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Booh yah!



  • I save so much gas driving at 55.
  • I save so much gas driving at 55.
    I save so much time driving at 88. It's like I get there before I even left.
  • I save so much gas driving at 55.
    I save so much time driving at 88. It's like I get there before I even left.
    There is an interesting conservation movement called I drive 55.
  • edited December 2009
    There is an interesting conservation movement calledI drive 55.
    These have been roughly my findings as well, though on a smaller scale given that I have a gasoline powered, turbocharged road rocket. I can get 36+ MPG and I drive a pretty large car. The only trouble is the speed limit, I get freaking run over in Maryland (65). :(

    I think my next car is definitely going to be a Jetta TDI now. :P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • There is an interesting conservation movement calledI drive 55.
    I know, I'm taking the piss anyway.
  • Finally got my grade for the Operating Systems exam I wrote over two months ago. C, passed. Wasn't really worried but the waiting time was annoying.
  • I got two pretty cool jobs, but they only totaled to 15 hours per week, and less than $1000 per month gross. I just got a call back from a job that I had interviewed for (but hadn't worked with my schedule), saying they need someone for weekends. $15/hour, gas reimbursement, $60/day expenditures, and free hotel if I travel outside Rochester.
  • I got my new HD, and in the span of one evening and one day, I installed it, got it up and running, installed the OS, all the drivers, all the software, all the files that were backed up from the other HD, had it working on the internet, and working on the local network. Now my PC runs faster, quieter, and more reliably than ever!

    Best part? This was my first time installing anything as important as a HD in a computer. I didn't need to consult any tech help forums and fixed all issues that came up during installation myself.

    I feel pretty damn good about myself.
  • We'll make a Gentoo nerd out of you yet.
    On a serious note: Even knowing basic stuff like that will teach you a lot about computers.

    Please excuse me saying basic, I do this kind of thing for a living..
  • We'll make a Gentoo nerd out of you yet.
    On a serious note: Even knowing basic stuff like that will teach you a lot about computers.

    Please excuse me saying basic, I do this kind of thing for a living..
    Oh, I know what I did was like "Crayola" easy compared to some of the stuff real IT people do. Understand that the last time I was involved with installing a new HD in anything was in 2000 or so when my boss at a place I was working at for a summer job was installing one in an already old PC. He was messing with switches and Windows wasn't installing properly and there were errors all over the place. It was generally a nightmare. Naturally I was prepared for the worst, but encountered very minimal problems.
  • Got a new headset, I can Skype once more!
  • GeoGeo
    edited December 2009
    Got a new headset, I can Skype once more!
    Hooray! Speaking of which, I think the best time to do another normal geekchat is after the holidays and new year's eve. Anybody have any objections to that?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Hooray! Speaking of which, I think the best time to do another normal geekchat is after the holidays and new year's eve. Anybody have any objections to that?
    Unless you object to me being smashed out of my skull, no.
  • Found a way to get my 40k army to 1000 pts for $60. $15 after I sell the unwanted ork bits.

    I'm quite literally back in the game.
  • Found a way to get my 40k army to 1000 pts for $60. $15 after I sell the unwanted ork bits.

    I'm quite literally back in the game.
    I've been dying to get back into the game. I have 3000 points of Blood Angels and at least that much of Tyranids. The new Space Marine codex is very very shiny.
  • I've been dying to get back into the game. I have 3000 points of Blood Angels and at least that much of Tyranids.
    I'm perfectly willing to play if someone will provide me an army.
    Oh, I know what I did was like "Crayola" easy compared to some of the stuff real IT people do. Understand that the last time I was involved with installing a new HD in anything was in 2000 or so when my boss at a place I was working at for a summer job was installing one in an already old PC
    Even we get out of date rapidly. Every time I get around to building a new computer, it's a month or more of research to figure out where the technology stands. The cycle of obsolescence has sped up to the point that you have to start over any time you want to build anything.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm perfectly willing to play if someone will provide me an army.
    I have enough marines to field two opposing 1500 point armies, or I can finish assembling my 'nids and we can play a very classic matchup. I actually think you would enjoy the game immensely; at the very least, it would give you a chance to weigh in on yet another geeky hobby.

    EDIT: I'm sure you probably already know this, but Warhammer rules aren't terribly "German." They're applied more like the rules of a sport, in that there are numerous situations which the rules simply cannot cover, and as such the players themselves have to reach an agreement on the matter using the rules as guidelines. The deals are usually pretty give-and-take, i.e. that model can see that model, so they can both shoot each other. The general rule is don't be a douchebag about it; if you try to nitpick the rules to give yourself a competitive edge, nobody will want to play against you. It's definitely one of those games where you have to remember the "spirit" of competition.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • After much thinking, I actually heeded Scott's advice and pulled the trigger on a new Motorola Droid. The platform may not be snapper than the cheaper HTC Eris now, but I figure the Droid will get better and faster with software revisions.
  • I have 3000 points of Blood Angels
    Damn. I play Ultramarines, mainly so that I can eventually field Marneus Calgar and Chief Librarian Tigurius.

