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Booh yah!



  • Yoko Kanno Pandora channel.
  • He likes it. He always talks about how much fun he had at Disney.
    I really want to do the program, as it will definitely help me with getting a job at Disney, but I don't know if it's going to be able to happen next semester. I would have to talk to an adviser before I decide.
    I thought about entering the program because I want to work there one day in the film department. I knew someone who did the program, and she went completely Disney crazy. Every single item she owns is of Disney. It's really kinda creepy actually. Anyway I could only really stand being a princess character in the park, but my friend, having experience with the casting world at Disney, told me I pretty much had no chance. (Too short, too many ear piercings, wrong eye color, etc.) As for my friend, she had been stuck operating rides all 3 or 4 summers she worked there. So I gave up on that brief dream. Le sigh.
  • Anyway I could only really stand being a princess character in the park, but my friend, having experience with the casting world at Disney, told me I pretty much had no chance. (Too short, too many ear piercings, wrong eye color, etc.)
    I knew a girl who was Alice from Alice in Wonderland, but she was like 4'9". You're probably not THAT short. :)
  • It's probably just the ear piercings. :P
  • Yeah I don't know why she told me I'm too short. I got pictures standing next to the princesses (yes I'm a childish geek) and I am exactly the same height as them (give or take an inch do to their heels). I could also easily take my earrings out and cover the holes with makeup. Anyway, after I read that article by the ex-Jack Sparrow guy, I stopped feeling bad about giving up that brief dream.
  • Guess who's going back to school! I AM!
  • Guess who's going back to school! I AM!
    Congratulations! That's awesome. What are you going to be studying?
  • Guess who's going back to school! I AM!
    Congratulations! That's awesome. What are you going to be studying?
    Graphic design.
  • Knowledge is power! Congrats!
  • Go, Viga!
    If I was there, I would pick you up and spin you around in a celebratory manner!
  • If I was there, I would pick you up and spin you around in a celebratory manner!
    Must not make short joke...
  • If I was there, I would pick you up and spin you around in a celebratory manner!
    Must not make short joke...
    Particularly when I can pick you up and spin you despite my short stature. ^_~
  • Graphic design.
    Oh man, I'm jealous! That's awesome. I've always wanted to learn more graphic design myself.
    Knowledge is power! Congrats!
    True -- and in a more subtle, and perhaps more literal way, graphic design is power. Muahahaha!

    Anyway, boo yah: UPS just delivered 18 pounds of green coffee beans, ready to be roasted to perfection. Currently enjoying a nice cup of Sumatran roasted five minutes ago. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
  • green coffee beans
    I am a greenhorn when it comes to coffee (only really developing a taste for it the past few months). What is the significance of a green coffee bean?
  • I found $70 dollars I thought I had lost long ago. Guess who's taking the lady out to dinner tonight? That's right. =3
  • edited November 2009
    I am a greenhorn when it comes to coffee (only really developing a taste for it the past few months). What is the significance of a green coffee bean?
    Green = unroasted, meaning you roast it yourself, and it's fresher than any coffee you can get at the store, and tastes awesome. It's also less expensive, though you have to put in some work.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I thought coffee was roasted to seal in the flavor. :?
  • I thought coffee was roasted to seal in the flavor. :?
    Are you joking? I really can't tell.

    Unroasted coffee beans are unusable for making coffee. This is the difference between roasted and unroasted coffee:
  • I love the smell of roasted coffee, but only liked the taste when I got older.
  • I found instructions to fix the wobbling tilt steering in my camaro. ^_^
  • Congratulations Viga, keep fighting the good fight!
    I continue my defiance against nature itself and ran 5 miles under cold weather and rain. However, this time my legs were not numb after the run; which is always a good thing :D
  • edited November 2009
    Grats to Viga. Good luck in furthering your edumacation.
    I found $70 dollars I thought I had lost long ago. Guess who's taking the lady out to dinner tonight? That's right. =3
    I love finding money I left in a pocket, however I rarely have cash, so it is a rarity for me to do so. Also, very nice for what you're doing with the found money.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Listen to this podcast episode and you'll find out everything you need to know about every step of coffee making, including technique and, more interestingly, the science behind the processes:

    It's from the Free University of the Airwaves, part of a radio series in London. Direct link to the file here.
  • edited November 2009
    Oh, I had a post to make of my own. Today I bought a new camera bag which is big enough to fit all my lenses and gubbins, but it's also got a really cool single shoulder swinging strap setup which makes access really easy.

    I also bought a keyboard to plug into my Macbook. It's already awesome, as I can sit as far away from the screen as I want when I type, and my left hand is not constantly resting on a Hot Place. This is going to make all the typing I've got to do on the rest of my NaNoWriMo novel far more enjoyable. Maybe I'll actually reach my new year's resolution goal of learning to touch type by the end of the year too!
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • I also bought a keyboard to plug into my Macbook. It's already awesome, as I can sit as far away from the screen as I want when I type, and my left hand is not constantly resting on a Hot Place. This is going to make all the typing I've got to do on the rest of my NaNoWriMo novel far more enjoyable. Maybe I'll actually reach my new year's resolution goal of learning to touch type by the end of the year too!
    O_O Doing NaNoWriMo as well, I can't imagine how tough it must be to also be writing while not having full touch typing skills. Kudos to you sir.
  • The grill for my SAAB has finally been repainted, I pick it up this weekend. ^_^
  • A friend of mine told me that his friend's 6 year old son specifically asked to dress up as Dr. Horrible for Halloween and he did it. He said his friend had a tear in his eye because he didn't have to force his son to be trained in the arts of geekery, he did it by himself.
  • For my first panel at a convention ever, I will be teaching a mid-sized room of anime geeks how to not ruin a con for themselves and others.
    For me second panel at a convention ever, I will be entertaining the biggest room in the con at 10 PM. With five guests. 3 of whom I don't know personally.

    If I don't come back the Monday before Thanksgiving, tell John Romero I love her.
  • I have started to collect AR15 parts.
  • Metallica is the best live act I've ever seen. Their musicianship isn't exactly top-notch or mind-blowing, but they're absolutely world-class entertainers.
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