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Booh yah!



  • Accept no substitutes.
    Except for this one.
  • I had a random encounter with a japanese exchange student today and I carried on a reasonable conversation...IN JAPANESE. I haven't studied japanese since early June. Boo. Yah.
  • I had a random encounter with a japanese exchange student today and I carried on a reasonable conversation...IN JAPANESE. I haven't studied japanese since early June. Boo. Yah.
    Unless the exchange student was really well mannered and didn't stop you wen you said you wanted to donkey-punch a cucumber for rent money, to avoid an embarrassing moment.
  • I had a random encounter with a japanese exchange student today and I carried on a reasonable conversation...IN JAPANESE. I haven't studied japanese since early June. Boo. Yah.
    Unless the exchange student was really well mannered and didn't stop you wen you said you wanted to donkey-punch a cucumber for rent money, to avoid an embarrassing moment.
    The topic never came up.
  • edited December 2009
    Got a B- in chem, which *should* change to a solid B after curve. After 14 hours total of studying for that final and not doing as well as I could have on the past two exams, I can't really ask for more; I feel pretty good. But damned if I won't be getting an A in chem next semester.

    EDIT: Just check scaled scores. It's a B, right on.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Green Day: Rock Band. super excited. I can have my two favorite bands in Rock Band form now.
  • I figured out how to always breed shiny Pokemon without cheating. :D
  • Green Day: Rock Band. super excited. I can have my two favorite bands in Rock Band form now.

    I'm hesitant to it.

    Like old Green Day, don't like new Green Day.
    Vocals and Drums will be fun, Guitar and Bass probably won't be.
  • I don't know how they'd be able to make the songs hard on higher difficulties and still make it feel like you're actually playing a song.

    Even just looking at the screen on that video, I can already tell you that American Idiot is easier to play on normal guitar than it is on Rock Band.
  • guitar will be cake but the bass is gonna be awsome. The thing about the gutar parts in Green Day is that they are simple to let the bass and drums shine threw. Mike, especialy on the earlier stuff, has great bass lines. JAR, Welcome to Paradise, Castaway.

    I'm probably gonna play guitar and song at the same time. I'm super stoked for this
  • Isn't it going to be weird for a game focused on 4-player co-op to be about a three person band?

    I might buy it, or just rent and export.
  • The last set of books just arrived.

    Note how FInland leads the per capita printings (by a factor of fifteen over Gemany!).
  • Isn't it going to be weird for a game focused on 4-player co-op to be about a three person band?
    There may only be 3 band members, but there are still 4 roles to play, since Billie Joe Armstrong does vocals and guitar, so gameplay won't be affected. Just the on-screen characters that nobody cares about.
  • Hah! I think I got a second job, as a part-time sysadmin for the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation at RIT. It's only 5 hours per week, but it pays as much as my 10hr/wk job in the Library. With those two combined, I should be pretty good.

    I was worried, since I failed most of the questions (drupal and centos). But, it seems they agree with me that I can learn them. Awesome!
  • Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation at RIT
    If I thought it would work, I would kill you and wear your skin.
  • I should apply for a job with the Supercomputing department here once Blue Waters is running.
  • If I thought it would work, I would kill you and wear your skin.
    I am intrigued and somewhat worried. What's your major again?
  • If I thought it would work, I would kill you and wear your skin.
    I am intrigued and somewhat worried. What's your major again?
    Physics and Mathematics if you please.
  • It's not every day that you get complimented on your driving, especially in Los Angeles. So it's very reasonable to believe that I will never have my driving complimented by a stranger again for as long as I live.
  • Today was a big step in my life. I'm now getting help finding a job and all that good stuff by applying to this federal agency. I think I may be moving even closer to my goal, I'm very happy at the moment. I've told you guys before that I had ADD, but it's a serious enough case where I still have tabs with the Special Education Dept. Aside from that, getting a job will be easier than expected in this devastated economy.
  • So it's very reasonable to believe that I will never have my driving complimented by a stranger again for as long as I live.
    Wait, what happened?
  • So it's very reasonable to believe that I will never have my driving complimented by a stranger again for as long as I live.
    You know, I thought the same thing the first time a random girl complimented me on my (natural/unwashed) scent. Yet, fate proved me wrong.
  • edited December 2009
    So it's very reasonable to believe that I will never have my driving complimented by a stranger again for as long as I live.
    Wait, what happened?
    Nothing, really. I came to the stop sign in front of my house and there were some older people with their dogs walking straight down the middle of the street I wanted to turn on to. While I waited at the stop sign. A car rolled up behind me and started honking. They finally got out of the way and I turned and parked. I got out of the car and they told me I did the right thing by waiting and that the other guy was an asshole. All I meant by the quoted line is that, when you're driving and following the laws correctly, usually people just get pissed off.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • All I meant by the quoted line is that, when you're driving and following the laws correctly, usually people just get pissed off.
    Hah! That reminds me of that youtube video (which I can't find anymore) where these high school students conspired to drive side-by-side on the freeway at exactly 55mph, and everyone behind them was going nuts. People tried to have them arrested, but the cops obviously wouldn't do anything about it.
  • All I meant by the quoted line is that, when you're driving and following the laws correctly, usually people just get pissed off.
    Hah! That reminds me of that youtube video (which I can't find anymore) where these high school students conspired to drive side-by-side on the freeway at exactly 55mph, and everyone behind them was going nuts. People tried to have them arrested, but the cops obviously wouldn't do anything about it.
    That video was hilarious. You just see this big gap of space and then the slow wave coming around the corner.
  • Hah! That reminds me of that youtube video (which I can't find anymore) where these high school students conspired to drive side-by-side on the freeway at exactly 55mph, and everyone behind them was going nuts. People tried to have them arrested, but the cops obviously wouldn't do anything about it.
    Wait, someone actually did this? I had pretty much the exact same idea and was talking to my friend about it not long ago. I need to find this video.
  • edited December 2009
    Wait, someone actually did this? I had pretty much the exact same idea and was talking to my friend about it not long ago. I need to find this video.
    Yep. Also, I found it. It wasn't on youtube.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • edited December 2009
    Wait, someone actually did this? I had pretty much the exact same idea and was talking to my friend about it not long ago. I need to find this video.
    Yep. Also,I found it.It wasn't on youtube.
    Found the full version [on YouTube ;)].
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You're a better man than I. :)
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