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Booh yah!



  • "SCA appropriate"
    For everyone else, what that means is "as long as it doesn't ruin the atmosphere and is in the spirit of the SCA." So no classic rock, but it doesn't have to be traceable back to pre-1600 or in a style that was documentable from that time period.
  • sparkly
    Just an alternate word for "good". :P
  • I started writing a new novel today. I managed just over 2000 words. I hope to have it finished by the end of July, even though I have a dozen other projects on the go.
  • I started writing a new novel today. I managed just over 2000 words. I hope to have it finished by the end of July, even though I have a dozen other projects on the go.
    I did this over the weekend as well. Rewriting a previous story for like the tenth time (it never turns out how I want it to). Don't really have a goal as to when it'll be finished though.
  • Don't really have a goal as to when it'll be finished though.
    That'll be your problem.
  • Don't really have a goal as to when it'll be finished though.
    That'll be your problem.
    Yeah, I know. But it's just the nature of my "job" right now that the schedule changes all the time. I can't be like, "Well, I have this much time after work and this much time on the weekend" because I simply don't know if that will be the case.
  • I get to go to the doctor's today! Yay!
  • Insurance is nice, isn't it? Conrad is happy because he can finally get a checkup for the first time since he was 17.
  • I really need to get a checkup...but I'm so lazy.
  • I really need to get a checkup...but I'm so lazy.
    Yeah, didn't you have like high levels of cholesterol and blood pressure or something?
  • Yeah, and I've been watching what I eat and exercising more.
  • edited June 2010
    I really need to get a checkup...but I'm so lazy.
    Man, last time I went to the doctor was because I had bronchial pneumonia. So, I switched to menthol cigs, took my antibiotics regularly, and spent a lot of time in bed being utterly delusional. And still managed to do my radio show - that's right, Half the chatter on The Rundown came about because I was half a hair away from hallucinating, most of the time. The very first episode, I somehow thought/was halfway hallucinating I got an email from Kenshiro, and I read it aloud on air. It said "YATATATATATATA. You're already dead."

    The show notes I typed up on my typewriter during that time were SPECTACULARLY weird and surreal.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The show notes I typed up on my typewriter during that time were SPECTACULARLY weird and surreal.
    Post em!
  • Post em!
    No, because that means I'd have to dig through all of my stuff and find them, then retype them or find a way to scan them, and then post them. IF I didn't throw them out when I moved.
    I'll post them next I see them.
  • Damn. I was hoping you had a Word file with them. Oh well, it's all good.
  • Damn. I was hoping you had a Word file with them. Oh well, it's all good.
    If only it were that easy - for some reason, I typed them up on my old Imperial 300 Electric typewriter.
  • $400 extra in my tax refund due to the nice people at the IRS realizing I'd made a mistake and forgotten to add a credit I was eligible for.
  • $400 extra in my tax refund due to the nice people at the IRS realizing I'd made a mistake and forgotten to add a credit I was eligible for.
    Who said the IRS was a bad organization :-p
  • edited June 2010
    Yeah, turns out they're just doing their job. People just really hate paying taxes. Personally I like having roads.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I have gotten my mom to agree to watch the Princess and the Frog, now the challenge is getting her to actually have time to sit down and watch it.
  • edited June 2010
    My little cousin graduated yesterday as valedictorian of his school. He mentioned me various times during his speech as an inspiration. I have never felt such a strange mix of embarrassment and pride...

    Still, being valedictorian of a class of over one thousand is impressive, specially considering there were over 40 people with 4.0 unweighted GPAs.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • My podcast, the Greatest Events in Sporting History has been picked up by Simply Syndicated. We are rather happy about this.
  • I graduated from High School!!
  • I graduated from High School!!
    w00t! In just two short weeks, I will be joining you.
  • I graduated from High School!!
    Congralutions! Having done it just 2 days ago, it's awesome having no obligations.
  • Had a great get together with some friends at my place today, despite the planned BBQ being rained out. ^_^
  • Rode in a limo!!! Also, I graduated from high school today.
  • Rode in a limo!!! Also, I graduated from high school today.
    Congratulations man. How did your grades turn out?
  • No grade lower than an A- this semester. Still don't know about my rank though.
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