    I figured out that getting Black Reach mail order would net me a Dreadnaught, Commander, 10 Tac Marines, and five Terminators for $60. However, the set comes with the force equivalent of Orks (three deffcoptas, a warboss, five nobs, and 20 boyz). The space marine figs alone are something on the order of $150. The Orks are about the same, if not more because of the deffcoptas. All told, that'd put my force at two dreads, a terminator squad, 2-3 tactical squads @ 10 units each (as long as I can find the pieces), a commander, and a scout squad. Shell out for some Damned Legionnaires and maybe a Heavy Support (through TheWarStore, of course), and I'd be good to go.
  • edited December 2009
    All told, that'd put my force at two dreads, a terminator squad, 2-3 tactical squads @ 10 units each (as long as I can find the pieces), a commander, and a scout squad. Shell out for some Damned Legionnaires and maybe a Heavy Support (through TheWarStore, of course), and I'd be good to go.
    How big a force are you looking at? 1000? 1500? My general guide is that I should have 3 Tac squads at 1k and 4 at 1500.

    Dreadnoughts are nice, but I'd field one and get a Predator for your heavy support choice. How are the dreads outfitted? Your force sounds like it could use some heavy firepower.

    EDIT: Then again, I'm that crazy guy who fields a Devastator squad with his Blood Angels army.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I'm looking at a 1000pt force, hopefully. The present tac squads are mighty basic (read: captains with bolt pistol and chainswords, marines with bolters, one marine carrying a heavy flamer, one marine carrying a missile launcher). If I need to, I can alter the squads with blister pack troops.

    When I bought the first dreadnaught, I realized the arms could slide on and off, so I painted them to be swappable depending on what I needed. Naturally, when I left the hobby, the arms got lost, so I'm going to buy bitz to fix him and probably permanently affix a twin-linked autocannon and a missile launcher. The Black Reach one could be outfitted however it needed to be. The Predator looks like a really good choice in lieu of more elites; if I end up with leftover money, I could probably get a Devastator or Assault Squad to fill in any gaps.

    Any more suggestions as to what weapons/wargear I should equip the units with, or other units I should be looking at?
  • edited December 2009
    I'm looking at a 1000pt force, hopefully.
    Have you considered using roughly a 1/4 of a titan?
    Edit- Though, I think you might be able to get one of the smallest, lightest armed titans to scrape in at just on 1000 Points, if you game the system a little.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2009
    I'm looking at a 1000pt force, hopefully.
    Have you considered using roughly a 1/4 of a titan?
    Edit- Though, I think you might be able to get one of the smallest, lightest armed titans to scrape in at just on 1000 Points, if you game the system a little.
    Churba, you have to have an HQ and two Troop choices, in a 1500 point force you could probably fit in a 1000-point Titan, but there simply wouldn't be room in a 1000-point force.

    Also: WH40K? In my Forums? It's more likely than you think...
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • Okay, so I just found my old dreadnaught. He is missing both arms and his feet and base :/ I've also only turned up one marine. It might be a good idea to start over...
  • @WindUpBird: Better to keep looking, WH40K is an expensive game. Salvage what you can if you intend to play it again.
  • @WindUpBird: Better to keep looking, WH40K is an expensive game. Salvage what you can if you intend to play it again.
    Man, I have no idea where to start looking. And GW doesn't sell dreadnought bitz. Fuck.
  • We should set up a dedicated aftermarket swap/sell site for Warhammer. Buy stock surreptitiously from wholesalers and sell them as "users" through the system, undercutting the manufacturer's retail prices. ^_~
  • I used to play Dark Angels, but the constant rules changes and the insistence to increase the cost of miniatures every six months or so in addition to making a shift from superior pewter to flimsy plastic made me give a big "F. U." to Games Workshop. I went to Dawn of War and I'm never looking back.
  • We should set up a dedicated aftermarket swap/sell site for Warhammer. Buy stock surreptitiously from wholesalers and sell them as "users" through the system, undercutting the manufacturer's retail prices. ^_~
    Man, that's an awesome idea.
    I used to play Dark Angels, but the constant rules changes and the insistence to increase the cost of miniatures every six months or so in addition to making a shift from superior pewter to flimsy plastic made me give a big "F. U." to Games Workshop. I went to Dawn of War and I'm never looking back.
    Do you think DoWII is worth the moneys and worth buying over the original game? I could see myself buying that instead of working on getting the army back up.
  • My girlfriend's first and middle names, respectively, are Julia and Faye, and I find that awesome.
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