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  • I don't really have any issue with vegetarianism in general, I just love meat. I get the whole problem with animals suffering thing and all that. I just hate how some of them get all uppity about it. I look forward to a day when we can just grow the good bits of the animal by themselves so everyone can enjoy meat guilt-free.
  • I don't really have any issue with vegetarianism in general, I just love meat. I get the whole problem with animals suffering thing and all that. I just hate how some of them get all uppity about it. I look forward to a day when we can just grow the good bits of the animal by themselves so everyone can enjoy meat guilt-free.
    See, that's what I don't understand about some Veggos. They use all these examples of poor conditions for cattle as to why you shouldn't eat meat, but wouldn't it be far more effective to campaign for better standards of treatment for the animals, rather than the will-never-be-effective idea of getting people to stop eating meat.
  • I look at it in the same way. We owned farms so I make sure that the meat I buy is from farms with a high standard of care.
  • From what I've seen, vegetarians are usually much less extreme than vegans. The vegetarians I've met seem to have all kinds of differing reasons for not eating meat, many of them "not crazy." Other than the obvious animal thing, some are for health reasons (which is why I wouldn't advise "sneaking" them meat), or they just don't like it. Vegans though, they tend to be extreme activists that don't want consumption of anything related to animals. I had a crazy vegan speaker in my health class in college, and he grossed us out with disgusting animal killing videos and talking about how eggs are "hen periods!" and how our bodies are supposedly not supposed to have meat and whatnot. Of course I don't think every vegan is crazy like this, this is just what I've experienced.

    I don't think I could ever go meatless. I mean, some days I don't feel like eating meat, I just want a big salad or yummy homecooked veggies. But yeah, meat is good. (I think we've established that in another thread :-P)
  • From what I've seen, vegetarians are usually much less extreme than vegans. The vegetarians I've met seem to have all kinds of differing reasons for not eating meat, many of them "not crazy." Other than the obvious animal thing, some are for health reasons (which is why I wouldn't advise "sneaking" them meat), or they just don't like it. Vegans though, they tend to be extreme activists that don't want consumption of anything related to animals. I had a crazy vegan speaker in my health class in college, and he grossed us out with disgusting animal killing videos and talking about how eggs are "hen periods!" and how our bodies are supposedly not supposed to have meat and whatnot. Of course I don't think every vegan is crazy like this, this is just what I've experienced.
    I have a theory that it's the lack of meat that sends you crazy. I mean, sure, I've met some vegans who were pretty cool people, but they're vastly outnumbered by the number of vegans I've met who are super-militant assholes who I doubt have ever had a rational discussion in their lives, just pure, 100% moonbat fucksticks, usually coupled with being a conspiracy theorist and anti-science alt-med wanker.
  • edited March 2012
    Whenever someone says they're a vegetarian, for some reason I really want to trick them into eating meat.
    I don't get why so many meat eaters take umbrage at vegetarians and want to pick on them. It's like they feel bothered or threatened that someone has made different choices. I think maybe it is secret guilt or a feeling like they are being judged. Whenever I meet someone who gets angry about vegetarianism, I am like "whut?"
    Interestingly, we were talking about this at my local game store before a game of DnD.

    I have no problems what-so-ever with vegetarians. I even tried it myself for about a year. I've determined it's not for me, I have no desire to try again, or try it's slightly odd cousin Veganism; however I will not mock or bemoan someone with the willpower and desire to stick to said diets, on the condition that they don't mock, bemoan, or deride me for eating meat.
    I agree with that mentality and personally I avoid the annoying vegans that mock meat eaters. They are dicks.
    They are like those atheists who are really snotty and rude to religious people. You can support your viewpoints without being a jerk, and maybe people will be more likely to join you.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I have a theory that it's the lack of meat that sends you crazy. I mean, sure, I've met some vegans who were pretty cool people, but they're vastly outnumbered by the number of vegans I've met who are super-militant assholes who I doubt have ever had a rational discussion in their lives, just pure, 100% moonbat fucksticks, usually coupled with being a conspiracy theorist and anti-science alt-med wanker.
    While I cannot really speak for you since we are not in the same country, over here in the US we sensible ones outnumber the crazies. The only thing is that like any other group we vegans who are not all in your face tend to be far overshadowed by the crazy ones, like those who yell "meat is murder" and throw blood on fur coats. Yeah there are more of us but you likely will not even notice as we have no reason to tell you we are vegan unless you ask whereas the crazy kind tend to make it a campaign about how awesome they are for being vegan.
  • edited March 2012
    While I cannot really speak for you since we are not in the same country, over here in the US we sensible ones outnumber the crazies. The only thing is that like any other group we vegans who are not all in your face tend to be far overshadowed by the crazy ones, like those who yell "meat is murder" and throw blood on fur coats. Yeah there are more of us but you likely will not even notice as we have no reason to tell you we are vegan unless you ask whereas the crazy kind tend to make it a campaign about how awesome they are for being vegan.
    I'm including people I've run into online, which includes a vast portion of US natives, or at least, US raised people. I'm speaking of every person I know or know of, internationally. Most often, it's the militant bit that gets dropped for the slightly less bad ones, in favor of either a soft-activist(Hey! Keep eating meat and using animal products, that's fine, but did you know literally everything to do with everything you do really bad? Think about it!) or Passive-agressive sort of business(I'm SOOOO glad I don't eat or use animal products, it's just so nasty, you'd have to be some stupid murdering person to do THAT, but I don't. Oh! I'm sorry, didn't realize it was mixed company.)

