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Booh yah!



  • Pair of Tom's acquired! I got them at Zumiez. The people there were very helpful and informative on how to make sure I got the right fit because they are all handmade. I wouldn't mind checking out the ballet flats even though they are pricey and would like them to cover the feet a bit more.
  • Gave my final presentation today in my Black Holes class, on the subject of humanity as a galactic civilization, dressed (and in character) as The Doctor. The professor was a huge Doctor Who fan, and couldn't stop laughing throughout the presentation. He took me aside afterwards and told me that the paper on the subject I'd turned in beforehand was "fantastic... almost poetic." Then, upon posting a photo of me in costume, several female nerdy friends comment immediately with variants of "This is amazing!"

    So yeah, good day. Gives me something to hold onto heading into finals!
    Which one of the 11th Doctors?
  • Which one of the 11th Doctors?
    11, since I happened to have a jacket that looked rather like his. 10th would have been my choice, but I don't have a trenchcoat, unfortunately. So, add in a bow tie and fez, plus the screwdriver I already have, some wild, flailing mannerisms, and there we have it! Even though most of the class didn't know anything about Doctor Who, they were laughing throughout, so I'll call it a success!
  • Speaking of 11th Doctor, I wore a tweed jacket to school just cause I could. :D
  • edited May 2012
    If we wait any longer we'll be making an announcement when our new addition arrives in September. James and I are pregnant, and this is the furthest we've made it so far. Three weeks ago we discovered it's a…

    Already sucking thumb at 13 weeks.

    20 week profile shot of our future son.


    A frontal shot where he no longer looks like a predator.

    Time lapse!
    Post edited by Dr. Zibbelcoot PhD on
  • That's awesome! Congratulations!
  • James and I are pregnant, and this is the furthest we've made it so far.


  • Interview for NY State Legislative Fellowship! Even though my recommendations & transcripts were late! Boo fuckin yah!
  • Congrats for all!
  • Finally scraped enough money to buy recording equipment again, for one who majored in the art of it, I've been severely underfunded. XD
  • A few weeks ago, I related how I talked with this intern agency (known as Super Interns) about getting possible work; well I just got off the phone with them and...I GOT HIRED!! Specifically, I am a Digital Media intern which means that I'll be hired to make charts, make PowerPoint presentations, do video editing, shoot videos (which now gives me an excuse to buy a camera), and all that stuff. It is unpaid, but I couldn't care less since I've got a job that pays me anyway (Stockboy at CVS). This might just be the opportunity I've been waiting for!
  • Nice!
  • That's awesome, Geo!
  • Congrats Geo!
  • Well done, Geo. I hope you enjoy it.
  • edited May 2012
    Congo rats!
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited May 2012
    I just got called up to my bosses office. I walked in there and the heads of sales, marketing, and imports are in there with the owner of the company. I was certain i was going to be fired fore something (like browsing the forums durring work hours) Instead I find out that i'm being offered a promotion and a tranfer to the imports department so I can train to become a new import and compliance specialist!

    This means I'm going to be paid to become a pedantic expert on firearm law! It's like a dream come true!
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • OMG! Firearms law is actually really complex and fun.

  • OMG! Firearms law is actually really complex and fun.

    If you'd had ever asked I could have told you that.
  • edited May 2012
    Well done and good luck Geo and Drunken Butler both!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • OMG! Firearms law is actually really complex and fun.

    If you'd had ever asked I could have told you that.
    Why would I ask when I already know it? I was exclaiming my love of the laws, not exclaiming a new thing I learned.

  • I just got my Sennheiser HD 280 Pro headphones today... These things are beautiful. These headphones are so good at blocking outside noise that I find myself not breathing, because I can hear my breath. I have been listening to all of my songs again, and I can't believe they are the same songs that I always listen to! There seems to be an added layer of depth to each song, and I keep on hearing things I didn't hear before. I read reviews talking about how the bass falls flat on these headphones, and I don't know what they are talking about! The bass is perfect, because it doesn't "pound" like some speakers and completely destroys the song, but the bass is still noticeable and prominent. If I do have a complaint about them, it's only that the chord is heavier than my iPod Nano and I look like either a serious DJ or a dork, I can't decide. But this doesn't matter, cause these things are FUCKING AMAZING!
  • edited May 2012
    Well, Since I used to use my 280 Pros when DJ-ing, I would say "serious DJ". Not really designed for out and about use, though. You'd be better served with a pair of earbuds for that kind of use.
    Be good to those 'phones and they'll last you years. I've had mine for about 5 years now. The cups need to be replaced, but they are still solid as all get out.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Three of my best paintings yet done today, and I'm still totally awake and active. If my hand holds together for another painting, I can manage four!

    I have the digital painting bug. I have it bad.
  • Isn't it the best feeling in the world when you've finished all your final exams for the semester and you're free? Well that is exactly how I am feeling right now! Tonight will consist of drinking, being merry, and whoring (if I'm lucky).
  • Whoring? For that you don't need to be lucky, you just need money.
  • Whoring? For that you don't need to be lucky, you just need money.
    Or other people with money.
  • My friend Dave got many lap dances that we paid for during his bachelor party. :P
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