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Booh yah!



  • I used to play Dark Angels, but the constant rules changes and the insistence to increase the cost of miniatures every six months or so in addition to making a shift from superior pewter to flimsy plastic made me give a big "F. U." to Games Workshop. I went to Dawn of War and I'm never looking back.
    I prefer the plastic models. They allow for large sprues of customizable parts for each unit to customize them as well as allow easy modification of the units. Additionally, they are much easier to paint as the paint doesn't run and they are easier to prime.
  • edited December 2009
    Found a tac squad and commander. They all need new paint jobs, and some need bitz, but that will give me a chance to fix my 7th-grade-terrible paint jobs and upgrade the weapons of the tac squad. Any ideas on what I can use to strip these down to the resin?

    Edit: One of these models has some cool shoulder pad damage modeling. Bolter impacts on one, and Tyranid claw damage on the other. One of my better ideas.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Currently drinking Dublin Dr. Pepper and I've got a bottle of Manhattan Special cream soda in the fridge.
  • I have to draw a row of brownstones and it's GODDAMN KILLING ME.
  • I have to draw a row of brownstones and it's GODDAMN KILLING ME.
    Very nice. If anything, take it as a learning lesson.

    Did you ever take architecture drawing lessons? Or something similar to it?

    Your little challenge reminds me of the same thing that Fred Gallagher said he had challenges on when he started drawing comics, however it was reversed. He was an architecture who started to draw comics.
  • This talk of WH40K reminds me of /tg/, and what happened to be posted on /tg/ today but a WH40K Christmas Carol! For your reading enjoyment.

    Christmas comes to Cadia
    By Rawne !Qi28nPZaCI

    Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Eye,
    Not a creature was stirring, not even a cry.
    The votives were arranged on the mantle with care,
    In hopes that the Emperor soon would be there.

    The guardsmen were nestled all snug in their bunks,
    With visions of commissars blown into chunks;
    And sarge with his chainsword and I in my cap,
    Had just settled down for a short winter's nap,

    When out on the field there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from the bunk to see what was the matter.
    Away to the turrets I flew like a flash,
    Tore open the shutters and woke up the watch

    The bombs from the Bassies on new-fallen snow
    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below
    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    But a massive Land Raider, so great was my fear!

    With an ancient old driver, the traitourous hater,
    I knew in a moment it must be the Despoiler.
    As rapid as warp-spawn his coursers they came,
    And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

    "Now, Ahriman! now, Angron! now, Fulgrim and Typhus!
    On, Fabius! on Kharn! on, Huron and Lucius!
    To the top of the ramps! to the top of the wall!
    Now dash away! Smash away! Burn away all!"

    As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
    When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
    So up to the ramparts the coursers they flew,
    With their weapons of war, and Abaddon too.

    And then, in a twinkling, I heard from the sky
    The after burners of drop ships, newly arrived.
    As I drew in my head, what was this that I see?
    A giant in power armor teleporting near me.

    He was dressed all in gold, from his head to his foot,
    And his armor was tarnished with ashes and soot;
    A banner of war he had strung on his back,
    And he looked like a warrior about to attack.

    His eyes -- how they glowed! his arms, like a titan!
    His voice was like thunder! But he meant not to frighten!
    The trim of his helmet was as white as the snow;
    And on his command, his comrades said “GO!”

    He charged at a traitor and tore out its belly,
    It splashed to the ground like a bowlful of jelly.
    They ran forward to where artillery created a shelf,
    And I cheered when I saw him, in spite of myself;

    A flurry of fire and a twist of his head,
    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
    And killed all the traitors; then turned with a jerk,

    He sprang to his beacon, to his team gave a whistle,
    And away they all went like a rapid krak missile.
    But I heard him exclaim, as he vanished from sight,
    "The Emperor of Man has returned, So ends the long night!”
  • I finished a novel. That's four attempted and three completed in the past year. Phew!
  • Churba, you have to have an HG and two Troop choices
    HG, I don't know about, but two troop choices, well...Do you know how many Mechanicus Adeptus it takes to run one of those things? Not to mention the servitors.
  • Churba, you have to have an HG and two Troop choices
    HG, I don't know about, but two troop choices, well...Do you know how many Mechanicus Adeptus it takes to run one of those things? Not to mention the servitors.
    The Titan counts as a single unit,so you still need something else, not to mention that there are restrictions on the percentage of points a unit can take up in an army. By the way, I meant HQ, though how I hit G instead of Q I will never know.
  • If anything, take it as a learning lesson.
    Did you ever take architecture drawing lessons? Or something similar to it?
    Your little challenge reminds me of the same thing thatFred Gallaghersaid he had challenges on when he started drawing comics, however it was reversed. He was an architecture who started to draw comics.
    Oh, I definitely look at times like these as lessons. They work, too -- it's always easier the next time. But fuck, it usually takes me about 3 hours to pencil a page -- that single panel took around 5. I've never taken any architecture classes or studied architecture in any way -- I actually only started taking perspective drawing seriously a few years ago. It would be a nice background to have -- one of my big problems is that I just don't have the sort of visual vocabulary to toss out buildings and stuff without looking at a lot of reference material. You can definitely see his knowledge in the Megatokyo environments.
  • After 4 months of going without a portable smart-device, I finally got my bricked up iPod Touch fixed by an Apple Store employee who used to be a worker at my father's library. He did it for no charge at all, only because he was a friend of my father and would do anything to help him or his next of kin. So W00T!!!
  • the first day of my Birthday weekend didn't suck(weekend cause one of the days is making up for last year) My dad didn't go to the ER, my dog didn't eat my cup cakes, there was no blizzard, and I didn't have to get up at 5 in the morning(all of which happened last year). not only that but I got a book I have been wanting for like three years; The Beatles Complete Score.