    Even the Non-militant ones have a very, very strong tenancy to be fucking mental, they're just nicer about it. Out of the sample I have available to me, probably only in the region of about 500-700, Very few have been rational, very few have been not-crazy.

    Also, I'm only talking about regular(or garden variety, if you'd prefer) vegans, not counting Raw Vegans, because that's a whorehouse of an entirely different colour. They're pretty much crazy by definition, and/or willfully ignorant above and beyond the regular person.

    Also, to spell it out, I was originally being facetious. I don't really think it's the lack of meat that sends you crazy.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also, I'm only talking about regular(or garden variety, if you'd prefer) vegans, not counting Raw Vegans, because that's a whorehouse of an entirely different colour. They're pretty much crazy by definition, and/or willfully ignorant above and beyond the regular person.

    Also, to spell it out, I was originally being facetious. I don't really think it's the lack of meat that sends you crazy.
    Haha, I know you were being facetious about that, although that would be interesting if it did, kind of like vampires who are starved of blood in some fiction.

    As far as raw vegans, I know they are probably like the rest of us vegans in that some of them are not crazy but I will have to admit I have yet to find a sane one. Hell, one of the only arguments they make(for being a raw vegan over regular vegan) that I agree with is that depending on how you cook vegetables they can lose some of their nutrients, but that is common knowledge anyway and not a good enough reason, at least to me, to eat everything raw.
  • edited March 2012
    Haha, I know you were being facetious about that, although that would be interesting if it did, kind of like vampires who are starved of blood in some fiction.

    As far as raw vegans, I know they are probably like the rest of us vegans in that some of them are not crazy but I will have to admit I have yet to find a sane one. Hell, one of the only arguments they make(for being a raw vegan over regular vegan) that I agree with is that depending on how you cook vegetables they can lose some of their nutrients, but that is common knowledge anyway and not a good enough reason, at least to me, to eat everything raw.
    Well, there are Neurological disorders that can be caused by a vegan diet, HOWEVER, that can be trivially prevented by proper diet planning and supplementation, and it's a very long term thing, not something that everyone would get.

    And yeah, it's common knowledge that some things lose some nutrients by being cooked, but Raw Vegans take it too far - to the point of openly and loudly contradicting all science on the topic - you're not allowed to heat anything above, IIRC, 48 C, or 118 F. No meat, eggs, dairy, or honey, either, nor anything which you could have reason to believe has been heated above 48 degrees - so you end up making a lot of your own stuff, and you can't have the majority of regular vegan-safe products, for example soymilk. I'm pretty sure the common milk substitute there is home-made nutmilk. The main two reasons(as related to me, so maybe incorrect) are the belief that cooking food above 48 degrees destroys the vast majority of the nutrient value, or a spiritual reason, which I don't know anything about.

    Oh, and for many that I've met, it's deep-seated, much more so than veganisim. I've met raw vegans who think that we evolved as herbivores(Or, were made as herbivores and so remained for thousands of years, depending on their other beliefs), and that people eating meat is only a very modern development which is impairing human development and rapidly killing people.

    Though, hilariously, I wrote about it once, resulting in lots and lots of angry, angry email, many of them accusing me of being in the pocket of - no shit - Big Farmer, and basically saying that eating meat meant that I was stupid, because eating all of that murderous meat was clogging up my brain functions.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited March 2012
    Never have I encountered one of these crazy veg people. The only ones I've met have been pretty cool people.
    accusing me of being in the pocket of - no shit - Big Farmer
    I imagine that you saying this aloud (with your Australian accent) would result in lots of confusion, as "Big Pharma" is also a thing.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited March 2012
    I imagine that you saying this aloud (with your Australian accent) would result in lots of confusion, as "Big Pharma" is also a thing.
    Oh, I know. Down here, the crazy ones normally just say "Big Cattle" or "Big Meat".

    And I've met a lot of cool Vegitarians, they seem alright. It's just vegans, and I don't know why. Maybe they got sick of all those people trying to trick them into eating meat, and THEY JUST FUCKIN' SNAPPED.

