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  • Wait, just checked and it was 01/05/2012 that I filed my taxes. That's the fastest I ever got my W2s back. I'm very impressed with DFAS ever since they took over our payroll.

    It really didn't matter though, because the IRS didn't start processing them almost 2 weeks later.
    You filed them... IN THE FUTURE? Tell us what it was like, time traveling and such.
    I was confused at first but then realized you probably read that as March 1st and not January.
  • I filed my taxes on 01/03/2012.
    You filed them... IN THE FUTURE? Tell us what it was like, time traveling and such.
    THIS IS WHY ISO 8601!
  • edited January 2012
    Yeah, I knew what you actually meant, but whenever on the Internet I have to double-check what date is actually meant. Sometimes one can be ruled out (like in your case), and sometimes I honestly don't know.

    Personally, I'd advocate using the ISO 8601 standard exclusively.
    Edit: Damn you Creamsteak!
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • That's unAMERICAN. I'll adopt it when we adopt the Metric system. =P

    Seriously though, it would be nice to have everyone agree on a universal standard.
  • I filed my taxes... student loans took till the 20th to come in (W2 was the 19th). A bank statement that I was supposed to send something about came in after I filed (had no idea it was coming), but it wouldn't have effected my returns final dollar amount in any way so I'm hoping it doesn't result in an audit. It was just a statement of dispersion of my HSA funds.

    My only problem is now the student loan website has some information saying my loans have been paid in full... which by all recognition is not accurate... and I'm not sure if I need to call them or if this is just some step they take before making adjustments.
  • Man you guys are so lucky to be able to file so early. I have to wait on not only W-2(s), but 3-4 different statements for financial aid interest (making payments to more than one bank/company/whatever, plus one of them switched in the middle of the year), interest for various bank/savings accounts, car loan, etc etc. I have to file the self-employed form (for the first half of the year when I was a "contractor" and also for my freelance work) and that takes foreeeever because you have to account for all the money you made and/or wait for 1099s to come in for clients that actually do it. Plus gathering receipts and coming up with every deduction possible, bc self employed people pay more taxes. Ugh. I'd be surprised if I can get mine done by February ;-;
  • Man you guys are so lucky to be able to file so early. I have to wait on not only W-2(s), but 3-4 different statements for financial aid interest (making payments to more than one bank/company/whatever, plus one of them switched in the middle of the year), interest for various bank/savings accounts, car loan, etc etc. I have to file the self-employed form (for the first half of the year when I was a "contractor" and also for my freelance work) and that takes foreeeever because you have to account for all the money you made and/or wait for 1099s to come in for clients that actually do it. Plus gathering receipts and coming up with every deduction possible, bc self employed people pay more taxes. Ugh. I'd be surprised if I can get mine done by February ;-;
    For sure. Mine is insanely easy to do because I use the same tax software (online one) year after year, and have worked for the same company for the past several years. In addition, although I try to itemize, every year the standard deduction has been more. So really, I file an insanely easy return.

    Next year will be interesting. Might be filing jointly with my spouse.
  • Haha, I got a call from a headhunter today. This is definitely a boo-yah. It's nice to know that I'm a desirable employee.
  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    This is only a good idea if you have extra income. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, it can bite you in the ass big-time to owe money at tax time. An emergency comes up, or you are a week away from payday and you need food, and there goes the money you would save to pay taxes. Having a slightly larger witholding is beneficial in that circumstance because you absolutely cannot spend money that isn't yours. Of course, if you are that poor you may not end up owing that much, but even a few hundred bucks throws the budget WAY off.

  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
    Yes. I manage that to owe the most I can safely owe without penalties. ^_~
  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
    Yes. I manage that to owe the most I can safely owe without penalties. ^_~
    What is that amount?
  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
    Yes. I manage that to owe the most I can safely owe without penalties. ^_~
    What is that amount?
    Are we petitioning Rym for his tax returns from 2010 now too? Is he the 1%?
  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
    Yes. I manage that to owe the most I can safely owe without penalties. ^_~
    What is that amount?
    Are we petitioning Rym for his tax returns from 2010 now too? Is he the 1%?
    Hardly, I just want to know what the rules are for not overpaying the gov't.
  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
    Yes. I manage that to owe the most I can safely owe without penalties. ^_~
    What is that amount?
    Are we petitioning Rym for his tax returns from 2010 now too? Is he the 1%?

