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Booh yah!



  • edited June 2012
    Got a Planetside 2 beta key!
    If I get any more I'll let you know.
    Filthy Salad Eater.

    Also, I'm totes professional Yo -


    Post edited by Churba on
  • Preordered dat Galaxy S III.
  • Dat S3?
  • edited June 2012
    Good thing I got dat insurance.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Just remembered I bought an Otousan chawan at a random garage sale in Asakusa. Otousan is the bestest cup.
  • Got a 100 on my Top Gear-based assignment.
  • A paper I was the primary author for was accepted for publication by Physical Review E.
  • My saab has a fast again! ^_^
  • Sorry to double post but I just got a perfect score on the RIT math placement exam.
  • Congrats!
  • Nice. I never had to take one, but skipping Math that you already know is a godsend.
  • Being an arts major means you get to skip practically all math. For that I am grateful.
  • Being an arts major means you get to skip practically all math. For that I am grateful.
  • Being an arts major means you get to skip practically all math. For that I am grateful.
    Yep. Math is one of my weaker points, most of the time - there is a reason I keep a calculator in my toolbox.
  • Being an arts major means you get to skip practically all math. For that I am grateful.
  • Computer(ish) major means I do hard math. Opps.

    It's a good thing I just need to learn concepts...
  • Computer(ish) major means I do hard math. Opps.

    It's a good thing I just need to learn concepts...
    Learning concepts is always best; everything else follows from the concepts.
  • Math is awesome guys!
  • Going back to school for my nursing degree, I was able to score high enough on the placement exam to skip all of the math pre-requisites. That was a relief, because math sucks.
  • Going back to school for my nursing degree, I was able to score high enough on the placement exam to skip all of the math pre-requisites. That was a relief, because math sucks.
    Math rules! Whatcha smokin'?
  • Going back to school for my nursing degree, I was able to score high enough on the placement exam to skip all of the math pre-requisites. That was a relief, because math sucks.
    Math rules! Whatcha smokin'?
    Well, I was good enough at math to test out of the coursework.. :-P

  • So I walked into my panel room on Friday night and I asked the staffers, "Hey, isn't this room a bit big?"
    The guy looked at me with an "are you kidding me" look and said, "Did you see that line outside?"
    "The line that goes all the way DOWN the hall and doubles back and feeds into an overflow room?"
    *worried* "...Yeah?"
    "That's for you."
    "Yeah, we're going to fill up and probably have to turn people away."

    Anyway, here is the recording of my very first panel. My audience: about 500 bronies.
  • Heh.. So your big Anime Expo panel was about My Little Pony.

    Our biggest Otakon panel ever was about Dungeons & Dragons.

    Funny that.
  • Yeah. I was surprised they accepted it, but there were quite a few bronies on the programming staff apparently.
  • Got switched out of the random housing I was assigned to previously into an apartment with two friends (my previous roommate and his girlfriend who basically lived in our room) and a person none of us know. Gonna be a much better year now.
    It also involves going from a double room to a single. Awwww yeah.
  • Yeah. I was surprised they accepted it, but there were quite a few bronies on the programming staff apparently.
    Lucky you that Anime Expo doesn't have a fascist panel programming manager like me. :)

    I may be a Brony, but until Anime Boston's mission statement expands beyond the realm of featuring Japanese/other East Asian stuff, no MLP panels at AB.
  • Yeah. I was surprised they accepted it, but there were quite a few bronies on the programming staff apparently.
    Lucky you that Anime Expo doesn't have a fascist panel programming manager like me. :)

    I may be a Brony, but until Anime Boston's mission statement expands beyond the realm of featuring Japanese/other East Asian stuff, no MLP panels at AB.
    Can't argue with that, you are upholding the position and spirit of the convention.
  • Last night I showed up at a party I wasn't invited to. As soon as I got there I had a beer in my hand, a free smoke, and two smart, beautiful women all over me. While I was giving one of them some life advice, I noticed that a cipher had started a few feet away. I gave the lady a piggyback ride to the circle and proceeded to kill the beat six was from Sunday. Minds were blown. I left the party alone, sober, and very happy.

    Tonight a barista I've been pursuing for months finally came around. We made out in an empty coffee shop while listening to indie rock (the good shit, not the annoying shit). After that I stuck around to help set up for the 4th of July parade. The most important part was the misting tent, which I plan to sit under all day after I work tomorrow morning.

    Life is good.
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