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Booh yah!



  • edited May 2012
    Went garage-saling
    Read that as 'garage-sailing' and got flashbacks to when I watched Time Bandits (on a smaller scale). Not in a bad way mind, but in an 'I've only seen it once long ago when I was feverish and certain things stick with you way'. Cool beans though.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Made some over-easy eggs that came out effectively perfect, including no broken yolks. Hooray for highly-specialized cooking skills!
  • Bought a first printing of Talking Heads' Remain In Light on vinyl today for seven pounds. Record has some scratches but plays fine, and the album jacket is in nearly perfect condition (still has shrink wrap on it!) and a perfect photo dust sleeve and lyrics sheet. Awesome find.
  • Went to the Foxwoods casino for my birthday and ended up making 40 bucks. Not the best grab but a profit is a profit.
  • edited May 2012
    Crash-a-rama is incredibly, stupidly fun. I know now that some sort of face mask and ear plugs are necessary as I've probably inhaled entirely too much fiberglass from the boats being destroyed.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited May 2012
    Going to see a showing of Spirited Away followed by a Q&A with Toshio Suzuki this Thursday.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • I'm posting from my new desktop.
  • My dad recently reconnected with an old friend. His friend is selling his mansion (I'm not fucking kidding. It's going for $15 Million.) but the realtor's site was crap; just an html slideshow. So, my dad tells him "Hey, my son can probably make something better. Want him to make a sample for you?" He said, "sure".
    So I did.

    He LOVED IT. He's going to talk to the realtor to get some terms for me to make a full version and he's also going to send it to all of his realtor friends! Boo Yah!
  • edited May 2012
    Don't forget the part where you discuss adjustable rate NINA mortgages! You too can do your part to ruin the american economy!

    But yeah, that was a really nice video. Not sure if it needed all the front and back end filler though. Just a nice subtle Sonic Production at the end would do. Also, get a tripod! That first shot made me feel like I was on a boat.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited May 2012
    Haha, yeah. Thanks! I learned a lot about Sony Vegas while making it (ALPHA CHANNELS OMG).

    As for the boaty-ness, that was some stock footage I found. I'll run some stabilization on it. For the filler up front, I was following a shortened version what my CTVA professor taught us: 5 seconds of bars and tone, 5 seconds of slate, then a 5 count (it's supposed to be 30/20/10).
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Oh well, I know absolutely nothing about video production. Good stuff.
  • edited May 2012
    Wanna know what two years of improvement looks like? These are concepts for the same unit, and I did them both almost exactly two years apart.



    Thing is, I was super proud of the first when I did it, but I'm not very happy with the new one! Crazy, huh.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited May 2012
    The old one had more heroic proportions, and his face looked younger and more debonair. The pose in the first one is very confident, whereas the second one, although the proportions are more realistic, does not have that jauntiness. The rocket and all the details are much better on the second one, however.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Yeah, I did lose some jauntiness along the way. I've sort of lost some confidence with dynamic poses along the way at some point, so I'm doing a lot of gesture drawing exercises and such to get it back.
  • Hey, so, Judge Alsup ruled that APIs are not copyrightable in the Oracle v Google case over Java on Android. So Google won the whole thing. Hooray!
  • Orlando's having a Bacon-off in two weeks.
  • Got back from Protomen concert. It's always epic how fast I find people I know through multiple channels.
  • Got a DROID RAZR MAXX. Loving it so far.
  • Convinced Amazon to take back the blu-ray version of Laputa: Castle in the Sky based on this listing saying it had an English subtitle track and all it really has are dubtitles.
  • What's a dubtitle. Do you mean the film is dubbed?
  • I think he means that the subtitles follow the dubbed dialogue, instead of being similar to the original script.
  • Ah, gotcha.
  • Yeah, what Linkigi said. They had dubtitles on their last DVD release too but they still had the correct subtitles as well, even if their timing was a little off. I am hoping they figure out their error and do something about it but that is a long shot.
  • Yo, it's my wriggling day today or whatever. I guess I'm 22.
  • Yo, it's my wriggling day today or whatever. I guess I'm 22.
    Gratz, lad.
  • edited June 2012
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Yesterday was the first Sunday in 7 weeks where I woke up in my own bed and didn't have to go anywhere all day. Felt good man.
  • I am finally done with the ordeal that was Episode 2 of Cage Rage!

    You can check out the Cage Rage thread to find it.
  • I was shopping through thrift stores for curtains and happened upon the fifth-edition rulebook for Paranoia. I got it for two dollars.

    I also bought curtains, which unfortunately do not match my carpet.
  • edited June 2012
    Okay, so a while ago I posted a boo-yah about me making a real estate sales video for my dad's friend's property in malibu. Well, last night I finished the final product and it was sent off to my dad's friend with a price tag of $350.
    This was the video:

    I just got this email from the realtor via my dad's friend via my dad:
    If the quality is like the preview and the cost is really only $350 then I say yes....totally worth it.

    Also, if you don't mind, I may want to contact them for video of another high end property I will be listing soon.
    EDIT: Oh hell, Look at that. Youtube made it a lot brighter for some reason.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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