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Booh yah!




    VanderHeyden Hall in Troy NY.

    VanderHeyden Hall in Troy NY.
    Congo Rats! Mold those children's minds!
  • Nice!

    I found a place where I can buy rabbit! (sorry Emily ._. )
  • edited April 2010
    Andrew and I finally got Dominion in the mail! Now we can relive our wonderful board gaming days with Ro and Jeremy! Yaaaaaaay
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited April 2010
    Me and Andrew finally got Dominion in the mail! Now we can relive our wonderful board gaming days with Ro and Jeremy! Yaaaaaaay
    Yay! Just wait till you get the expansions and Andrew will just mess with you by playing Torturers and other attack cards so the only thing you can buy are Estates and Copper. :P
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • image
    It's funny though, because even though she had to resort to doing that, it actually did work out for her in the long run.
  • My coworkers and I just pulled off one of the greatest punkings we've ever done. We have one coworker who hates anything veggy. We went to Chipotle for lunch, but he couldn't come because of waiting on a call so he gave us an order to pick up. While we were in line we discussed jokingly getting him a veggy burrito with extra corn. Someone said, "well if we all chipped in a dollar..." I then whipped out a dollar and the wheels were set in motion. :P
  • My coworkers and I just pulled off one of the greatest punkings we've ever done. We have one coworker who hates anything veggy. We went to Chipotle for lunch, but he couldn't come because of waiting on a call so he gave us an order to pick up. While we were in line we discussed jokingly getting him a veggy burrito with extra corn. Someone said, "well if we all chipped in a dollar..." I then whipped out a dollar and the wheels were set in motion. :P
    So... did he eat it? It would be funny if he didn't notice...
  • He took one bite and immediately spit it out.
  • He took one bite and immediately spit it out.
  • Update from earlier in the thread:

    The Bill Nye lecture was so awesome. Like, really really good. Extremely entertaining, interesting, and enthusiastic. Also responded very well to questions. One of the best things I've ever gotten up at 7am in a Saturday for. Would highly recommend.

    On him being a dick: I don't think it's him being an asshole so much as it is him being impatient. After the lecture he did tolerate a mob of about 50 people, myself and friends included, trying to get pictures or autographs and accommodated every single one of us. He got a bit frustrated with one picture-taker who was counting down kind of slowly and asked after that for everyone to skip the countdown and take the picture so that the line could keep moving. We got our pictures with him, my friend chatted with him for a few moments about Stargate: Atlantis, and that was about the extent of my interaction with Bill Nye.
  • On him being a dick
    That all sounds like stuff I would do. I'm not particularly impatient, but it's just stuff I would do to respect the time of everyone else.
  • Just caught Mewtwo with a single Ultra Ball.
  • Just caught Mewtwo with a single Ultra Ball.
    Oh shit, man. I just re-watched the beginning of the first Pokemon movie on a whim, so the significance of this is not lost on me. *highfives*
  • For reasons I don't understand, I've written off over $9,000 of my income. This means I'm getting back over $1,000 of the taxes I paid.
  • For reasons I don't understand, I've written off over $9,000 of my income. This means I'm getting back over $1,000 of the taxes I paid.
    Isn't it nice when you get a bunch of money back? The refund check on desk reads over $3600 because my previous employer apparently liked giving all my money to the government instead of me. Glad I don't work there anymore.
  • Summer job get. Minimum wage, but crazy flex hours.
  • My wisdom tooth is just about in with no impaction, and I knew what I was doing on my calc exam today! I might go buy myself dinner.
  • I just finished the last edit on Combat (working title). It's the follow up to my first novel, and I'm very proud of it. Available soon!
  • A girl from some other area of the company joined my coworkers and I on our charity bowling team. Her likes on the company's facebook copy are knitting, kendo, roleplaying, science fiction, video games, dungeons and dragons.
  • edited April 2010
    A girl from some other area of the company joined my coworkers and I on our charity bowling team. Her likes on the company's facebook copy are knitting, kendo, roleplaying, science fiction, video games, dungeons and dragons.
    hit it! Roll a critical hit!
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Her likes on the company's facebook copy are knitting, kendo, roleplaying, science fiction, video games, dungeons and dragons.
    I think you have a winner. Ask her out.
  • Stop thinking so much about it and next time you see her, ask her out.
  • Just drove my new E-Revo VXL for the first time. Hooooooooooooooooleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shitz! I can see why they put a "training mode" in that thing.
  • Stop thinking so much about it and next time you see her, ask her out.
    I my defense, I haven't met this girl, just facebook stalked her. :P
  • I my defense, I haven't met this girl, just facebook stalked her. :P
    Ok, well you know she exists, it's time you try to find ways to meet her.
  • I my defense, I haven't met this girl, just facebook stalked her. :P
    Well, get your ass bowling!

    Just stop overthinking. I know, I know, it's tough. Stop it anyway.

    Find out if she likes real beer. If she does, get her in your Saab, drive to Maryland, and take a tour of the Dogfish Head brewery together.
  • drive to Maryland,
    Delaware Pete, Dogfish Head is in Delaware.
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