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Booh yah!



  • The world may never know.
  • It's obviously because everyone hates me and likes to go against whatever opinions I have. It's because I'm a Christian, too.
  • It's because I'm a Christian, too.
  • The treatment of that painting makes me sad.
  • As someone who has nothing to do with the making of games I'll stick my oar where it isn't wanted. But have you watched any of the Extra credit videos over at Penny-arcade? They seem to give a good impression of what its all about.

    Personal Boo-Yah; get to present a paper to a group of MA/PHD/Dr/Profs on a topic that my Uni doesn't cover. Chance that this could get me on to an MA course.
  • I have seen a vast majority of Extra Credits. Trust me. I was watching them when they were on the Escapist.
  • Was just suggesting thar dude. If you still want to go ahead with it by all means shoot for the stars. Just remember that it takes a fucking age and will cost a lot.
  • I swear, if you and Joe get involved, I'm done.
    This is my booyah, right here.

  • I'm going to change the topic.
    Ask my friend about his dramatic writing degree or my other friend who triple majored in like psych, history and poly sci.

    Not trying, to get on anyone's case. But people should be aware it's very easy to waste money in college.
    Are you saying that doing a major where you learn skills that aren't directly related to the job you get out of college is a waste of money? I have two objections to that point.
    First, the chances are quite high that your career will take you in a totally different direction than you are expecting in college, putting even "useful" majors you take to waste. But I'm not saying that college is useless, because second, the real skills you learn in college are the ones that allow you to budget time and finish projects independently, the ones that allow you to learn on your own, and the ones that let you read Hark! a Vagrant and get all the jokes.

    Moreover, how is it a waste of money when you get to spend your days learning things that you find interesting and intellectually stimulating? As someone who enjoys knowledge for the sake of knowledge, college is basically the best thing ever, and I'm really sad that my CS major is preventing me from taking more liberal arts courses.
  • edited November 2011
    First, the chances are quite high that your career will take you in a totally different direction than you are expecting in college, putting even "useful" majors you take to waste. But I'm not saying that college is useless, because second, the real skills you learn in college are the ones that allow you to budget time and finish projects independently, the ones that allow you to learn on your own, and the ones that let you read Hark! a Vagrant and get all the jokes.
    You only end up on a different career path when you take one of those worthless and vague degrees. Things like communication. IT majors work in IT, CS majors program, med students become doctors. If you think college is a time to explore all the things you can do in life then you're buying what the colleges are selling and odds are won't graduate on time so they'll make just a bit more money on you.
    Moreover, how is it a waste of money when you get to spend your days learning things that you find interesting and intellectually stimulating? As someone who enjoys knowledge for the sake of knowledge, college is basically the best thing ever, and I'm really sad that my CS major is preventing me from taking more liberal arts courses.
    You can learn reading wikipedia all day and that's free. College is fuck all expensive, learn something that with be worth it in the long run. Basically, don't be naive about this. Colleges are a business like any other, their first goal is making money. Just be aware of this.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • George, not all colleges are businesses whose first goal is to make money. Many state colleges actually lose money and are partially funded by tax dollars. Their primary purposes are to provide education to state residents, promote research, and often extension for the community. Private colleges, whatever... unless you are going into a highly specialized field, I don't see the point of paying $50k a year tuition when you could be paying $5k. If you have a scholarship, that's cool. If not, maybe you should consider WHY you didn't get a scholarship and not waste your money.

    Unfortunately there is this push in America to get every kid to go to college. It's one of Obama's big things, too. To which I say FIE! Not every kid needs to go to college. If it is your heart's desire to work on cars for the rest of your life, why the fuck would you waste your time in college? Maybe a few years of technical school would be fine. Not everyone is cut out for college, and not everyone needs to go. Kids end up wasting their money and dropping out or switching to English major because they don't know what else to do. I'm not saying college is a racket; I'm just saying it's not for everybody.

  • I like how you equated getting an English major to wasting your money. ^_~

    But, yes, I agree with you wholeheartedly. College isn't for everyone.
  • George, that's not true, I have a Biology degree, but I now work in IT... What does that say :-p Actually, the fact that I have a science degree ends up helping me in IT (in a lab)
  • I like how you equated getting an English major to wasting your money. ^_~
    Another annotate, at my lab one of the study directors has a degree in English, not science. The key is to be flexible, he started as a report writer/Assistant and ended up a principal scientist.

  • George, not all colleges are businesses whose first goal is to make money. Many state colleges actually lose money and are partially funded by tax dollars. Their primary purposes are to provide education to state residents, promote research, and often extension for the community.
    Yeah, so there have been a few scandals in recent memory where colleges were giving preferential enrollment treatment to out-of-state students due to the high tuition they'd pay for the same education. A few Michigan universities were caught up in it, and I know it's happened elsewhere.

  • The people not cut out for college are the ones who don't know why they're there. Unless you have a specific goal (particular job, particular degree for a particular reason, academia, etc...), it is largely a waste of time and money.

