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Booh yah!



  • Just finished last law school exam ever. BOO YAH!
    Papers too?
    Yeah. I just finished law school.

  • Graduating today!!!
  • Just finished last law school exam ever. BOO YAH!
    Papers too?
    Yeah. I just finished law school.
  • Just finished last law school exam ever. BOO YAH!
    Papers too?
    Yeah. I just finished law school.
    As someone just finishing highschool, this is very disheartening.

  • edited May 2012
    As someone just finishing highschool, this is very disheartening.
    Dude, 5 years of college, 2 years of working, and 3 years of law school. I don't wanna hear it. Nobody says you have to pursue higher education, but whatever you do, go for it and no regrets!

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Just finished last law school exam ever. BOO YAH!
    Papers too?
    Yeah. I just finished law school.
    As someone just finishing highschool, this is very disheartening.
    Be not disheartened, this happens (for me at least) every time I finish a series of schooling.
  • Yeah. I just finished law school.
  • Congratulations on the Law School finishing. One of my cousins finished last year, and it was definitely rough right after, but things seem to have gotten much better now.
  • Yeah. I just finished law school.
  • That's cool, I guess.
  • edited May 2012
    SWEET!!! My girlfriend is finally moving in with me! I don't have to keep driving down to White Plains! We can have sex on a regular basis!
    FTFY ~_^
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited May 2012
    SWEET!!! My girlfriend is finally moving in with me! I don't have to keep driving down to White Plains! We can have sex on a regular basis!
    I'm so jelly. You have no idea.
    FTFY ^_~
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited May 2012
    I'ma cuddle the shit out of her when she gets here.

    Edit: Everyone should be jelly. Shit, even I'm jelly.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I'ma cuddle the shit out of her when she gets here.
    You cuddle that bitch so securely that it releases the knots in her shoulder!
  • Get a room, you two.
  • Get a room, you two.
    Pete and George?

  • Get a room, you two.
    Pete and George?

  • Yes. Was that not clear?
  • Yes. Was that not clear?
    Well, there was a chance that you were referring to Pete and Nuri, who are literally getting a room.
  • Pete and George definitely have the bromance going on. You should see them in the kitchen together.
  • edited May 2012
    Pete and George definitely have the bromance going on. You should see them in the kitchen together.

    Also, we offered you some of the cheese fat soaked paper towel, you didn't want any.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Pete's meat is so intense it upsets my stomach.
  • George, everybody knows that is a photo of ME and Pete, not you and Pete.
  • George, everybody knows that is a photo of ME and Pete, not you and Pete.
    I know, but I think that pic is hilarious still. :P
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2012
    Tonight will consist of drinking, being merry, and whoring (if I'm lucky).
    Little tip: If you want to ever be lucky re:girl taking you seriously? You might want to watch what comes out of your mouth. "Whore" is pretty much a jerkface way to refer to anyone. Sexist and obnoxious to the max!
    Apologies, I did not mean to start anything here. I would never say something so base, derogatory, and obnoxiously revolting like that to anyone, ever! I was mostly saying that stuff in jesting tone and did not mean to come off like a jerk.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • I meet him at MAGfest, he is awesome.
  • As someone just finishing highschool, this is very disheartening.
    Dude, 5 years of college, 2 years of working, and 3 years of law school. I don't wanna hear it. Nobody says you have to pursue higher education, but whatever you do, go for it and no regrets!

  • The shading on his chest looks like a maple leaf.
  • Oh shit, panel was accepted for Connecticon. Now I have something occupy my time over the summer by working on it.
  • Oh wow. I got a call back from a place I interviewed for, and they made me an offer. I accepted it!

    A little backstory: So, I work for a Swiss bank, and have been for a little over a year. It's a very secure job, but incredibly corporate. And, well, we still support IE6. Last week, one of our developers (the only other awesome techie dude in the office) left for another job. I then learned that the lead developer's contract was running out, and they hadn't negotiated an extension. If the lead dev left, I'd be pretty much alone, working with a bunch of corporate biz-dev people. Not very fun.

    So I've been interviewing around the past week or so, and found a small company that seems pretty techie. They're right next to a nice park in Williamsburg, so my commute would literally be 10 minutes. They're also making me an actual employee (instead of a contractor), so I'll have healthcare, 401k, and PAID TIME OFF FOR PAX. I start in two weeks.

    tl;dr I've been in a funk with my current job, but I'm got hired by a small web shop and everything will be fantastic forever.
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