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Booh yah!



  • edited January 2013
    My Marketing Strategy class is part of an internship that Honda does ever year where a number of schools participate in a competition to see who can develop and implement the best marketing plan for whatever car Honda decides on (this year it's the 2013 Civic). Whoever in the class wanted to be a team leader presented their case yesterday and I just found out that I am the art director and reports/presentations team leader.

    I am so fucking stoked for this semester.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • My dad just told me to turn down my music, and it wasn't something he listened to when he was my age. I feel like I've accomplished something.
  • Went into the city for my interview with Blip on Friday. Pretty sure I crushed it. Will find out on Wed, but my biggest concern is that they won't be able to beat my salary at my current job. We shall see (if I even get an offer). If they're willing to play ball, the wife and I will be moving to NYC when our current lease is up.

    Celebrated by driving from interview down to Dover, DE for all-day gaming on Sat at UnPub 3. Had a blast.
  • Finished my big presentation for a large group of clients. Rocked it and now I can get back to my regular job. :D
  • Health Maintenance appointment yesterday. My labs were all good. My diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol levels were all at good levels. I am controlling it all with my diet.

    It's been almost 7 years I haven't needed to take any medication for those conditions. For my sedentary life style, it's quite impressive. I am slowly but surely incorporating more exercise into my daily routine.
    Trogdor the proper way to celebrate this fact is to simply post this:

  • Cat has arrived! I shall post pictures soon if people want.
  • Cat has arrived! I shall post pictures soon if people want.
    We are the internet, we always want pictures of cats.
  • Cat has arrived! I shall post pictures soon if people want.
    This is ancient Egypt. We post on walls and worship cats. Yes we wanna see your cat!
  • She is settling at the moment, I shall take some pictures tonight.
  • I now can do up to 10 one arm push ups and do a 2.5 minute plank :D
  • I now can do up to 10 one arm push ups and do a 2.5 minute plank :D
    Damn boy.
  • I now can do up to 10 one arm push ups and do a 2.5 minute plank :D
    Damn boy.
    Me: *looks at own body* Can we do that?
    Victor's body: Fuck you and don't you dare even trying.
  • How's the late night popping?
  • Not as bad as the kneading. She will just mouche around the bed for a bit wait till we have dozed off then go to town. Misty also discovered that I move a lot in my sleep, oh how she thought my chest was a good place to curl up. That said she did some massive popping around brakefast time, scared the poop out of me.
  • Rocked it tonight on stage! This is the third show in a row that got a really great audience reaction since bombing two Sundays ago. Yay!
  • Setup Skype on my phone so I can make pretty much unlimited calls with my phone now. Not that I need unlimited, but I'm going to need more than 100.
  • So cat pictures and all that; , , .
    Last nigth he decided to burrow under the bed trying to make a nest, she got stuck as she's rather fat and I had to get her out. It was a fun time.

  • How many cats do you have now?
  • I have one cat at Uni, two with my girlfriends parents, two dogs with my mum and two horses that have a great relationship and I totally support their life choices.
  • Spent an irresponsible amount of money on Netflix stock at $75 b/c I thought there was a huge overreaction to their PR disaster last year. Sold today for $162. Booooooooom.

    Outside of paying off loans early and refinancing my mortgage, this is probably the first real smart thing I've done with my money.
  • edited January 2013
    Spent an irresponsible amount of money on Netflix stock at $75 b/c I thought there was a huge overreaction to their PR disaster last year. Sold today for $162. Booooooooom.

    Outside of paying off loans early and refinancing my mortgage, this is probably the first real smart thing I've done with my money.
    Awesome job! Just remember you're gonna hafta pay capital gains on that. So squirrel away some amount for that purpose.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I started a new exercise regiment and diet almost 2 weeks ago an I've already lost around 7 pounds!
  • My pitch to make ARG game concepts did not get scrapped by my boss. Hello next week of loving work.
  • My pitch to make ARG game concepts did not get scrapped by my boss. Hello next week of loving work.
    Huh, I made some coin doing that when I lived in the UK for a while, pitching ARGs (both as a promotional effort and actual games) to a few companies. Love 'em.
  • Negotiated watching one episode of Dr. Who per Twp episodes of MLP with my girlfriend.
  • Sounds like everybody wins.
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