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Booh yah!



  • I'd say you're shooting too low.
    I'm calling bullshit, at least on Purdue. A lab at Purdue just created the first single-atom transistor and the interfaces necessary to perform operations with it. People from my school deride Purdue all the time (Common UIllinois joke: "You go to Purdue when you Purdon't get into UIUC"), but they're nothing to scoff at.

    That said, I go to a Public Ivy, so I'm not really in any position to talk. 23 Nobel Laureates, and UIUC still just throws money at students. Illini represent.
  • Shit, I graudated from RIT with half that amount of debt, and I think that was too much for the education that I got.

    $100k is worth it for an undergraduate degree? I don't mean to sound callous, but I'll believe it when I see it. You might be right about the ROI for a Columbia degree, though - I've never worked with anyone who graduated from there. My only experience with Ivy-Leagues comes from mentoring Cornell and Penn science students - and I haven't really noticed a significant difference in abilities between the Ivy Leagues and most other schools.
    So $54,000 in loans for an undergraduate degree?

    That can't be worth it.
    If you can get away with only Federal loans, you can enroll in income-based repayment to limit your monthly payments to 15% or less of your discretionary income. After 25 years, there's a forgiveness provision. So even if your degree doesn't land you a high-paying cushy job, it could still be worth taking out the loans.

    Guess whose student loan debt is 100% Federal? :D

    I just read about a Congressman who introduced what he called the 10/10 plan: 10% of discretionary income for 10 years. Everything after that is forgiven. It's only good for balances up to $45,000, though. I'll dig up the link at some point.

  • edited March 2012
    >That feel when your medical school debt might cost more than your first house
    >That feel when the only escape is an MD/PhD program, which are incredibly difficult to get into without huge amounts of string pulling and work
    >That feel when you understand why some med students sell drugs or become sex workers to avoid this fate


    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited March 2012
    >That feel when your medical school debt might cost more than your first house
    >That feel when the only escape is an MD/PhD program, which are incredibly difficult to get into without huge amounts of string pulling and work
    >That feel when you understand why some med students sell drugs or become sex workers to avoid this fate


    The feel when you overcome all odds!

    Post edited by Erwin on
  • MFW I have achieved all I have set out to do:


    If Tezuka can be a doctor and a legendary creative type, why can't I?
  • edited March 2012
    Got my financial aid info from RIT. In addition to the $17,000 a year in scholarships I already had, they're offering an $8,000 grant, $5,500 in loans, and $2,400 in work study. Thus should bring my costs down to about $13,500 a year (plus loans). RIT bumped up on my list a little.
    Got my info too. I'm standing at $15,000 merit, $8,000 RIT grant, $3,000 Pell grant, $1,000 from the honors program, $2,400 work study, $5,500 in RIT loans, and a $3,500 federal Perkins loan. I'm also hoping to get a $3,500 scholarship from a local organization, but I won't know about that for a couple more months.

    EDIT: Also, if you end up choosing RIT, roommates?
    Post edited by Snickety-Snake on

  • EDIT: Also, if you end up choosing RIT, roommates?
    Sounds good.
  • MFW I have achieved all I have set out to do:


    If Tezuka can be a doctor and a legendary creative type, why can't I?
    I will meet you at the end of the road!
    Also, my scar will be cooler than yours :P

  • When the FRC forum suddenly becomes Tumblr.

  • Sounds good.
    Cool, here's my facebook. Friend it up.
  • Wub'll be pulling spirit dragons out of people's stomachs in no time.
  • St. Paddy's Day was surprisingly not awful!
  • I had tapas, a couple of beers, delicious anticuchos, pisco sours, and a great old time with a couple that I met when I became stranded in Bogota, and I got home by 2 a.m. without any problems or running into deer.
    I could live for a day like at least once a month :P
  • It is the final week at my old job. I hope the next 5 days will go smoothly as possible with no issues from the current management that is trying to get myself and my coworker in some sort of stupid trouble.

