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Booh yah!



  • My friend Dave got many lap dances that we paid for during his bachelor party. :P
    Not quite what I was getting at, but that works too.
  • edited May 2012
    Tonight will consist of drinking, being merry, and whoring (if I'm lucky).
    Generally luck relates to women you don't pay. You probably won't have luck with any ladies if you refer to the act of trying to find one as "whoring." Just a touch sexist, methinks.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    Tonight will consist of drinking, being merry, and whoring (if I'm lucky).
    Generally luck relates to women you don't pay.
    Hey, you don't know. Maybe he has a hooker slot machine.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Tonight will consist of drinking, being merry, and whoring (if I'm lucky).
    Little tip: If you want to ever be lucky re:girl taking you seriously? You might want to watch what comes out of your mouth. "Whore" is pretty much a jerkface way to refer to anyone. Sexist and obnoxious to the max!
  • Would it have been less insulting if he said wenching?
  • I thought he was the one doing the whoring.
  • I thought he was the one doing the whoring.
    Yeah, that's usually how that goes. "Boozing and whoring" is "getting plastered and partying with women."
    My friend Dave got many lap dances that we paid for during his bachelor party. :P
    Man, strip clubs are so boring. Maybe I just don't "get" the allure of the striptease. Why would I pay for someone to show me a steak, and then not let me eat it?
  • That sort of entertainment, in a general sense, is mostly sleazy, cheap, and unappealing to anyone with even an ounce of class.
  • edited May 2012
    Would it have been less insulting if he said wenching?
    I would have found it less insulting. I can't take the word wench seriously. Wench is like the hipster word for whore, you can only say it ironically. However, calling a female bartender a wench or a bar-wench would not be approvable in a public setting. Context.

    Well, ok, if it's a pirate or viking themed bar, I think it shifts back the other way. That may even be the job title there. Context.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Yeah, I've always kind of felt like if you're going to spend that much money on something that sleazy, then you might as well just get a hooker.
  • Tonight will consist of drinking, being merry, and whoring (if I'm lucky).
    Little tip: If you want to ever be lucky re:girl taking you seriously? You might want to watch what comes out of your mouth. "Whore" is pretty much a jerkface way to refer to anyone. Sexist and obnoxious to the max!
    C'mon, what's a little bit of celebratory misogyny amongst friends?

  • That sort of entertainment, in a general sense, is mostly sleazy, cheap, and unappealing to anyone with even an ounce of class.
    I mean, don't get me wrong, I love some tits in my face. It's great! But, I mean, that only goes so far. Wet t-shirt contests are more interesting.

  • edited May 2012
    That sort of entertainment, in a general sense, is mostly sleazy, cheap, and unappealing to anyone with even an ounce of class.
    I mean, don't get me wrong, I love some tits in my face. It's great! But, I mean, that only goes so far. Wet t-shirt contests are more interesting.

    I like it when there are tits in my face and I don't have to pay for them. That's really fulfilling on a deep emotional level. "Huh! Wow! This woman is willfully putting her tits in my face, and she doesn't want anything in return. How thoughtful of her! Maybe I'm not such a bad guy myself!"

    It gives a guy hope for the future. The future of having tits in his face.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    I like it when there are tits in my face and I don't have to pay for them. That's really fulfilling on a deep emotional level. "Huh! Wow! This woman is willfully putting her tits in my face, and she doesn't want anything in return. How thoughtful of her! Maybe I'm not such a bad guy myself!"
    That's nice, but I also like the knowledge that I am engaging in a blatant exchange. Total transparency. It feels more honest in a way. "Wow, she's really pretending to be interested in Viking poetry while gyrating on that pole. I will tip her extra for putting forth the effort."

    But, again, it only goes so far.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited May 2012
    That's nice, but I also like the knowledge that I am engaging in a blatant exchange. Total transparency. It feels more honest in a way. "Wow, she's really pretending to be interested in Viking poetry while gyrating on that pole. I will tip her extra for putting forth the effort."
    How glorious indeed is the social contract of our times. To quote the Great Bard, Patton Oswalt, "A stripper goes on stage, shows you her tits and her pussy, and you give her money as well you should. That is a warm, neighborly thing to do!"
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • That sort of entertainment, in a general sense, is mostly sleazy, cheap, and unappealing to anyone with even an ounce of class.
    I mean, don't get me wrong, I love some tits in my face. It's great! But, I mean, that only goes so far. Wet t-shirt contests are more interesting.

    I've never been, so while I know I'd probably hold the same opinion as you two, that doesn't change the fact that I still think it's an experience I should have.
  • Started using Memrise to learn conversational French. Now I'm wasting time in a productive fashion!

    After French, I'm thinking German or Chinese.
  • edited May 2012
    Aquired: 1 Guitar. Livingstone, Electric, Stratocaster body shape. Three single coil pickups, and sunburst colour.

    Currently in process of Aquiring: Skillz & Calluses.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Aquired: 1 Guitar. Livingstone, Electric, Stratocaster body shape. Three single coil pickups, and sunburst colour.

    Currently in process of Aquiring: Skillz & Calluses.
  • Aquired: 1 Guitar. Livingstone, Electric, Stratocaster body shape. Three single coil pickups, and sunburst colour.

    Currently in process of Aquiring: Skillz & Calluses.
    [guitar vid]
    Hey, it's Namasensei!
  • Aquired: 1 Guitar. Livingstone, Electric, Stratocaster body shape. Three single coil pickups, and sunburst colour.

    Currently in process of Aquiring: Skillz & Calluses.
    [guitar vid]
    Hey, it's Namasensei!
    It's true, I'd recognize the way he curses anywhere. It's fingerprints. Of Filth.
  • edited May 2012
    Aquired: 1 Guitar. Livingstone, Electric, Stratocaster body shape. Three single coil pickups, and sunburst colour.

    Currently in process of Aquiring: Skillz & Calluses.
    [guitar vid]
    Hey, it's Namasensei!
    Yup. He also did a cooking show, a video game rant show and a comedy series about homelessness.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • [better guitar vid]
    This is the most helpful video on the internet.
  • Churbs. Did someone randomly gift you a thing on Steam recently? I'm just checking.

    Also, the only song anyone ever needs to know how to play on guitar is Knights of Fucking Cydonia.
  • edited May 2012
    Well, Randomly isn't quite accurate, but yes. I'll PM you, since it doesn't need to be secure, but it seems indelicate to discuss it openly.
    Also, the only song anyone ever needs to know how to play on guitar is Knights of Fucking Cydonia.
    I disagree.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Just finished last law school exam ever. BOO YAH!
  • Just finished last law school exam ever. BOO YAH!
    Papers too?
  • My friend Dave got many lap dances that we paid for during his bachelor party. :P
    Man, strip clubs are so boring. Maybe I just don't "get" the allure of the striptease. Why would I pay for someone to show me a steak, and then not let me eat it?
    You can eat it, it just costs a lot more.

    Anyway, I didn't have fun at the stripclub. I found it disgusting, but it was part of my duty as the best man. Dave wanted to go to a strip club once in his life and that is as far as I know the last time he's been to one.
  • One point of advise, bring a cool hat. I've only been to a strip club once (a bunch of women wanted to go....) and the guy wearing the Indiana Jones hat, received the most "free" attention. I however made sure I was blocked in to a table by the girls I was with and otherwise admired some of the gymnastic prowess while trying not to feel creepy.
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