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Booh yah!



  • Orientation at Tufts is pretty fantastic. Later today I'm meeting up with the president of the juggling club to hang out and juggle. I'm so pumped.
  • Moved into my new apartment at school! It is swanky as fuck. Pics to follow.
  • Moved into my new apartment at school! It is swanky as fuck. Pics to follow.
    Bitch, you be inviting me over. Eventually. When you can. My dorm room is small, and you people with your apartments make me so jelly.
  • Went to juggling club for the first meeting. Totally clicked with the people there and ended up discussing Miyazaki movies while idly practicing.
  • Getting Married in 3 hours! Wooo
  • Congrats dude!
  • Getting Married in 3 hours! Wooo
    May your first child be a masculine child!
  • Yay to Crem! I wanna see pictures!
  • May your curses be minimal and your enemies incompetent.
  • I finally learned how to whistle with my fingers! I already knew how to whistle regularly, with a blade of grass, with my hands, and with an acorn cap, but now I feel like I have gained some sort of awesome power.
  • Moved in to UMASS today, roommate isn't a jerk either so this year is looking up.
  • edited September 2011
    Survived an earthquake, a hurricane, and a tornado in about a weeks' time.
    Fuck you universe, you can't kill me.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Survived an earthquake, a hurricane, and a tornado in about a weeks' time.
    Fuck you universe, you can't kill me.
    *delivery guy* Is there anyone here by the name of "Adam"? I've got a meteor here from... huh, it just says "The Universe".
  • Survived an earthquake, a hurricane, and a tornado in about a weeks' time.
    Fuck you universe, you can't kill me.
    *delivery guy* Is there anyone here by the name of "Adam"? I've got a meteor here from... huh, it just says "The Universe".
    That's okay, he has the Holy Materia.
    *Ba-dum-pish bad joke*
  • Survived an earthquake, a hurricane, and a tornado in about a weeks' time.
    Fuck you universe, you can't kill me.
    Isn't this more of a fail?
  • How is his obvious unkillability a fail?
  • Hung out with the president of the juggling club more today. He is super cool and has awesome taste in Anime and is insane at poi and is a pretty good juggler who wants me to teach him cool stuff.
  • How is his obvious unkillability a fail?
    More of the fact that his unkillability was put to the test...
  • He is super cool and has awesome taste in Anime and is insane at poi and is a pretty good juggler who wants me to teach him cool stuff.
    I know you mean that he's really, really good, but all I can imagine is that he's chewing on his poi, foaming at the mouth, and cackling like a lunatic.
  • Finished three days of epic partying accumulating in a Saturday night and Sunday morning spent recanting karate kid 3.
  • Hung out with the president of the juggling club more today. He is super cool and has awesome taste in Anime and is insane at poi and is a pretty good juggler who wants me to teach him cool stuff.
  • edited September 2011
    Post edited by Snickety-Snake on
  • You'd better stop before the fujoshi get here.
  • I am reading Yokoyama's Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It is pretty awesome :D
    Vertical, if you are out there, please relase stuff from Yokoyama, please :P
  • I'm really pleased with my 108 lengths of the swimming pool (25m) that I did tonight. I've never swam that far before.

    I don't really want to say I can swim 2.7km though because I got to kick off from a wall 108 times! That probably saves me about 2~3m of effort per length...
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