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Booh yah!



  • Found the DS I bought in Japan what I thought was stolen! It had been secreted away inside a bag >_>
  • Found the DS I bought in Japan what I thought was stolen! It had been secreted away inside a bag >_>
    Best feeling ever!
  • edited August 2012
    Your app status is Ready for Sale
    What app is this?
    It's an app for doing high school physics experiments, we will release it probably this week.
    Aaaand the app is live.

    If you happen to be a physics teacher get in touch and I can give you a promo code.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • Key Deer are way cute and super chill. For those that don't know, Key Deer are ~3' tall, have no fear of humans, and thus now only live on a few islands in the Keys.
    Well those are just fekkin' adorable.

  • Shaved with a safety razor for the first time! Amazing experience, face hasn't felt this hairless since grade school. Also, didn't nick myself!
  • Timo, that app looks pretty cool!
  • Life is so good for me right now, it's like all the shitty things that have happened this summer are just getting people and things out of the way so that better things can take their place.

    I had a group of friends I didn't really feel like I fit in with anymore. I had a bit of a crisis about coming back to school and not having friends... but now I have this fantastic group of people that sing Disney and Queen songs at the top of their lungs, play D&D, cook for each other constantly, and play at the park at all hours (stuff like capture the flag). They all like cosplay and are really into Community and Phineas and Ferb and most of them I realized I had already been friends with a few years ago.

    Not to mention I have two new FANTASTIC roommates who are hilarious, fun, adventurous, nerdy theater girls and I love them! Our house is about to be the best place to be, it'll finally be a place where everyone who lives here is happy to be here.

    AND I now OFFICIALLY have a hot art guy boyfriend named Chris! He's fantastic. It's the first time in years I've been this giddy over a guy and right now it feels like we have so much in front of us.

    People things aside, I'm also finally able to play oboe in a band again and I'm running out of classes I can take, so I feel really close to graduating and I'm excited about the new semester starting tomorrow.

    And I'm getting my first car this weekend.

    My life is so good right now.
  • Gland things are working out. Sounds like its taken a while to get there but that things are awesome.

    Booh-yah; Girlfriend is back from holiday and I can stop lame ass house sitting.
    double-Booh-yah; Paper work is all sorted for our house and I finally get to have a proper office/work space.
  • w00t for Katie!
  • So awesome, Katie! That sounds wonderful!
  • Yay Katie! I'm so glad all that shit is out of your life!
  • Your life is good and you should feel good!
  • Congratulations on finding the one not-gay art guy in the US!
  • edited August 2012
    Congratulations on finding the one not-gay art guy in the US!
    My uncle built a cloud out of titanium and tests his sculptures at Mach 14 in USAF wind tunnels, and he won a MacArthur Grant. He's straight as an arrow.

    All I'm saying is, there's at least two.

    Anyway, mad props to Katie! Hope it's smooth sailing from here on out.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Congratulations on finding the one not-gay art guy in the US!
    Adam is a not-gay art guy. And he's married to... Kate...

    Anyone else seeing a pattern?
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah I mean of course things aren't perfect; there are things I want to work on regarding my apartment and salvaging what I can of old friendships if it's possible... but I'm seriously extremely happy and I'd like to just keep a strong focus on that, because to always focus on the negative really sucks and it HAS been a long time getting to this point. I've gone through a lot this summer, so having just a week or so where everything is happy before school starts and then I start having assignments is kind of a blessing.

    PS: I should also note that Chris and I have discussed sexuality and decided that all people are really shades of bi and he totally admitted to being kinda more 80%/20% favoring straight. And I was thoroughly impressed by his ability to be comfortable saying so.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Oh no. I think the next "Shades" sequel will be "Fifty Shades of Bi."
  • Oh god I phrased that dangerously. XD I just meant that someone that is confident enough in themselves doesn't have to constantly talk about how incredibly manly straight they are. The whole must-be-manly-macho complex I've seen so many guys become afflicted with is just incredibly unattractive.
  • Eh. I also feel like it's okay if a guy doesn't want to say that he has any level of attraction towards males and not "denying" anything. I've had a lot of friends be like, "Oh, no one's completely straight," and I'm like, "That's nice."
    There is definitely a difference between being super annoying macho and also being like, "Hey. I'm not attracted to men."
  • I'm more referring specifically to the people who DO exhibit the symptoms of trying too hard machismo, which often goes along with a slight inner homophobic thing, and it's fine if you're 100% straight, I have no issue with that perspective either... but for a guy to outright admit to a girl that--at the time--he isn't sure likes him in a dating sense, it's pretty bold and straightforward. I was impressed.
  • All I'm saying is that if a straight man wouldn't blow Neil Gaiman, certain doubts arise.
  • I can see that. But I can also see that in certain company, you could assume that the person wouldn't be bothered/changed by that information, and knowing you for even just a little bit would probably give that impression.

    But if it makes you happy and proud of him, then good. That is why you are dating. :)
  • ^^Perfect ninja synergy.
  • *headslap*
  • edited August 2012
    All I'm saying is that if a straight man wouldn't blow Neil Gaiman, certain doubts arise.
    There were some quite drunk Brits at my hostel in Tokyo having a very similar conversation. I walked in and they asked "Who's at the top of your list? You know, who'd you go gay for?" I pause for thought..."Neil Gaiman." And they're all, "Yeah, he's right hot for an older bloke. Got a brain and all hasn't he?"
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • All I'm saying is that if a straight man wouldn't blow Neil Gaiman, certain doubts arise.
    There were some quite drunk Brits at my hostel in Tokyo having a very similar conversation. I walked in and they asked "Who's at the top of your list? You know, who'd you go gay for?" I pause for thought..."Neil Gaiman." And they're all, "Yeah, he's right hot for an older bloke. Got a brain and all hasn't he?"
    Popular hostel talk. I had that same conversation about three times last year, no joke.
  • Popular hostel talk. I had that same conversation about three times last year, no joke.
    Well, who was it (excepting Mr. Gaiman of course)?
  • Mr. Gaiman tops my list. After that, probably either John Barrowman or Matt Smith.
  • Takanori Nishikawa. Dude is pretty.
  • edited August 2012
    Unsurprisingly, I have a similar list to WuB. Gaiman, Barrowman, and Neil Patrick Harris for me.
    Also, Martin Freeman is very very close.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
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