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Booh yah!



  • edited June 2012
    That house is gorgeous.

    [Edit] Also, I think you have a knack for this. Definitely keep in contact with that guy and keep doing it, I bet he'll start suggesting you to his realtor friends.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited June 2012
    I know! And it's only $12,000,000.00 . A steal! XD
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I think you'd be hard pressed for a narrator with a more velvety voice.
  • Stewart Ashens?
  • I got a second job! It's only doing basic computer support, but I'll make rent this summer! And have a little bit of discretionary income!
  • In spite of my dad's efforts to starve me to death this week, I've spent about two hours getting myself accustomed to C++ syntax.
  • Got a Cyanogenmod 7 derivative working on my phone, and ran an awesome Cards Against Humanity game that ended up catching the entire game store in its gravity field.
  • edited June 2012
    In spite of my dad's efforts to starve me to death this week, I've spent about two hours getting myself accustomed to C++ syntax.
    Template wrangling? Cause that's about the main place where C++ syntax really goes off the cliff relative to C/Java/etc. Well, that and overloaded operators (mostly cause way too many programmers abuse them, including, arguably, the standard library with cin/cout/cerr and friends).
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Just got a new couch mouse, because apparently that's a thing that exists. It's really sweet if you're the type of person to use a mouse while sitting on a couch or recliner. It uses some dark magick that has no sensor on the bottom. Also I got it on clearance for $12 and I can use it's receiver with the mouse I found on the ground a few months back. Yay cheapness.
  • I had a look and it seems the sensor is behind the plastic on the bottom (Probably the same IR transparent stuff the end of remotes are made of.) to stop dust getting inside it.
  • I have taken my first real step to becoming employed for my art, towards moving out, and towards finally living with my girlfriend of seven years. Towards being an adult in the real sense of the word, and towards art being my career instead of my hobby.

    This is probably the biggest booh-yah of my life so far.
  • US Open semifinals tickets bought.
  • My diet is actually working. I lost 4 pounds so far. ^^
  • My diet is actually working. I lost 4 pounds so far. ^^
    *high five*
  • I'm safely in London and my hotel has free WiFi! :D
  • My hotel has free WiFi! :D
    Treasure this; it's so uncommon in nice European hotels.

  • My hotel has free WiFi! :D
    Treasure this; it's so uncommon in nice European hotels.
  • LOLOLOL Hostels.
  • LOLOLOLOLOLOL Cheap hotels with three twin size beds crammed into a room that can JUUUUST BARELY fit all three.
    Our bathroom is the size of my suitcase.

    But in Bath we're renting out a historic house, so HAHAHA way better rooms.
  • edited June 2012
    That (the London hotel, that is) sounds like a hostel, gurl. Bath sounds like it'll be great!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • They call themselves a hotel, so I guess they are just confused.
    It's not so bad though, it'll just take some working around.

    Also, I like pubs. Home needs more pubs.
  • I don't spend anywhere near enough time at our English pub. And it's just a few minutes away!
  • I don't spend anywhere near enough time at our English pub. And it's just a few minutes away!
    Saturday lunch.
  • Hmmmm...put brewing on hold to hit up the pub?

    I think I can swing that.
  • Are you guys insane? Why are you going to eat lunch on Saturday?
  • edited June 2012
    Seriously, it's called brunch.
    EDIT: Although for brunch I suppose it's more appropriate to get bloody marys and mimosas.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Are you guys insane? Why are you going to eat lunch on Saturday?
    "Lunch" will consist primarily of scotch and cask ale.

  • Are you guys insane? Why are you going to eat lunch on Saturday?
    Because much like you, I don't function well without food. I have to eat something, might as well be delicious.
  • You need to hit up the pub for a good lunch!!!
  • Are you guys insane? Why are you going to eat lunch on Saturday?
    Because much like you, I don't function well without food. I have to eat something, might as well be delicious.
    So eat earlier in the day, and eat sparingly. Then at 5 you will have room for ALL THE MEAT.

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