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Booh yah!



  • Party at Anrild's! :P
    Someone should fly me over.
    Pfft. "Fly"... I'll DRIVE.

    Why bother? it's within walking distance. :P

    Ah, but naturally, I do not have the time. In my culture, it's very rude to delay a party like that.

  • Come on Churbs, you know we'd wait for you. You're just that awesome.
  • Come on Churbs, you know we'd wait for you. You're just that awesome.
    And that's the problem! You can't delay a party like that! It's horribly rude, the only solution is more parties.
  • Well hoof it on over here, and we'll throw you a party when you get here. That'll give us plenty of time to buy a house and get it ready!
  • Come on Churbs, you know we'd wait for you. You're just that awesome.
    And that's the problem! You can't delay a party like that! It's horribly rude, the only solution is more parties.
    And a party cannon.

  • Come on Churbs, you know we'd wait for you. You're just that awesome.
    And that's the problem! You can't delay a party like that! It's horribly rude, the only solution is more parties.
    And a party cannon.
    See, you just think of my little pony, but I think how awesome it would be to pack an actual cannon with glitter and confetti.

  • Come on Churbs, you know we'd wait for you. You're just that awesome.
    And that's the problem! You can't delay a party like that! It's horribly rude, the only solution is more parties.
    And a party cannon.
    See, you just think of my little pony, but I think how awesome it would be to pack an actual cannon with glitter and confetti.

    Wouldn't that be a charred mess? I guess you could use an air cannon.

  • Come on Churbs, you know we'd wait for you. You're just that awesome.
    And that's the problem! You can't delay a party like that! It's horribly rude, the only solution is more parties.
    And a party cannon.
    See, you just think of my little pony, but I think how awesome it would be to pack an actual cannon with glitter and confetti.
    Wouldn't that be a charred mess? I guess you could use an air cannon.
    What's wrong with flaming confetti?
  • edited March 2012
    Come on Churbs, you know we'd wait for you. You're just that awesome.
    And that's the problem! You can't delay a party like that! It's horribly rude, the only solution is more parties.
    And a party cannon.
    See, you just think of my little pony, but I think how awesome it would be to pack an actual cannon with glitter and confetti.

    Wouldn't that be a charred mess? I guess you could use an air cannon.

    Along with the idea of an air cannon, you could use a traditional cannon simply by putting a light bit of wadding behind the confetti/glitter mix, or for the less safe option, a very light cup sabot. Naturally, you'd only use a light gunpowder charge, you want the confetti over the party, not the three streets surrounding.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Mayhaps I should just bring a potato canon?
  • Mayhaps I should just bring a potato canon?
    That too.

  • You could totally fashion some sort of glitter-filled capsule and fire it out of a potato cannon, causing a massive glittersplosion on impact.


    That's it. We're doing that next Petefest.
  • So, projectile glitterbomb? Somehow I think that's been done.
  • You could totally fashion some sort of glitter-filled capsule and fire it out of a potato cannon, causing a massive glittersplosion on impact.


    That's it. We're doing that next Petefest.
    I'd prefer some sort of small charge so that it'd go off when it hit some surface, to ensure proper dispersal and more explosions.

  • edited March 2012
    You could totally fashion some sort of glitter-filled capsule and fire it out of a potato cannon, causing a massive glittersplosion on impact.


    That's it. We're doing that next Petefest.
    I'd prefer some sort of small charge so that it'd go off when it hit some surface, to ensure proper dispersal and more explosions.

    I know a guy. We can make it happen, I think.
    So, projectile glitterbomb? Somehow I think that's been done.
    We can soak the glitter in accelerant to make flaming glitter.

    I see no flaw in this plan.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I know a guy. We can make it happen, I think.
    I like this idea already.
  • I am definitely loving this theoretical party at my house. Can this REALLY HAPPEN!?
  • This party is the prisoners dilemma of parties. If everyone commits to it, then it would likely be the best party ever. However, if no one commits, then it will never happen.

    Problem is, it's as much that as it is a catch 22: in order for people to commit, a majority of everyone else would have to commit.
  • Well, I live right down the street, so there's one person.
  • edited March 2012
    Well, I live right down the street, so there's one person.
    You're obvious. You hate my crazy roommate just as much or more than I do. It wouldn't be a "She's finally gone!" party without you.
    And that failing, you're also the one who got me on the forums, so you're sort of obligatory either way.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • I need a ride/plane/teleporter/TARDIS to get there, but I can be there in spirit otherwise.
  • edited March 2012
    I now have this distinct image of Ryan and I sitting on the floor of crazy roommate's room drinking together with a laptop sitting in front of us skyping the forumites in.
    I have low life expectations, maybe. But I do think a big get-together/party would be awesome.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • I wish I could be in the place you guys are (North Carolina?), at least for a little while. I like it up here, but we'd all have such a good time hanging out.
  • I now have this distinct image of Ryan and I sitting on the floor of crazy roommate's room drinking together with a laptop sitting in front of us skyping the forumites in.
    Better yet, get a bunch of laptops, fullscreen each person's face on each one, and dress the computers up in party hats.
  • Results of my first ever RIT career fair:

    11 resumes given, a good handful of neat companies interested. One startup said they're not hiring co-ops right now, but they were impressed enough by me to give me a business card and bug them when I'm near graduation.

    Oh, and I have an interview with Cisco tomorrow. :D
  • edited March 2012
    *wrong thread*
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I now have this distinct image of Ryan and I sitting on the floor of crazy roommate's room drinking together with a laptop sitting in front of us skyping the forumites in.
    I have low life expectations, maybe. But I do think a big get-together/party would be awesome.
    When I swing by your way, we shall party it up. You may not believe in your party, but believe in me, who believes in your wicked party.
  • I got a job interview on Tuesday working in an archive service. Ok the money isn't great but it is better than what I'm on now, since I work in a Supermarket. It is in an area that I want to work and is related to history. If I get it, it will help massively with getting on the course to become an fully fledged archivist.
  • man, I should go visit Rochester soon, it's been at least 5 years since I've been up there. and nearly a decade since I've graduated! Oh my god.
  • Better yet, get a bunch of laptops, fullscreen each person's face on each one, and dress the computers up in party hats.
    That is amazing and hilarious. I approve. Time to find a ton of laptops.
    When I swing by your way, we shall party it up. You may not believe in your party, but believe in me, who believes in your wicked party.
    I believe in you, Churba! I even have a sweet cloak awaiting such an occasion.

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