    This is what has been blasting in the office for the morning:

  • I weighed in under 200 pounds today... It's been about 10 years or so since I did that. Weee... (at this point in my life it's the small victories :-p)
  • TL;DR Booyah!- I transferred my iTunes library from the home computer to my laptop, forever.

    I first enabled home-sharing on iTunes, but it only worked half way the first time, so I did it again, to get my entire iTunes library plus duplicates minus 100 songs who were associated with my mothers account. I then spent a while deleting all of the duplicates manually. After that, I pirated the albums of 100 songs I was missing, and added those in. Once that was done, I took all of the MP3's not associated with iTunes and transferred them to my external hard drive. This broke some of the songs in iTunes, so I had to transfer back some of the MP3's and delete some more dead duplicates in iTunes. After all of that, I then recreated all of the original playlist's that I had. And now I am done, forever! ;-D
  • You could have been helped by the option under "Edit->Options->Advanced tab->Copy files to itunes media folder when adding to library.".
  • My cholesterol levels are out of the DANGER ZONE!!!

    I'm down to 177 from 320 total count. My LDL is still a little high, but a lot better then it was 2 months ago.
  • edited March 2012
    How'd you manage that?

    EDIT: Oh, and congrats of course.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • How'd you manage that?
    I'd also like to know, as I also have a bit of a cholesterol problem.

    And congrats as well.

  • edited March 2012
    How'd you manage that?
    Thanks. Drugs, no cheese, lots of cardio, but mostly drugs.

    I've been on the lowest dose (10mg) of Lipotor. I cut back on cheese. Not that I ever ate a lot. My diet still isn't the best really. Too much take out and I eat at weird hours. I never have time or energy to cook. I'm in the gym when ever I get the chance. 2nd shift and 60 hour weeks makes that hard, but I've managed.
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • I know the feeling. I have trouble making sandwiches often, I just put the ingredients on a plate and eat them separate. Pizza has been my go to lazy food lately, I need to stop that.
  • Modern medicine: it's good shit.
  • Nope to self get Cholesterol tested.
  • Boo yah: Suggested to airsofters that we do a 1930's Gangster/Untouchables match with period weapons and three-piece suits. Now we're actually planning on doing it.
  • My family has a history of high cholesterol and I love cheese, so I'm afraid as soon as I go off to college and am no longer living in a vegetarian household I'll hit danger levels.
  • My family has a history of high cholesterol and I love cheese, so I'm afraid as soon as I go off to college and am no longer living in a vegetarian household I'll hit danger levels.
    If you have been living in a vegetarian household it should be pretty easy to stay that way. I have been vegan for almost 7 years and from what I know it cannot be too difficult to keep a vegetarian diet, if you have already adapted to it that is.
  • Whenever someone says they're a vegetarian, for some reason I really want to trick them into eating meat.
  • Interestingly, we were talking about this at my local game store before a game of DnD.

    I have no problems what-so-ever with vegetarians. I even tried it myself for about a year. I've determined it's not for me, I have no desire to try again, or try it's slightly odd cousin Veganism; however I will not mock or bemoan someone with the willpower and desire to stick to said diets, on the condition that they don't mock, bemoan, or deride me for eating meat.
  • Interestingly, we were talking about this at my local game store before a game of DnD.

    I have no problems what-so-ever with vegetarians. I even tried it myself for about a year. I've determined it's not for me, I have no desire to try again, or try it's slightly odd cousin Veganism; however I will not mock or bemoan someone with the willpower and desire to stick to said diets, on the condition that they don't mock, bemoan, or deride me for eating meat.
    I agree with that mentality and personally I avoid the annoying vegans that mock meat eaters. They are dicks.
    Whenever someone says they're a vegetarian, for some reason I really want to trick them into eating meat.
    There is a running bet on how drunk I have to be for them to trick me into eating meat. Apparently 12 shots of absinthe, 3 shots of 100 proof Captain Morgan, and 4 beers is not quite enough though.
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