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Booh yah!



  • edited April 2012
    Ha, that's cute, editing three vocal tracks. Talk to me when you're handling between 30 to 60 music tracks at once ~_^
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah, music is rough for multitrack. Honestly, the most tracks I've had to work with at once has been 23 and that was for an audio drama.

    You did alright Geo. Looking at what you send me, I'd only do a few things:

    First, you overdrove your mic. Big no-no. It's better to record low, giving yourself plenty of margin, than to risk peaking. Remember, you can always raise the volume.

    Second, my volume is pretty low compared to you and Ryan. The average peak for you guys is about -4 versus -12 for me. Before you mix down, you should try to get them about equal. Using the hard limiter (process) effect will let you boost the over volume of a track without letting it peak. I'd recommend setting the limiter to -0.1dB.

    Finally the overall volume of the final mixdown peaks at about -4dB. To fix this, either use the hard limiter process to bring both track up to the same volume or (and this is the easier way) put an instance of the hard limiter effect in the effects rack of the master bus, setting the limiter to -0.1 and adjusting the gain until you are almost riding the limiter. Mind you, Almost. In other words, average conversation should keep the meter at about -2 to -3 dB.

    By the by, if you want to make you sound more "awesome radio voice-y", it wouldn't hurt to run the multiband compressor with the "Enhance Lows" preset.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I worked with Bret Michaels today, he was incredibly friendly.
  • GeoGeo
    edited April 2012
    Ha, that's cute, editing three vocal tracks. Talk to me when you're handling between 30 to 60 music tracks at once ~_^
    This is why you are a music producer and I am a filmmaker, but I respect your medium highly ~_^

    Also, danke for the advice, Victor. I'll be sure to make those changes readily.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • I just borrowed ballgowns from the costume shop for my trip to England this summer.
    One of them is this super slinky silver halter that's both really low cut and very fitted. I am in love with this dress. I might have to offer to buy it from the shop because seriously, it's never been worn before and I don't think I want to give it up. EVER.

    Let me put it this way: I haven't slept at all in the past 36+ hours, and all I could think on my way home was "SLINKY DRESS SLINKY DRESS SLINKY DRESS!!!!!"
  • I just found out that the Avengers movie director and screen play writer are both Joss Wheden. I am now very excited for this movie.
  • I just found out that the Avengers movie director and screen play writer are both Joss Wheden. I am now very excited for this movie.

  • edited April 2012
    Because we just found an account with a ton of refund money in it, my dad is putting a down-payment on a new car within the next month, which means I'M GETTING HIS OLD HONDA ACCORD. So I'll probably actually have a car as of this summer!

    I also might have figured out what was making my laptop have critical hardware failures and not work. So I might not have to replace my entire laptop after all.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • edited April 2012
    This arrived in the mail today! Thank you, Lyddi!


    There were originally a pair of earrings we saw at a booth at PAX East. I bought them and Lyddi made them into necklaces instead for the both of us. :D
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Been doing a comic for 6 months now! Anniversary! Really, I'm surprised I stayed committed so long to making comics. I tried and flaked at lot in the past, but now I have a clear goal and discipline. Making comics got me through some rough times. So a booyah to me!
  • No more law school classes EVAR!!!!
  • No more law school classes EVAR!!!!
    You're free!
  • Well. I still have 5 exams and a paper to do. But almost free.
  • edited April 2012
    Almost is good enough! Freedom within grasp! Congrats!

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • To Omnutia: +1
  • Just got like ~$270 from textbook buyback. Aw yeah.
  • Just booked a trip for the girlfriend and myself in October. Going to be our first real vacations without our families, and her first trip east of the Rockies. It's going to be great!
  • edited May 2012
    Today was booyah day:
    • two phone interviews and five in-person interviews scheduled with awesome startups/small tech companies
    • got a check in the mail that I wasn't expecting
    • got a UPS delivery of some airsoft stuff I thought was going to be shipped back to the store (since it was the third delivery attempt)
    • to top it off, had a conversation with a really cool tech guy, who is now following me on Twitter
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I now own A Thousand and One Nights.
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2012
    Forgot to mention this yesterday, but I got a call yesterday from CVS (where I had an interview a month and a half ago) that I got the job I applied for (Stockboy) and that I begin in three weeks from yesterday.

    I'm the happiest I've been in quite some time! YAY!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I now own A Thousand and One Nights.
    What possessed you to buy two and three-quarters(ish) calendars?
  • Straight A's this semester for the first time ever.
  • edited May 2012
    Straight A's this semester for the first time ever.
    Damn, man, as much as I have high expectations of you in that regard, I still say that's some really bloody good work.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2012
    I now own A Thousand and One Nights.
    What possessed you to buy two and three-quarters(ish) calendars?
    I bought it for the firemen :P

    Nah it's the RPG. All my friends want to play.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Gave my final presentation today in my Black Holes class, on the subject of humanity as a galactic civilization, dressed (and in character) as The Doctor. The professor was a huge Doctor Who fan, and couldn't stop laughing throughout the presentation. He took me aside afterwards and told me that the paper on the subject I'd turned in beforehand was "fantastic... almost poetic." Then, upon posting a photo of me in costume, several female nerdy friends comment immediately with variants of "This is amazing!"

    So yeah, good day. Gives me something to hold onto heading into finals!
  • I also recently aquired 1001 Nights. I think I'm going to play it in a tea house / hookah bar that I know. Lounging on pillows seems appropriate.
  • It appears that I got 100% on a final paper which I bullshitted most of and turned in two days late. feelsgoodman.jpg
  • I should have access to Bookshare (massive library of eBooks and audiobooks for Special Ed students) tomorrow by 9.
  • I'm no longer on academic probation as of today, which means I no longer have a hold on my college account and was able to sign up for classes and didn't get charged a late fee for my laptop. Thank Science.
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