idea of getting more exercise. Feels good, man.
  • I made myself a standing desk by putting my coffee table on top of my desk.
  • I made myself a standing desk by putting my coffee table on top of my desk.
    "Yo dawg..."
  • An introduction to natural philosophy or, Philosophical lectures. To which are added. The demonstrations of monsieur Huygen's Theorems, concerning the centrifugal force and circular motion.
    This is a 250-year-old Oxford physics textbook. Some friends in the Adirondacks found a copy in their book collection. They didn't have any use for it, so they gave it to me.

  • I don't usually get to say this, so...*Ahem*

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