    I went to RIT to:

    1. Get the fancy piece of paper that was my ticket to wealth (lucrative degree)
    2. Network
    3. Enjoy myself

    Had I chosen a major where there weren't any jobs (e.g., communication) waiting for me, my plan would have failed. If I'd gone in undeclared or switched majors, my plan would have failed.

    Too many people go to college because it's the thing to do, the logical next step according to everyone else around them, but personally don't have any drive, passion, or plan. College is worthless unless you understand what it's actually worth and have a plan to capitalize on that value.
  • The people not cut out for college are the ones who don't know why they're there. Unless you have a specific goal (particular job, particular degree for a particular reason, academia, etc...), it is largely a waste of time and money.

    I went to RIT to:

    1. Get the fancy piece of paper that was my ticket to wealth (lucrative degree)
    2. Network
    3. Enjoy myself

    Had I chosen a major where there weren't any jobs (e.g., communication) waiting for me, my plan would have failed. If I'd gone in undeclared or switched majors, my plan would have failed.

    Too many people go to college because it's the thing to do, the logical next step according to everyone else around them, but personally don't have any drive, passion, or plan. College is worthless unless you understand what it's actually worth and have a plan to capitalize on that value.
    You said what I said, but more eloquently.
  • In relation to some colleges that are non=profit, I listened to this NPR story on the way to work about Berea College, where the tuition is either free or nearly free for its 1,600 students. It also ranks at #1 for Liberal Arts colleges from Washington Monthly.

    Also, for kids getting into college, if you're good a math you may want to consider a degree into Accounting or Actuarial Science, since those degrees lead to the best chance of employment per 2010 census.
  • I like how you equated getting an English major to wasting your money. ^_~
    er... read my post again. I equated choosing English as a fallback to wasting your money. If you are actually interested in working in the field, and you choose English as a major because it's a step in pursuing your career, more power to ya.

  • Yeah, so there have been a few scandals in recent memory where colleges were giving preferential enrollment treatment to out-of-state students due to the high tuition they'd pay for the same education. A few Michigan universities were caught up in it, and I know it's happened elsewhere.
    And the reason they were SCANDALS is because it's not in their mission statement and it's not the norm.

  • It's only my second day of 3D Modelling, and I've already completed the first assignment: Create an entire chess set and board and arrange them. It's looking quite nice. Either Maya is easy, or we're learning a lot this quarter.
  • Either Maya is easy, or we're learning a lot this quarter.
    Bull shit, little kidling. That's like doing one pushup and being convinced Kung Fu is easy.
  • Either Maya is easy, or we're learning a lot this quarter.
    Bull shit, little kidling. That's like doing one pushup and being convinced Kung Fu is easy.
    Kung Fu is easy. Being good at Kung fu is the hard part.
  • Either Maya is easy, or we're learning a lot this quarter.
    Bull shit, little kidling. That's like doing one pushup and being convinced Kung Fu is easy.
    That was kinda my point. Clearly Maya is not that easy, which means if I've already made a complete chess set in Maya that actually looks pretty good for 2 days of 3D, then we're going to be doing a lot in 10 weeks.
  • I got two responses back on my Twitter by somewhat-famous sources. One was from TVLand, me wondering about their new sitcom. (Which wasn't tagged in any form) The other was from youtube comedian Siggas/Dcigs, saying "Brilliant Idea!" after I suggested a weird mash-up for him.

    They made me strangely happy.
  • That was kinda my point. Clearly Maya is not that easy, which means if I've already made a complete chess set in Maya that actually looks pretty good for 2 days of 3D, then we're going to be doing a lot in 10 weeks.
    Pix in the 3D thread. Also, do you want a nice wood shader and rendering instructions?

  • That was kinda my point. Clearly Maya is not that easy, which means if I've already made a complete chess set in Maya that actually looks pretty good for 2 days of 3D, then we're going to be doing a lot in 10 weeks.
    Pix in the 3D thread. Also, do you want a nice wood shader and rendering instructions?

    Probably not for the actual handing in of the project (since he's not expecting it to be anything more than what it is), but for my own personal use, that would be kind of awesometastic.

  • Yay! I like when people learn 3D. I may sound cranky and cynical, but I'm proud of you.
    Dirty Secret: I actually HATED 3D for like a week after I started using Maya because I found it confusing, but then something clicked and I just got it, and I loved it always!
  • I did 3D in High School, so I'm not confused. Maya is way more complex that Inventor, but Maya is so much more useful.
  • Yay! I like when people learn 3D. I may sound cranky and cynical, but I'm proud of you.
    Dirty Secret: I actually HATED 3D for like a week after I started using Maya because I found it confusing, but then something clicked and I just got it, and I loved it always!
    My *click* with Maya 3d was "Oh, I just have to trick the software into doing something ludicrously simple by using eighteen different steps because it refuses to do it the way it was supposed to....I hate this. Why is it not intuitive? Screw this software."

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