    also while out with a friend I finally found a copy of the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack.

    today was a win. only thing to make it better would have been my girlfriend
  • Reindeer sausages, scrambled eggs, rice pudding, Karelian pies and egg butter.
  • Here are two pics of snow I just uploaded.

    image-inhales- SNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! in my goddamn backyard. I almost wanna jump off the porch into the snow, but I'll die.

    imageMy thick beard covered with frostiness. If anyone thinks I look bad with one, shut up I don't care, leave me alone.
  • edited December 2009
    My thick beard covered with frostiness. If anyone thinks I look bad with one, shut up I don't care, leave me alone.
    Boy theiving my style, showing us your (Sn)o(w)-Face
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Boy theiving my style, showing us your (Sn)o(w)-Face
    You're just jealous I have a thicker beard than you!
  • You're just jealous I have a thicker beard than you!
    Because I trim and style mine to keep it manageable, because when I go the full face beard, it gets really tricky to deal with. Also, This -
  • So, after much debate and deliberation, for like eight years or so, I finally bought myself a guitar with the intent of learning to play it. It seems like kind of a weird time to shell out the money for something like that, but I just couldn't wait until next month. Now I just need to be diligent and play it every day. I can't remember the last time was so happy about buying something. Probably when I got my TV earlier in the year.
  • edited December 2009
    We should set up a dedicated aftermarket swap/sell site for Warhammer. Buy stock surreptitiously from wholesalers and sell them as "users" through the system, undercutting the manufacturer's retail prices. ^_~
    Actually, a lot of places on the 'net do that, and Games Workshop fucking hates them. TheWarStore sells stuff for 20% off MSRP, but they don't have an online shopping cart because GW won't sell to a retailer who has a shopping cart. For a while, they flat-out refused to distribute to anyone who sold for less than their MSRP.

    eBay, as one might expect, is the most popular option.
    I prefer the plastic models. They allow for large sprues of customizable parts for each unit to customize them as well as allow easy modification of the units. Additionally, they are much easier to paint as the paint doesn't run and they are easier to prime.
    This. Plastic kits are far superior for converting and customizing. Also, they're cheaper, and your army won't weigh a fucking ton.

    Any more suggestions as to what weapons/wargear I should equip the units with, or other units I should be looking at?
    Well, you're running a basic Ultramarines army, so they function best when you stick to the core Marine tactics. Treat them sort of like a "bulwark" army; let the enemy wash over your forces while they hold fast, but keep a decent assault balance.

    If you keep your dread equipped with the lascannon and missle launcher, I'd probably add a 6-man dev squad in a razorback to the mix. If you also grab a predator, I'd preference a destructor pattern, to add some extra dakka to your army. Can't go wrong with more dakka. Also, if you're planning on taking lascannons, put them in your tac squads and put the missile launchers in the dev squad; tac squads have cheaper lascannons. I wouldn't go with a lone assault squad; they generally need support from other assaulty units in order to be useful. If you really want an assault squad, give your dreadnought an assault cannon and a close combat weapon; walkers are terrifying in close combat. Then, you could use a lascannon-equipped devastator for you long-ranged mayhem.

    No matter what, don't expect your vehicles to survive. They draw fire because they're high points-value units that can be destroyed with a lucky shot. Use that to your advantage and make the rest of your army earn more than their points value in kills.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I'm just pissed because I can't find bitz anywhere but GW, and they only carry very specific ones.
  • GeoGeo
    edited December 2009
    I just got a call from my local Radioshack (one of the many places I applied to) and they said they want to have an interview tomorrow @ 7:00 PM. I'm so excited I can barely feel my fingers making keystrokes...well here's hoping to a future employment with them.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this is the first callback I've gotten.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I can now tie a bow tie.
  • I don't like to say this about people, but... Glenn Beck is a bad man
  • I just got a call from my local Radioshack (one of the many places I applied to) and they said they want to have an interview tomorrow @ 7:00 PM. I'm so excited I can barely feel my fingers making keystrokes...well here's hoping to a future employment with them.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this is the first callback I've gotten.
    congrats. I some times I miss working at the shack. A plus about them is that that they will train you Amazingly well. If you get the job do a lot of the training and pay attention.
  • So, before leaving work this morning, the first shift supervisor formally asked me if I was interested in moving to first shift to be his relief supervisor. Naturally, I said yes. Now I will have to purge 3+ years of being a night owl.
  • Today is my last day of work for 2009! It's going to be so nice to get almost two weeks off. Haven't taken any vacation time since May.
  • I'm a member of the Front Row Crew Forum! WOOOOOOT!
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2010
    Well I've just gotten back from my job interview @ Radioshack and...I was really more nervous than I should have been. Then again it's my 3rd interview ever, so I guess I can't expect myself to be perfect. But nevertheless, despite how nervous I was, I answered well enough to where I could tell that the manager was somewhat impressed by me, my interest in technology, my previous work experience, as well as my extremely flexible work hours. The final thing he said was that he'd go through the interviews, and if I was one of the few chosen for the job I'd get a call after X-Mas.

    I'd rate my interview a 7.5 out of 10. I really hope I do get to work there, well here's hoping I get "the call".
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I can now tie a bow tie.
    Awesome! I tried today, and failed miserably. The proprietor of the shop I was at said it looked like a belly button.
  • The proprietor of the shop I was at said it looked like a belly button.
    You're wearing it too low.
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