  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
    Yes. I manage that to owe the most I can safely owe without penalties. ^_~
    What is that amount?
    Are we petitioning Rym for his tax returns from 2010 now too? Is he the 1%?
  • edited January 2012
    They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
    Yes. I manage that to owe the most I can safely owe without penalties. ^_~
    What is that amount?
    Are we petitioning Rym for his tax returns from 2010 now too? Is he the 1%?

    Post edited by Churba on
  • They only take too much if you set up your withholding incorrectly. I owe every year, on purpose. It's basically a free loan from the government at zero interest.
    I set it up correctly and they take too much. You know if you owe too much at the end of year consistently you can get in trouble with the feds.
    Yes. I manage that to owe the most I can safely owe without penalties. ^_~
    What is that amount?
    Are we petitioning Rym for his tax returns from 2010 now too? Is he the 1%?
    That's Scott's Job.

  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2012
    A while ago I posted in the "What movie did you see" thread that I saw "Only Yesterday" in theaters and that I was very moved by it. Well as soon as I got home, I imported a Region 2 copy of it from the UK (Damn You Disney) a few weeks ago.

    Today, I just got it in the mail. I'm going to completely re-author it and change it so it will not only play on my DVD player, but also so the sound is akin to NTSC sound (I despise PAL sound). I've got a long night ahead of me...but its worth it.
    Oh man, you should have bought the Japanese edition. All Ghibli domestic releases on DVD come with a really good English subtitle track. Since I am pretty sure dub was not your goal, the region 2 NTSC Japanese release would have been the way to go.

    Only Yesterday was never dubbed. You'll be pleased to know, Emily, that the DVD only had the subtitle track for it. I concur, it was a damn good translation that I can only guess properly communicated the emotion and original intention of the spoken Japanese. Not only that, it was the same track used when I went to see it at the IFC Theater. I showed it to my mom (who hardly watches anime) and she really liked it a whole lot, which made me very happy!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2012
    So I got home from a long day of school yesterday (classes begin at 2 PM and end at 8 PM for me) and I noticed that I had a letter from Gateway Community College on my dining room table. I opened it up and I was amazed to find that because of my consistently good performance at college, I was tapped for membership for the Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society. This is awesome to me because I believe the benefits it will give me will be invaluable and may even help me out later on in life when I'm looking for work.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Got an internship interview with Goldman Sachs, though I probably won't get the job due to being a sophomore.

    Also got a beta key for Tribes: Ascend.

    Today is a good day.
  • Gundam arcade P.O.D. is really cool. And expensive. But really cool.
  • I'm not in an asylum. I'm not going to group therapy with two rape victims. I have things to do other than sit in bed, read, and listen to music. Also, my Mystik Spiral T-shirt arrived.
    Super bonus points if you know why I did what I did with the last gig.
  • Went to Friday Night Dice for some board gaming. Know who showed up?
    Kevin Sussman, actor of Stuart from "The Big Bang Theory".

    Anyway, ran a game of ACTION CASTLE, played a few other games, then played some Halo Reach, ranking 9th out of 10 players with a 8 point gap between me and last place.

    Not bad for a guy who doesn't even own an Xbox.
  • There is a very pretty and interesting girl in my bed right now. =3
  • edited January 2012
    I'm in someone's bed, I have a wig on, and I think somewhere along the line someone made a huge mistake.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • image

    No but seriously, hope you get that sorted proper, bro.

  • edited January 2012

    No but seriously, hope you get that sorted proper, bro.

    I hate to explain the joke, that's a rookie mistake and we don't want that, but the joke was that you had mistaken me for a pretty girl and I was in your bed, the huge mistake being yours. This is why we can't have nice things.
    Post edited by Churba on
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