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Booh yah!



  • Bread, a variety of meats, milk, some vegetables, some fruit...In terms of real food that's what comes to mind instantly.

  • I've never been to Chipolte.
  • It's Subway's tastier Mexican brother.
  • Mexican hole-in-the-wall is the way to go. You know it's a good sign when you're the only white guy in the place.
  • It's Subway's tastier Mexican brother.
    Except Subway doesn't tesselate their cheese, leading to subpar covering of sandwiches. Chipotle has no such ethical dilemma.
  • It's Subway's tastier Mexican brother.
    Except Subway doesn't tesselate their cheese, leading to subpar covering of sandwiches. Chipotle has no such ethical dilemma.
    My Subway tessellates, maybe you just gotta find one that does.
  • It depends meat is getting really expensive at the moment. The local market has some stuff that is more reasonable but over all its getting pricy. It would be easier at home where I could get some rabbits and be fine for the week but they frown on it when its the petting zoo.
    A Rabbit Burrito would be nuts. Is pork shoulder really that expensive in the UK right now? It's always pretty cheap here because it takes 10hrs to get it tender enough to be delicious.
    Everything is getting pricy it seems. It might be Wales but there is about a 20p rise every half year/ three months it seems. The local market has got some good stuff, it seems that is the way to go.
  • Grandparents are splurging on a whole beef tenderloin (maybe two?) and a crate of lobster for Christmas Eve:

  • Totally rocked my important presentation. ^_^
  • Yesterday I had my annual evaluation interview with my supervisor and he was very happy, putting me in some more responsibility and such.

    And today I went to my weekly Magic draft, where I proceeded to open two Shocklands (i.e. 2 of the most valuable cards on the secondary market with about 6-10 € each, entry fee for the draft being 10 €) and then won the tournament. Also had a really funny blowout play with an unassuming card, but that's probably to detailed to go into.

    Also, today was my last day at work before next year. Life is good.
  • 21 now. Drank some stuff. Gonna share some Mike's Hard Lemonade (and other assorted flavors) with apartment-mates and show them Summer Wars.
  • 21 now. Drank some stuff. Gonna share some Mike's Hard Lemonade (and other assorted flavors) with apartment-mates and show them Summer Wars.

  • I need to make the 20 hour version of It's Time to Party.
  • Three drinks imbibed over the night. Spaced them out so no drunkenness. Good times.
  • Declamation (fancy public speaking that my school assigns because we're 400 years old and don't want to change) was today. I thought it was tomorrow. Learned the whole thing during lunch. Perfect score. "If you were born 100 years ago, you'd be Eugene V Debs!"
  • edited December 2012
    Wow Axel, Somehow I still have you beat for "lamest" (not really lame just to the outside world) 21st birthday party, mine included playing D&D and not drinking at all (didn't start drinking till almost 22)
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited December 2012
    Wow Axel, Somehow I still have you beat for "lamest" (not really lame just to the outside world) 21st birthday party, mine included playing D&D and not drinking at all (didn't start drinking till almost 22)
    Umm, I sat in my room alone all evening listening to Perfume for my 21st. You at least played D&D with people.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I watched Shark Week with folks and brews.
  • I went out with two good friends; I didn't feel like getting crazy wasted because I had been drinking legally for a year already. Dinner was tapas (two pitchers of sangria), an improv show at Second City (pitcher of Sam Adams Boston Lager), and then a dive bar (4-8 tallboys of PBR). The Moms and dad drove into the city at 1am to pick me up and I passed out in the back of my dad's car. I slept til 2pm the next day and mom bought me Jamba Juice to cure my insane hangover.

    It was a pretty splendid birthday.
  • I don't remember doing anything at all on my 21st birthday. I was probably unemployed and thus lacking in moneys to do drinking out on the town.
  • On my 21st birthday, I drive to the liquor store I'd already been frequenting and purchased a single bottle of average gin. I was not carded.

    I arrived back at Colony and made a single gin and tonic. I believe we played Puerto Rico after that.
  • My brother has promised to get me incredibly drunk fighting bears in Ann Arbor. Honestly, the board gaming party I'm going to have a few days later with my New York friends might be more fun.
  • I wish I played D&D on my birthday. Not that I don't like Summer Wars, but...D&D!
  • well I also turned 21, 12 years ago.........................................................................Fuck.
  • When I was 21 I saw Dennis Miller's stand up in Atlantic City and came up $100 on the poker tables.
  • On my 21st I had a couple cans of Guinness, did homework, and probably played some video games by myself. Whatever I did it wasn't really worth remembering since I can't :P
  • Fuck yeah got the Pokerus in Black 2. I've infected several vectors for trading and re-infection when I develop my party more.
  • For my 21st I was in Vegas getting way too drunk on whatever vodka drink was ordered for me, gambling, and having my first taste of Korean food.
  • I assume I will spend my 21st celebrating the centennial anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele.
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