    Man, all this food talk, I'm getting hungry. Prawn Scampi would hit the spot, I'm thinking.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited March 2012
    I had a vegan history teacher in high school. One of the coolest teachers I've ever had. The only teacher I've ever had that even came close to how crazy liberal I am. >.>
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • As far as vegetables losing nutrients at a certain temperature that is only partly true, and in most of those cases it is in food such as tomatos that are typically eaten raw. For the most part it is okay to eat them cooked and in some cases much better as some plants have antinutrients that interfere with nutrient absortbtion. There is a lot more to this argument that I do not feel like going into but in the end just eat vegetables how you want.
  • That was my plan, yes.
  • edited March 2012
    Yeah that raw shit does piss me off. Who gives a shit if you lose some nutrients from cooking veggies anyway. I mean you're probably getting plenty. I'm sure regular vegetarians are just as healthy as those crazy raw people.

    On a similar note, a few years ago I was watching one of those shitty wifeswap shows and one of the families believed in raw shit, but not just vegetables. They believed that any cooked meat makes you sick, and if you get sick from eating raw meat its just the toxins from the cooked meat being purged from your system. I don't know how prevalent this sort of thing is but they were batshit crazy.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • On a similar note, a few years ago I was watching one of those shitty wifeswap shows and one of the families believed in raw shit, but not just vegetables. They believed that any cooked meat makes you sick, and if you get sick from eating raw meat its just the toxins from the cooked meat being purged from your system. I don't know how prevalent this sort of thing is but they were batshit crazy.
    Raw foodisim is more common than Raw Veganisim, but it's still not that common.

  • edited March 2012
    Yeah that raw shit does piss me off. Who gives a shit if you lose some nutrients from cooking veggies anyway. I mean you're probably getting plenty. I'm sure regular vegetarians are just as healthy as those crazy raw people.

    On a similar note, a few years ago I was watching one of those shitty wifeswap shows and one of the families believed in raw shit, but not just vegetables. They believed that any cooked meat makes you sick, and if you get sick from eating raw meat its just the toxins from the cooked meat being purged from your system. I don't know how prevalent this sort of thing is but they were batshit crazy.
    The raw vegans get me really irritated with their blatant lies and make us normal vegans look like crazypots.

    As far as other raw food types, they are batshit crazy and really do not care whatsoever about facts as there nothing to back up what they say. At least the raw vegans have half truths that they base their information on.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • The amount of confirmation bias and placebo effect in peoples diets is amazing sometimes. I'm also bewildered by the amount of actual undiagnosed allergies or food contamination to a degree, though in that case it's a bit of my own confirmation bias because I can't travel back in time.
  • The raw vegans get me really irritated with their blatant lies and make us normal vegans look like crazypots.

    As far as other raw food types, they are batshit crazy and really do not care whatsoever about facts as there nothing to back up what they say. At least the raw vegans have half truths that they base their information on.
    Some of them do, anyway - some were raw food types who then became raw vegans, the same way some normal-diet people become regular vegans.
  • edited March 2012
    After all, Chruba, vegans are just better than normal people. The unused 90% of their brain is not clogged up with curds and whey. That's why they have psychic powers and can punch holes in the moon.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • After all, Chruba, vegans are just better than normal people. The unused 90% of their brain is not clogged up with curds and whey. That's why they have psychic powers and can punch holes in the moon.
    Nice reference Emily.
  • Whenever someone says they're a vegetarian, for some reason I really want to trick them into eating meat.
    Actually a really bad idea for the real vegetarians. If they've been veggie for a long time, their systems have forgotten how to process meat. It can really fuck them up and make them ill.

  • Whenever someone says they're a vegetarian, for some reason I really want to trick them into eating meat.
    Actually a really bad idea for the real vegetarians. If they've been veggie for a long time, their systems have forgotten how to process meat. It can really fuck them up and make them ill.
    It's also a dick move.
  • After all, Chruba, vegans are just better than normal people. The unused 90% of their brain is not clogged up with curds and whey. That's why they have psychic powers and can punch holes in the moon.

  • Whenever someone says they're a vegetarian, for some reason I really want to trick them into eating meat.
    Actually a really bad idea for the real vegetarians. If they've been veggie for a long time, their systems have forgotten how to process meat. It can really fuck them up and make them ill.

    True facts. This happened to my cousin when she moved back to my aunt's house and ate a meat dish at dinner to be nice. Sick all night.
  • Whenever someone says they're a vegetarian, for some reason I really want to trick them into eating meat.
    Actually a really bad idea for the real vegetarians. If they've been veggie for a long time, their systems have forgotten how to process meat. It can really fuck them up and make them ill.
    True facts. This happened to my cousin when she moved back to my aunt's house and ate a meat dish at dinner to be nice. Sick all night.
    Did you know that there are people that insist that this isn't a real thing? These people are wrong. I've seen it happen. And it's not just in their head.
  • It's actually a problem with enzymes in the gut, I think. Our bodies are efficient. If something isn't needed to do a job, it is often gotten rid of.
  • Today is my last day here at my old job. It's not that big of a deal since they haven't found a new location for us to move to, so I'll still be working at the same location for now.

    However, I will be getting paid more next week and my coworker, who also got promoted and share an office with, blasted Final Countdown as I walked into the office.

    Great way to start the day. :D
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