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Booh yah!



  • edited January 2013
    Not quite my own Booyah, but nobody else will be able to tell it, for reasons that will become obvious - a mate of mine just sent me a text saying "Hey, you listen to a lot of podcasts, don't you?" and when I responded in the affirmative, they said "Well, if you're looking for something to listen to, you should check out this show called Atomic Trivia War 9000, it's really good, I think you'd like it."
    You should just be like "Yeah okay I'll give it a listen" and then ask Jason to put you on the show for the next episode.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Not quite my own Booyah, but nobody else will be able to tell it, for reasons that will become obvious - a mate of mine just sent me a text saying "Hey, you listen to a lot of podcasts, don't you?" and when I responded in the affirmative, they said "Well, if you're looking for something to listen to, you should check out this show called Atomic Trivia War 9000, it's really good, I think you'd like it."
    You should just be like "Yeah okay I'll give it a listen" and then ask Jason to put you on the show for the next episode.
    That would be hilarious. I'm still yet to respond, so I'll respond as you suggest either way, because it leaves a path open to do something fucking amusing, even if it's not quite what you suggest.
  • I'd say "Send him a link to one of the FNPL's with Jason and on you on it" but the quality then was not-a-so-good.
  • Omg omg omg omg.

    So I'm having a photoshoot tomorrow at Stone Mountain in GA for my Lydia (Skyrim) costume. I've never done a photoshoot like this so I'm super excited.

    Anyway, I've been emailing one of the dudes about details, and he mentions he is possibly doing a photoshoot with Volpin in his Dovahkiin costume sometime in the future. If you don't know who that is, its this guy, a professional props guy who won best in show at the DragonCon contest and is really effing awesome. Andrew bought me his Skyrim helmet cast for Xmas. I might be able to join in the photoshoot!

    I am so freaking excited right now, I really want to go "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" but I'm at work. >_< So I'm posting here instead because I can't contain myself :-P
  • Nice one, Lyddi.
  • Awesome job, Lyddi!

    I actually have a Booh Yah too. After a year and a half of working on the Production team (QA-ing patches and critical fixes for our clients), it looks like my work's been noticed. I'm getting moved to a brand new, really high profile performance team that is going to be tackling improving performance across the board with regard to our software. It's good stuff.

    Of course, I know only a little about performance testing but that just means I've got a lot of new stuff to learn.
  • Bought a dish washer.

  • Bought a dish washer.
    What's with all you city folk and your lack of dish washers?
  • Bought a dish washer.
    What's with all you city folk and your lack of dish washers?
    I've never not had a dishwasher in the City. In fact, the only period in my life where I didn't have one was college (not available), and then living upstate where I didn't own the house and thus couldn't install one.
  • Bought a dish washer.
    What's with all you city folk and your lack of dish washers?
    I think it's more to do with how old a place is than where it's located.

  • edited January 2013
    I think it's more to do with how old a place is than where it's located.
    This. I don't have a dishwasher currently, but it's not that big of a deal (since I have a large sink and a lot of counter space). The next apartment I live in will probably have a dishwasher, but it's not as important as counter space or a generally nice kitchen (new fridge, stove, etc). I never really had dishwashers in the houses/apartments I grew up in until high school, so they're more of a convenience than something I feel is missing in my life.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • You're wrong that it's not a big deal. The amount of time dishwashers save in my life is surprising.
  • You're wrong that it's not a big deal. The amount of time dishwashers save in my life is surprising.
    You're welcome. :P
  • Gushershpunmachinen!
  • You're wrong that it's not a big deal. The amount of time dishwashers save in my life is surprising.
    It's only surprising if you didn't grow up with one! I knew exactly how much of a pain in the ass it was to hand wash all the dishes the first time I had an apartment without a dishwasher.

  • I'm 32 and this is the first time I've lived anywhere with a dish washer. I'll plug it in to today to see how it works.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm 32 and this is the first time I've lived anywhere with a dish washer. I'll plug it in to today to see how it works.
    Note: dishwashers need water too, make sure you hook that up before turning it on :P
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Blood Angels won the day in Warhammer tonight.
  • I'm 32 and this is the first time I've lived anywhere with a dish washer. I'll plug it in to today to see how it works.
    Note: dishwashers need water too, make sure you hook that up before turning it on :P
    I'm not that clueless!

    Today was a pretty long work day, for me. Installing a dishwasher meant taking out an existing kitchen unit and replacing it with three others, plus a new surface that needed a hole cutting for the sink, plus plumbing and wiring for the sink and dish washer, plus a dozen other jobs that came up along the way.

    But, after only about 2 weeks I hope that the 10 hours work I invested today in rebuilding half my kitchen to fit in the new washer will be paid back in time a no longer have to spend washing up.
  • Had my second airplane pilot lesson with my wife's uncle, who happens to be a certified flight instructor. Did very well at it and he said I have natural piloting ability.
  • I'm posting from a new tower that I just put together on my own!
  • I'm posting from a new tower that I just put together on my own!

  • edited January 2013
    A family friend is opening a microbrewery in Chicago. I was told that we could "meet and talk about" me working there as a research experience in industrial fermentation to help with my resume before I apply to grad school.

    I'm taking this as a good sign.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You should apply for an internship at White Labs or Wyeast.
  • edited January 2013
    You should apply for an internship at White Labs or Wyeast.
    Doin' that. Thanks for the advice, Andrew.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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