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Booh yah!



  • You'll soon run out of MLP, (not considering 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation). What then?
  • You'll soon run out of MLP, (not considering 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation). What then?
    Watch/read every piece of fanart.
  • You'll soon run out of MLP, (not considering 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation). What then?
    Turn off the TV and have sex.

  • You'll soon run out of MLP, (not considering 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation). What then?
    Turn off the TV and have sex.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2013
    You'll soon run out of MLP, (not considering 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation). What then?
    Turn off the TV and have sex.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Passed the first round of the JET application! I've got an interview in two weeks. I'm a bit nervous, but I think I'm well qualified and have got a handle on it.
  • Passed the first round of the JET application! I've got an interview in two weeks. I'm a bit nervous, but I think I'm well qualified and have got a handle on it.
    Ganbatte, Ruffas-san!

  • I honestly think I've got a pretty good shot. I've been teaching ESL for a year now, and I can speak and read some Japanese. Which is a lot more than most applicants from what I understand.
  • FUCK YES. Finally fixed the stupid FPS leak that was causing our fucking Quake-looking game to pull 20 FPS in an empty room. Turns out Unity applies an animation modifier to everything when you import it, thus causing the animation updater to wig the fuck out. Fixed that and our FPS shot up to cap.

    We can FINALLY get back to the fun business of covering people in acid and shit.
  • The second round of Nexus 4 stock finally became available in Australia, so I just ordered the 16GB model; it says it should ship in 2-3 weeks.
  • I passed the N1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test, the highest level of the JLPT exam. Yay! I jumped around the house and Rym gave me sake!
  • I passed the N1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test, the highest level of the JLPT exam. Yay! I jumped around the house and Rym gave me sake!
    Way to go!
  • お目出度う!

  • edited January 2013
    Wait wait wait. "Omedetou" is spelled with "eye" "leave" and "occurrence"?
    Well, learned something new. Baby steps.

    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • It's normally written in kana form (おめでとう), but I felt like being fancy.
  • edited January 2013
    I passed the N1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test, the highest level of the JLPT exam. Yay! I jumped around the house and Rym gave me sake!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I passed the N1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test, the highest level of the JLPT exam. Yay! I jumped around the house and Rym gave me sake!

    Also my copy of Burning Wheel gold came.

  • Welp, the 96 Corolla I got to replace my old car actually passed inspection on the first try, which is a new experience for me. Also made tacos tonight that were killer, shout outs to WuB for that guacamole recipe.
  • Got my Ward Fellowship application in on time. Now we wait...
  • Just got home from my first session with my exercise trainer at a state-of-the-art gym called The Edge. I'm a little on the pudgy side, but I'm going to change that by getting into a regular exercise routine and a diet. The meeting went very well and they gave me an exercise routine I'm going to be dedicating myself to. Hopefully, by the time August rolls around, I will be a much more fit and healthier person than I am at present.
  • Had an amazing instance walking through town. A large group of wasted Welsh rugby fans were shouting and messing around in the town center. Wales had lost and it looked like things were going to get really bad. That is till one guy shouted "Who am I? I am Jean Valjean!" People laughed and started to cheer. I looked at said guy and as one we jumped up onto the steps and began possibly the worst most tone deaf version of "Do you hear the people sing". Close to twenty guys and a couple of coppers joined in. It was awesome. I finished by shouting "And I am Inspector Javert!" It was the best time of my life.
  • Booyah! I just dropped off 300 oz (~9 liters) of my breast milk stash to save premature babies.

    Double Booyah! We have some freezer space back and can finally reach all that meat that was at the bottom of the freezer before Max was born.
  • Shit. That's a lot of breast milk.
  • The second round of Nexus 4 stock finally became available in Australia, so I just ordered the 16GB model; it says it should ship in 2-3 weeks.
    It's here!
  • The England and Wales passed gay marriage which is pretty cool. Although religions can opt out it will only be a matter of time till they change.
  • edited February 2013
    Shit. That's a lot of breast milk.
    It's a harsh reality. Premature babies are nursed back to health on a steady diet of brownies and soft cookies. Depriving them of milk is child abuse.
    Booyah! I just dropped off 300 oz (~9 liters) of my breast milk stash to save premature babies.

    Double Booyah! We have some freezer space back and can finally reach all that meat that was at the bottom of the freezer before Max was born.
    In an actual, zero snark serious question, what are the tax implications of that move? Is the organization you donated to a recognized charity? How do you go about calculating the actual value (time?) it took to build up that milk stash.

    Oh man. Milk stash. I can't take the pun.

    EDIT: Google tells me the IRS does not recognize donations of human tissue, but you can deduct for any travel/mileage.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • The second round of Nexus 4 stock finally became available in Australia, so I just ordered the 16GB model; it says it should ship in 2-3 weeks.
    It's here!
  • In an actual, zero snark serious question, what are the tax implications of that move? Is the organization you donated to a recognized charity? How do you go about calculating the actual value (time?) it took to build up that milk stash
    If it was calculated by time/milk value I'd have a huge deduction on my hands. I can deduct mileage like you said in addition to my pumping supplies. I could've sold it all but, I think the premies will benefit more rather than one individual kid (and that 300 oz would only last them 10 days).

    Sonic, I have another 100 I have to drop off today since they didn't have room for my entire 400+ donation yesterday.
  • That is a hell of a lot of milk.
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