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Booh yah!



  • edited June 2012
    Are you guys insane? Why are you going to eat lunch on Saturday?
    Because much like you, I don't function well without food. I have to eat something, might as well be delicious.
    So eat earlier in the day, and eat sparingly. Then at 5 you will have room for ALL THE MEAT.
    Trust me, if I have lunch at 12 I'll have room for all the meat by 5.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Austin Trip Tomorrow! So Pumped.

    Not sure what to do before checking into the hotel. Go to HopDoddy or the Violet Crown.
  • Got my plane tickets for my Azores vacation booked.
  • First day of Trip: AMAZING. Can't wait for the other events to start in...25 minutes!
  • I have a phone interview set up with idTech camps to teach for two weeks next month. Hoping it goes well...They want me to teach at Villanova...I know my ex works at one of the camps in that area, I hope it's not Villanova...
  • I got back from the honeymoon! I also got married, a couple of the peoples from the FRC were in it. It was great. France was great too.

    Also, as a part of the math was the Guns of Icarus Online kickstarter thingy. It's pretty awesome, I got the Captain's Logbook. Lo and Behold, there was a sketch by Em in it. Awesome stuff!
  • Which one?
  • I received the renewal notice for my car insurance and it is $150 less than last time. I forgot that turning 25 had an effect on that.
  • Finally mastered shaving against the grain with the safety razor while avoiding razor burn. My face is now, to quote the warrior-poet Ghostface Killah, "straight baby thighs, son."
  • Which one?
    I'm... not sure how best to explain it. Dude with a monocle looking... surprised?
  • Oh, the mayor! He's our favorite NPC. That wasn't the best drawing I did, but I like that guy.
  • edited June 2012
    Dude with a monocle looking... surprised?
    Oh, the mayor!
    I am for more good things and less bad things! So remember this November that a vote for the Mayor is like a vote for the Mayor!
    Post edited by Greg on
  • idTech camps are almost definitely gonna make me a job offer. It's a LOT of money a week for two weeks. Really glad I found something to do this summer. XD
  • I'm also rapidly becoming the local "expert" on security vulnerability testing at work. Fun. Also my boss said she's moving me to be QA lead for a scrum team. Sweet.
  • lulz scrum
  • History Repeating: Blue

    ISS ON
  • lulz scrum
    As long as they pay me cash monies, I'll play ball.
  • Agile works well for gamedev. Scrum is okay for us.
  • Agile works well for what we do as well. Our software fits neatly into the structure.
  • I've dabbled with scrum at a previous job. IT has its pros and cons.
  • We learned about all of them in my Game Design and Development II class. They all looked like they had their costs and benefits.
  • Granted, we play it fast and loose and aren't really stuck with the strict rules of the system. We do do the short sprints, the task board, and the morning scrum meeting though.
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2012
    After so many months of deliberation, I finally got approved for Social Security Incentives (which I am eligible for since I fall under the disability criteria (ADHD)) and got a retroactive check for $2900 and an income of $400 something. Lenovo X230, here I come!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Stopped biting my nails. Bought a pack of these, and now I just file, buff, and shine when I feel like gnawing.
  • My gaming group, which I've been a member of for several years and from where I can attribute several of my closest friends, has been getting a bit of press lately.
  • Speaking of Andrew's gaming group, I just became a probationary member (finally)! My first session is this evening.
  • edited June 2012
    Looks like through the power of my influence on ATW9K listeners and incentives, I'm going to finally do that recording with Paul Chapman on The Greatest Movie EVER! on Stargate this Sunday!

    /Fluttershy yay
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Just finished creating a project for a masters class based on Top Gear.
  • Got a Planetside 2 beta key!
    If I get any more I'll let you know.
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